
产权是决定一国经济增长效率的关键,对产权制度的革新和调整在世界各国受到了普遍重视。产权革新的推进离不开理论的指导,所以在构建我国现代产权制度的历史性任务中,对基本的产权理论做一些研究和探讨,具有重大的现实意义。产权的概念是产权理论的基础。所谓产权,就是与财产有关的一系列权利,它反映人们在经济活动中围绕财产所形成的一系列社会关系。我们可以从财产和权利两个概念来理解产权的涵义。财产是指一切有使用价值的产品和怎么写作,并且有明确的所有者。对财产的不同分类可以衍生出不同的产权:如物权、知识产权、债权、股权、期权等。对财产的权利包括占有权、使用权、处分权和收益权。所有权是指财产所有人依法对自己的财产享有的占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。终极处分权是所有权最本质的特点,非所有者对财产没有终极处分权。产权包括所有权和非所有者对财产的权利。收益权是所有制的核心内容,剩余价值的收益权归资本所有者占有就是私有制,归单个劳动者所有就是个人所有制,归联合劳动的所有劳动者共同按劳分配,就是共有制或者公有制。马克思的产权理论和西方现代产权理论有相同和不同的地方,并不是相互排斥而是可以相互补充的。超产权理论为我们从更广阔的背景研究产权理论提供了新的思路。回顾产权理论在我国的发展演变和应用,不难发现,我们对产权理论的认识存在以下不足:(1) 将公有制与社会主义性质必定地联系起来,并且认为全民公有制是社会主义所有制的最高级形式。实际上,社会性质与经济制度是没有关系的,马克思理论所指出社会主义所有制形式应该是共有制而不是我们所追求的公有制。(2) 混淆了个人所有制与私有制。私有制指的是剥削者(奴隶主、封建主、资本家等)凭借占有的生产资料驱使他人劳动,以剥削其剩余劳动;个人所有制则是劳动者(小商贩、小手工业者、自耕农等)依靠自己所有的生产资料来进行劳动。所以对国有经济的改造并不就是私有化,也并不就是走资本主义道路。(3) 将生产资料所有制的性质当作判断企业所有制性质的标准,实际上,只有以剩余价值的分配方式来划分企业的性质才是有意义的。(4) 将产权制度革新和市场机制建设对立起来,这是错误的。现代产权制度的建设离不开竞争、有效的市场机制,而市场机制的建设也必定要求现代化的产

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Property rights play a key role in determining a country’s economic growth efficiency. Countries all over the world he generally paid attention to the reform and adjustment of property rights system. The promotion of property rights reform is due to the guidance of the theory. So it has great realistic meanings to do some research and discussion on the basic theories in the historical task of constructing the modern property system of our country.The concept of property rights is the foundation of the theory. The so-called property right, is series of rights related to property. It reflects people’s social relationships about property in economic activities. We can understand the meaning of the property rights from these two concepts: property and right. Property refers to products and service that he use value and he clear owners. Different classification of the property can bring different property rights. For instance, substance rights, intellectual property rights, creditor’s rights, stock rights, option,etc. Right includes the right of occupying, usufruct, punishing and surplus value gaining. Ownership refers to the right of occupying, using, punishing and surplus value gaining that the property owner enjoyed to one’s own property in the law. Ultimate punishjing right is the essential characteristic of ownership. Property rights include ownership and other rights that are enjoyed by the non-owners. The right of surplus value gaining is the main character of property rights system. If the rights of surplus value gaining belong to capitalists, that means private system. If they belong to single labourer, that means individual-owned system. If they belong to all labourers, that means collectivity-owned or state-owned system.Marx’s property rights theory and Western modern property rights theory he both homology and difference. They do not repel each other but can be supplemented by each other. And Ultra property rights theory can broad the background and offer a new way to our study.On retrospect to the development of the theory in our country, it is easy to find that our understandings of the theory he the following problems: (l)We thought that state ownership is the basic character of sociali society. And we thought state ownership is the most advanced forms of sociali. In fact, a society’s character has nothing to do with the

【关键词】 产权理论;产权革新;现代产权制度;
【Key words】 Property rights theory;Property rights reform;Modern property rights system;



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