
随着我国住房制度的革新,传统计划经济体制下的福利分房模式正逐步被住房货币化、商品化模式所取代,物业管理作为一种新型的公共怎么写作模式迅速发展起来。通过20多年的理论和实践探索,我国的物业管理获得了较大发展。管理规模与管理覆盖面逐年增加,管理水平不断提高,从业人数不断增加。物业管理在改善人民的生活工作环境、维护社区稳定、扩大就业、推动房地产市场良性发展方面正发挥着越来越重要的作用。由于我国的物业管理法律体系还十分不完善,政府职能部门不健全,一些深层次的不足逐步暴露出来。物业公司怎么写作质量差、物业费收取困难、业主与物业公司纠纷不断已成为一个突出的社会不足。它不仅制约物业管理行业健康成长,影响我国房地产市场良性发展,而且从一定程度上成了一种影响社区安定的主要因素。如何加强立法,对物业管理实行有效的监督和管理,已成为社会各界共同关心的不足。但是,由于物业管理是一个新型行业,无论是理论上,还是实践上,都还未找到一种适应我国国情的行之有效的行业管理策略和怎么写作模式。如何加强理论探索,推动国家完善立法,建立系统的物业管理学科体系,推动物业管理良性发展,是学术界需要尽快回答的不足。本文力图从调查武汉市住宅小区物业管理质量不足入手,全面而系统地浅析浅析我国物业管理存在的不足,旨在提出推动我国物业管理行业良性发展的对策。全文共分五个部分。第一部分,物业管理的基本理论阐释。主要介绍物业、物业管理的基本概念以及物业管理所包含的内容和作用。第二部分,我国物业管理的发展状况。主要论述我国物业管理发展过程和取得的成效。第三部分,我国物业管理存在的主要不足。主要浅析浅析我国物业管理存在的主要不足及其理由。第四部分,完善我国物业管理立法的构想。主要探讨我国物业管理立法应遵循的模式、应包含的基本原则和体系。第五部分,完善我国物业管理的对策探讨。从加强政府监管等七个方面探讨解决我国物业管理不足的对策。本文深入剖析我国物业管理存在的主要不足及其根源,在如何完善物业管/花巨人硕士学住论文wMASTER’S TlffiSIS理立法、如何加强政府监管职能、如何建立纠纷解决机制以及物业管理的职能定位方面提出了自己的独到见解。特别是提出政府建立专门的职能部门加强行业监管,在居民工资中增加物业费项目以及废除公共维修基金制度、引进财产保险制度等观点颇有创新之处。

【Abstract】 Accompany with the welfare housing system now being changed into the money housing system, as a new public management system, the estate management now develops rapidly. In the last 20 years, we he made much progress in study of theory and practice. The management scope has been enlarged, the management level has been improved, and there are more people come into this field and offer their service for others. The estate management is become more and more important in improving people’s life and work situation, maintaining social stability, increasing employment, and boosting the development of the real estate market.Because of lacking whole perfect law system, lacking special management department in our government, there are some problems occur gradually, for example, the service of estate management company is very bad, it is difficult for the estate management company to collect management fee, and there are so many dissensions between the estate owner and the estate management company. These problems not only block the development of estate management and real estate, but also do harm to the stability of our community. Now it has become a common problem in our society that how to perfect the law and how to supervise the estate management. Up to now, we could not find an effective method to solve these problems. It is an important question needed to be answered that how to perfect the theory, the law and the subject of the estate management to promote the development of the estate management.By studying the situation of estate management service in Wuhan, analysing the problem estate management thoroughly, finding a way to promote the development of estate management. The paper includes five major parts. The first part is about the basic theory of estate management. It includes the basic concept of real estate and estate management, the content and function of estate management. The second part is about the status quo of estate management in our country. It includes the developing process, and its main effective. The third part is about the main problems of estate management in our country. The major of this part is toanalyse the present problems and its causes. The fourth part is about how to perfect the law of estate management. The major of this part is to discuss the pattern, the basic principle of lawmaking. In the fifth part, the author gives some constructive suggestion about how to solve those problems.The author analyses the main problems of estate management and its causes thoroughly. And there are some original opinions in the paper, for example, how to perfect the law of estate management, how to reinforce the government supervise to estate management, how to establish a mechani to solve the dissensions, and basic theory of estate management. And there are some innovations in how to solve the problems, such as establishing the special department to reinforce supervision, increasing the special item of estate management in dwellers’ wage, and setting up the system of property insurance instead of the system of public maintaining fund.

【关键词】 中国;物业管理;不足;对策;研究;
【Key words】 China;estate management;problem;countermeasure;study;



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