
汉语在全球范围内的广泛传播是一个不争的事实。随着中国国力的不断增强,学习汉语的人数与日俱增,除了文化的因素和国家汉语推广政策的驱动外,更大的推动力应该是商贸往来。因此,无论从学习价值的角度还是从语言传播的角度,商务汉语都必定为愈来愈多的学习者和教学者所关注,在这样的背景下,有关商务汉语教学的研究也必定成为汉语作为第二语言研究的重要课题。目前,商务汉语教学已经成为一个热门领域,国内外各类教学机构都相继开展了各种类型的商务汉语教学。但是,如果从现实的商务交际需要来审视和考量的话,无论在教材方面还是在教学法方面都还存在着很大的差距,未能很好地体现出商务汉语的专业性和强交际性。任务型教学(task—based language teaching, TBLT)是近20年来交际教学思想的一种发展形态,它遵循“做中学”的原则,让学生通过参与使用、感悟交际、互动体验课堂活动实现自我价值,这与商务汉语提高学习者在商务活动中的交际能力的教学目的相吻合。本研究主要从商务汉语教学的实际出发,在总结浅析浅析任务型教学理论的基础上将任务型教学法引入到商务汉语教学中,试图营造一个真实的商务氛围,拉近课堂教学情境与实际商务活动的距离,更好地培养学习者用汉语成功进行商务交际的能力。本文通过对商务汉语教学近况的调查与浅析浅析,以任务型教学法的基本理论为依据,针对商务汉语教学中存在的主要不足进行了积极的深思,并结合教学实践提出了在商务汉语教学中实施任务型教学相关的原则及其具体操作框架,进而通过教学实例,较为详细地展示出任务型教学法在商务汉语课堂教学中的实施过程,旨在为教学者提供有益的参考。本文共分四部分:第一部分为引言,总体上介绍了任务型语言教学的历史背景,回顾了国内外第二语言教学界有关任务型教学法的相关成果并作以评述;第二部分从商务汉语教学特点出发,通过问卷、访谈等策略对商务汉语教学近况进行调查与浅析浅析,找出商务汉语教学中存在的不足及其理由,进而论证在商务汉语教学中采用任务型教学法的可行性。第三部分针对商务汉语教学存在的不足,就如何在商务汉语教学中实施任务型教学法进行讨论。从任务设计、任务实施及任务评价总结三个层次提出了任务实施原则,并从实践的角度提出了切实可行的操作框架。最后一部分为任务型教学实例,将本课题的理论探讨付诸实践检验,以实现教学法研究的完整性和系统性。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com It is an indisputable fact that Chinese spreads fast in the global wide. With the fast growth of China’s economy, the number of people learning Chinese is increasing quickly, in addition to cultural factors and national policy drive to promote Chinese language, the greater promotion of Chinese language should be the business contacts between China and the other countries. Therefore, regardless of the value from the perspective of learning the language or the communication of language,business Chinese is necessary to be paid attention by more and more Chinese learners and teachers. In this context, the research related to business Chinese teaching inevitably becomes the second language of the important issues.Currently, business Chinese teaching has become a popular field, educational institutions in China and abroad he carried out various types of business Chinese teaching. However, from the view of realistic business needs and communication, either teaching materials or teaching methods both he still significant gaps on reflecting the professionali and the strong communication of business Chinese. Task-based teaching (task-based language teaching, TBLT) in the last 20 years, is a new developing form, follows the "learning by doing" principle, and realize students’self-value by participation,use, understanding communication and interactive classroom activities by themselves. This approach is consistent with the purpose of learning business Chinese.This study is based on the reality of business Chinese teaching, and brings task-based language teaching (TBLT) into business Chinese teaching, as well as attempt to create a real business atmosphere to be closer to actual business situations and classroom teaching activities so that business Chinese learners manage better communication skills. Based on the survey and analysis of business Chinese teaching and the basic theory-task-based language teaching (TBLT), this study revealed the existed problems in actual business Chinese teaching situation, ge the TBLT’s basic principles with the practical experience, and then showed the procedures of TBLT in business Chinese teaching classroom in details. It will be a very useful reference for language teaching field.This study is divided into four parts:the first is introduction. Generally describ the background of task-based language teaching and review of the relevant outcomes of task-based language teaching approach in domestic and international second language field. Through questionnaires, interviews and other methods of business Chinese teaching investigation and analysis of the current situation, the second part identifies the existed problems in actual business Chinese language teaching situation and the causes, and then demonstrate that the use of task-based language teaching approach in the business Chinese teaching process is feasible from the characteristics of business Chinese language teaching. The third part discusses how to apply the TBLT into business Chinese teaching process according to the existed problems in business Chinese teaching situation. From task design, task application, and task evaluation get the task basic principles, as well as get the feasible instruction of application by the view of practice. The last part shows the cases of task-based language, and connects the theory and practice in order to achieve the integrity and the systematicness of teaching approach.

【关键词】 对外汉语;任务型教学法;商务汉语教学;
【Key words】 Teach Chinese as a second language;task-based language teaching approach;business Chinese teaching;



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