

【Abstract】 Empathy has long been in Western aesthetics valued by researchers, it is an important aesthetic theory. While the West has empathy, but they are there huge differences between the Chinese ancient times, although no systematic tranerence of this theory put forward, but there are a lot of tranerence phenomena, through empathy with the Western theory of comparative Tranerence phenomena in ancient China, we can easily see the contents of the West empathy not only different, they are in reality the process there are significant differences. Empathy is the Western emphasis on self, embodied in a subjective ideali, and empathy in ancient China is the thing I focus on the mutual exchange and integration. This article on Chinese literature in the discussion of and research on tranerence was a general sort, from ancient China to see production from the tranerence to the phenomenon of tranerence, to the extensive use of empathy, and finally move theory of intelligence research process, summarized the empathy works in the four ancient Chinese forms, is the tranerence of Western theories were found in the course of a large number of ancient Chinese literature on the views of empathy with the West Empathy theory and tranerence phenomena in ancient China were compared, we find that generally are connected between them, but because of Chinese and Western cultural differences, resulting in between them there are inevitable differences, through the comparison we can a search for the root cause of their differences, so that we can effectively oid the cultural differences arising from cultural conflicts and eventually eliminate cross-cultural communication of the existence of obstacles to the different cultures and ethnic groups can be more good communication.

【关键词】 移情;中西比较;古典诗词;
【Key words】 empathy;the difference between Chinese and Western;classical poem;



内容提要 梅雨这一气象名词进入文学领域是在南北朝时期,而其成为一种文学意象是在唐代。在宋代,由于政治、经济、文化中心的南迁,有关梅。
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