
失业是我国进入21世纪所面临的首要不足之一。它不仅与人民的生活紧密相关,而且关系到社会的稳定和经济的繁荣。在建国初期,我国实行的是“低工资、广就业”的就业制度,实现了失业率的最低水平,但这种最低水平的失业率却隐藏着相当大的隐性失业。在当时我们曾认为会消灭失业,并把失业现象纳入资本主义的范畴,认为社会主义不会有失业,失业是资本主义的专利,是和资本主义联系在一起的。但随着我国经济体制由计划经济向市场经济的转变,这部分隐性失业逐渐显性化,由此引发了一次又一次的失业高峰。失业不仅造成了人力资源的浪费,而且给我国的经济发展带来了负面影响,更加重了对社会稳定的威胁。失业不足已成为我国经济发展的头等大事,它的妥善解决是我国实现共同富裕的关键。造成失业的理由有很多,我国人口基数巨大使得劳动力供大于求的状况在一定时期内会长期存在,但近些年来失业日益严重却是和我国的各项革新有着紧密的联系。经济体制革新引发的失业、国有企业革新力度的加大所导致的下岗职工不断增加、技术水平的提高排斥了一部分劳动者就业等等,所有这些理由的后果都使得相当一些劳动者被迫离开工作岗位,失去了生活来源,从而加入到失业大军中来。解决失业不足除了要建立健全社会保障制度以外,实现失业人员的就业才是其根本所在。只有让失业人员重新走向工作岗位,才能从根本上解决他们的存活生活不足。为此,我们要大力发展第三产业和非公有制经济,保持适度的经济增长,大力发展能吸纳劳动力的中小企业,彻底转变劳动者的就业观念,对失业人员提供相关的教育和培训等;同时要完善社会保障制度尤其是失业保险制度,加强对劳动力市场的规范管理,切实保护进城务工农民的合法权益。 失业不足的解决并不是一墩而就的。我们只有脚踏实地地去发展经济,维护老百姓的切身利益,才能从根本上解决失业以及失业所带来的一系列影响。 论文共分为三章。第一章我国失业近况浅析浅析,主要包括三部分:失业的近况、失业的特点以及失业的影响。第二章浅析浅析了我国失业成因,包括:劳动力总量供大于求;经济体制革新引发的失业;技术水平的提高排斥了一部分劳动者就业;产业结构调整,劳动力密集型产业逐渐减少;国有企业革新力度加大,下岗职工不断增加;教育体制落后,大学生就业难不足日益显露等等。第三章以就业来推动失业不足的解决是本文的重点部分。它从浅析浅析我国目前的就业状况入手,得出要解决失业就必须实施积极的就业政策,比如要保持适度的经济增长、大力发展第三产业等等,最后强调要加强劳动就业的法治管理,这包括完善失业保险制度、加强劳动力市场建设以及切实保护农民工利益等。本论文主要采用了辩证研究法、比较研究法、理论与实践相结合的研究策略以及综合运用经济学、统计学、逻辑学的研究策略。论文的写作参考了许多国内外学者有关失业不足的研究成果,通过独立的深思和深入的研究,试图以更全面的角度去浅析浅析我国的失业不足,并根据我国的具体情况提出了一些减少失业的具体措施。关键词:失业,失业率,失业理由,就业

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Unemployment is one of chief problems that we are faced with in the 21st century. It is related with not only people life but also the social stability and the economic prosperity. The purpose of Reform and Open is to emancipate and develop the productive power and finally to realize good life for all. In the early time, "low wage and broad employment" was very popular with China, but the system had recessive unemployment. At that time we thought that we had eliminated unemployment and unemployment belonged to the capitali. But with the develop -ment of economy and society, this part of recessive unemploy -ment gradually appear. Unemployment has not only caused the waste of human resource, but has brought negative influence to the economic development of our country. Unemployment problem has become the major event of the economic development of our country.There are many reasons that cause unemployment. The first is the large population of our country, but in the recent years it results from economic reforms. Economic constitution reform and the state-owned enterprise reform and the incoming of automatic production equipment and so on lead to the largeunemployment.In order to solve unemployment problem, it is very important to make unemployment people he one job again. Therefore, we will develop the third industry and non-public economy and develop the medium and all businesses etc. At the same time, we promote social security system especially unemployment safe system and so on.The thesis is divided into 3 parts. The first called*the present unemployment situation analysis* includes the present situation of unemployment, the characteristic of unemployment as well as the influence of unemployment. The second part analyses the unemployment reasons. And the 3th part is the key part in the thesis. It offers the specific measures to solve the unemployment problem.This thesis has adopted many research ways and refered to a lot of research accomplishments of domestic and international scholars concerning the unemployment problem. The thesis will attempt to analyse the unemployment problem of our country from the whole angle and put forward some specific measures that reduce unemployment.

【关键词】 失业;失业率;失业理由;就业;
【Key words】 unemployment;unemployment rate;unempolyment reasons;employment;



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