

【Abstract】 It has been thirty years since the Property Management Industry was established in China. Although Property Management is identified as a sunrise industry with a prospective future, this industry is experiencing a difficult period of development facing all kinds of challenges and serious situations. Many subjective and objective facts lead to high pressures for Chinese Property Management Industry. Researches on the reality of Chinese Property Management Industry and its solutions are conducted in this paper.In this paper, reality of Chinese Property Management Industry development is analyzed, similarities between the same industry in international areas and Hong Kong District are compared, and problems, difficulties, and solutions of this industry are concluded. F Property Management Company is the sample case. With scientific approaches (Environmental Analytical Methods, Literature Review, Investigation Methodology, and SWOT), the following issues are discussed:How to adapt to the present environment with opportunities and challenges, and plan the best strategy; How to follow the development trend, overcome the difficulties, and remain invincible. Insufficiency of governmental regulation and professional supervision and related suggestions are illustrated.

【关键词】 物业管理;近况浅析浅析;对策研究;案例研究;
【Key words】 Property Management;Developmental Status Analysis;Countermeasures study;Case Study;



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浏览量:119835 点赞量:26252


浏览量:19972 点赞量:6397


【摘 要】文章从我国物业管理纠纷产生的理由出发,对物业管理相关法律理由进行剖析,提出解决我国物业管理纠纷的法律倡议和途径。【关键词。
浏览量:13243 点赞量:4786


[提要] 随着中原经济区建设战略的实施,中原城市群建设进入了快速发展阶段。作为城市建设重要组成部分的物业管理行业逐渐暴露出与中原城市。
浏览量:83348 点赞量:19253