
现代保险业伴随着人类已经走过了300多年的历史。保险业发展到今天,已与银行业和证券业等一道支撑着全球的金融体制。近年来,在全球500强企业中保险公司一直占据30—50席左右,显示了其强大的行业地位。个人寿险营销作为人寿保险销售最有效的策略,在全世界已经有超过100年的历史,寿险写作技巧人最高的荣誉组织MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table)早在1927年就已经成立了。中国大陆的寿险写作技巧人制度从1992年开始算起,至今已经有了18年的历史,除了中国人寿等10家公司的写作技巧人数量超过5万人外,大部分中小寿险公司的人力都不到1万人。能否建立起有效的写作技巧人队伍已经成为一家寿险公司能否持续稳健发展的制约性因素。本文以太平人寿个险复业八年来的成败得失经验为案例,系统浅析浅析中小寿险公司在目前的中国市场环境下的存活状况,进而探讨如何制定公司个人寿险的竞争战略。作者从个人寿险存在的价值和意义入手,基于寿险写作技巧人队伍对寿险公司长远发展的意义,进而提出寿险公司个险战略制定和实施的要点。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com The modern insurance business has already accompanied the human race for more than 300 years. The insurance business has been supporting the global financial system together with banking and securities business more and more. In recent years, the insurance company has been occupying about 30 to 50 seats in the FORTUNE 500 all the time, indicating its powerful industry status.Individual life insurance marketing is the most effective method as life insurance sale. In the world it has more than 100 years of history. MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table) was established in 1927 for the supreme honor of life insurance agent. The life insurance agent system in China mainland has a history of 18 years so far since its beginning in 1992. The sales of most all and medium life insurance company is less than 10,000 people, except the top 10 companies, such as China Life, which exceeds 50,000 people. How to build up effective agent team would become the key factor which will restrict life insurance company to development continuously.This report systematically analyses the living environment of all and medium life insurance company in current Chinese market environment, regarding the experience of success and failure, gain and loss over the past eight years of resume business of Taiping Life Insurance as the case. The author also discusses how to make the competitive strategy of individual life insurance company, starting with value and significance of the individual life insurance, the long-term development of life insurance company based on the agent team, and then put forward the main points of strategic development and implementation.

【关键词】 个人寿险营销;寿险写作技巧人;竞争战略;
【Key words】 Individual life insurance marketing;Life insurance agent;Competitive strategy;



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