
摘要:在英语学习中,词汇习得占有很重要的地位。语言学家M.Mc Carthy (1984)指出:“不管一个人的语法学得多好,不管他的语言多么漂亮,但是如果他没有足够的词汇来表达他的感情或理解对方的观点和想法,他就无法用这门语言和别人交流。”语音、词汇和语法是语言的三大要素,词汇是进行任何交流的基础。词汇量的大小,直接影响着一个外语学习者的外语水平。而词汇是中学生英语学习中较为薄弱的一环。国内外学者的探讨工作在词汇学习对策方面取得了很多成果,如学习对策可以分为四类:元认知对策、认知对策、记忆对策和社会情感对策(Schmitt,2002)。



    Chapter 1 Introduction8-11

    1.1 Significance of the Study8-9

    1.2 Purpose of the Study9

    1.3 The Overall Structure of the Thesis9-11

    Chapter 2 Literature Review11-32

    2.1 Language Learning Strategies11-18

    2.1.1 Definitions of Language Learning Strategies11-13

    2.1.2 Characteristics of Language Learning Strategies13-14

    2.1.3 Classifications of Language Learning Strategies14-18

    2.2 Vocabulary Learning Strategies18-32

    2.2.1 Factors Affecting Vocabulary Learning and Acquisition18-20

    2.2.2 Classifications of Vocabulary Learning Strategies20-26

    2.2.3 Vocabulary Learning Strategy Researches in China and Abroad26-32

    Chapter 3 Research Methodology32-36

    3.1 Research Questions32

    3.2 Subjects32

    3.3 Instruments32-34

    3.3.1 Questionnaire33-34

    3.3.2 Analysis of Data34

    3.3.3 Interview34

    3.4 Data Collection34-36

    Chapter 4 Results and Discussion36-46

    4.1 Results and Analyses of the Questionnaire36-42

    4.1.1 Description of the Collected Data36-38

    4.1.2 The Most Frequently Used Vocabulary Learning Strategies38-40

    4.1.3 The Least Frequently Used Vocabulary Learning Strategies40-42

    4.2Results and Analyses of the Interview42-43

    4.3 Discussion43-46

    4.3.1. Frequency of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Use43-44

    4.3.2 Factors Influencing Students’ Selecting and Using Vocabulary Learning Strategies44-46

    Chapter 5 Conclusion46-50

    5.1 Major Findings of this Study46-47

    5.2 Limitations of this Study47-48

    5.3 Suggestions of this Study48-49

    5.4 Imppcations of this Study49-50


    Appendix A 词汇学习对策调查问卷53-56

    Appendix B 作者攻读硕士学位期间发表论文及科研情况56-57




一、构词学习法 我们可以利用构词法,扩大词汇量。英语词汇量虽然庞大,但它本身却有其内在规律可寻,掌握基本的构词策略毕业论文,能很容易。
浏览量:81358 点赞量:18294


摘要: 本研究对非英语专业大一新生进行了为期10个星期的元认知对策毕业论文培训的教学实验。目的在于通过培训提高学生的元认知意识及元认。
浏览量:82537 点赞量:18739


浏览量:20352 点赞量:6480