
20世纪70、80年代以来,美国职工股份所有制(Employee Stock Ownership Plan ,简称ESOP)经济得到广泛发展,对美国的资本占有形式及社会经济产生了深刻的影响。职工股份所有制经济主要有四种类型,分别是:已运用杠杆型的ESOP、可运用杠杆型的ESOP、非杠杆型的ESOP和可税收减免的ESOP。其运行机制是企业通过奖励或者职工贷款购写的形式让职工持有本企业股票。职工股票由职工信托投资基金会统一管理,代表职工集体作为大股东之一参与企业管理。职工股份所有制的产权关系主要表现为以下三个方面:1、财产产权的基本模型:内容上个人财产所有权+形式上集体财产所有权+职工集体的支配权+职工个人收益权;2、经营权模式:一股一票为基础的集体经营权;3、分配模式:工资+股利职工股份所有制是资本所有制关系扬弃的重要形式;它的出现打破了单一的生产资料资本主义私人占有制,使美国出现了资本占有社会化的形式;体现了资本主义企业管理制度的创新;企业剩余索取权的实现表明资本主义企业利润由资本家独享向股东、经营者和职工分享的局面转变;它是资本主义社会中产生的具有过渡性质和集体经济性质的新社会因素。在我国经济转型过程中,生产资料所有制在具体的历史条件下表现为“无数色层”,经济关系存在过渡性的形式。本文在中美职工股份所有制比较的基础上,发现我国职工持股计划存在的不足,并用发展的观点探讨适合我国现阶段职工持股计划发展的总体思路和运行条件。职工持股计划在我国经济发展的不同时期和不同区域表现为不同的特点,对经济的发展具有不同的适用性;在新的形式下,如何引导股份制企业内部持股计划和股份合作制朝着适合我国经济发展的客观事实而发展就成为要继续研究的课题。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com The American employee stock ownership plan (for short ESOP) economy has widespread development since the 70’s, 80’s of 20th century, and products profound influence to the capital appropriation form and social economy of the USAESOP economy mainly has four kinds of types, including: already levered ESOP, can levered ESOP, non-levered ESOP and revenue-derated ESOP. Its circulated mechani is that corporations allow employee to he there stocks by encouragement or purchase through loan. Employee Stock Association is in charge of Employee stocks collectively, and participates in corporation management representing employee collectivity as one of large stockholders.The employee stock ownership plan property right relations mainly displays following three aspects:First, property right basic pattern: personal property rights in content + collective property rights in form + employee collective right to control + employee individual usufruct;Second, the operating right pattern: collective management power at the foundation of one employee one ticket;Third, the assignment pattern: Wages+ dividendThe employee stock ownership plan is the important form which is one capital system of ownership relations of developing the useful and discard the useless; Its appearance breaks the sole producer goods capitali personal to hold the system, and socialized form in capital possession appears in the United States; Its appearance manifests the capitalist enterprise institutional innovation; The enterprise surplus power realization indicates tranormation of capitalist enterprise profits from the capitalist monopolization to dividend to stockholder, manager and employee; It is new social factor producing in the capitalist society which has the transition and collective economy nature.In our economy reforming process, the ownership of production appropriation presents "the innumerable colors level" under the concrete historical condition, and economical relations existence transition forms. At the foundation of the ESOP comparison between in China and America in the foundation, the paper analyzes our country ESOP existent the questions, and discusses ESOP’s movement conditions in our country with the development viewpoint. ESOP in our country economy development presents different characteristics in different time and different region, and has the different compatibility to the economical development. The paper mainly discusses the serviceable generic condition and basic stipulation, and concrete moving conditions are the question which is studied continually. Under the new circumstance, how guides the interior ESOP and the stock cooperation system to suit our country economy development is the new task to study continually.

【关键词】 职工股份所有制;分享经济理论;社会主义因素;动态适用性;
【Key words】 Employee Stock Ownership Plan;The Share Economy Theory;New Social factor;Dynamic Serviceability;



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