
生活在20世纪末21世纪初的人们,每天都会感受到一股强劲洪流的冲击,这股洪流就是经济全球化。很久以前,虽然马克思和恩格斯没有使用过经济全球化这一概念,但他们在对与全球化密切相关的资本主义、商品经济、对外贸易、世界市场及资本输出等精辟论述和浅析浅析中,却己渗透着经济必定走向全球化的思想。全球化这个概念最早是由美国经济学家提奥多尔 拉维特1985年在他的《市场全球化》一文中提出的。当时他是用这个词来形容前20年间国际经济的巨大变化的。究竟什么是经济全球化?在国内外学术界里至今还是众说纷纭。笔者认为,所谓经济全球化,就是指人类经济活动突破国家、民族界限,各国经济逐渐融为一体的历史过程。全球化与国际化、一体化是既有联系又有区别的三个不同的概念。当今,经济全球化的突出表现是:跨国公司迅速发展,国际投资规模猛增;贸易额扩大,怎么写作贸易领域拓宽;电子商务正在转变着传统的经济活动;中国“入世”极大地推动了国际间贸易,为世界各国工商界提供了更加广阔的发展空间。经济全球化给广大的发展中国家带来了什么呢?有人说,这股潮流为发展中国家带来了千载难逢的历史机遇,也有人说这是发展中国家的陷阱,的人认为,是机遇与挑战并存。我们同意后一观点,但机遇和挑战并非是等同的,机遇是主流,挑战是支流;机遇可以利用,挑战可以应付。融入经济全球化进程中,与国际市场接轨,这是大势所趋。中国必须认清这一形势。这对于推进国内革新进程,增强经济整体素质和竞争实力,提高我国在国际分工中的地位,并分得的利益意义重大。经济全球化给中国经济带来的消极影响也是不可轻视的:如我国的制度安全面临挑战,经济的可控性受到削弱,国内市场环境恶化等等。总之,在经济全球化的洪流中,中国人民和政府,只要借鉴其它国家成功的经验和失败的教训,根据自己国家的实际情况,扬长避短,趋利避害,就一定能够在经济全球化大潮中发挥后发优势,实现赶超,进入经济发达国家的行列。本文共分四个部分:第一部分论述了经济全球化是目前世界经济发展的大趋势;第二部分浅析浅析了经济全球化对不同类型国家产生的积极作用:第三部分浅析浅析了经济全球化给发展中国家带来的负面影响;第四部分面对经济全球化,我国应采取的战略选择分六个方面进行了探讨。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Living between late 20th century and early 21th century, everyday people are always affected by a strong torrential tide that is economical globalization. Long time ago, although Max and Angles didn’t use the conception of economical globalization, their brilliant exposition and incisive analysis of capitali, commercial economy, foreign trade, international market and capital export closely related to globalization showed the ideas that economy will surely go to globalization. The concept of globalization was first proposed by the American Economist Theodore Rid in his 玀arket Globalization?in 1985, when he used the expression to describe the great changes of the international economy in the previous 20 years. Whatever is the economical globalization after all? Up to now, there are many contradictory definitions to this question in the academic circles both overseas and domestic. In my opinion, the so-called economical globalization is a historical process in which human economical activity has broken through the boundaries of state and nationality, and the economies of all countries he gradually merged into one body. Globalization, internationalization and integration are three different concepts that he both links and differences. At present, the marked expression of economical globalization is: the multinational corporations are developing rapidly, and the international investment is increased drastically; the trading volume is enlarged, and the fields of service trade are extended; the electronic commerce is changing the traditional economical activity; China’s entry into the WTO has extremely put forward international trade, and provided the industrial and commercial sectors of all the countries in the world with more space to develop.What has been brought to the vast developing countries by economical globalization? Some people say the torrential tide has brought the developing countries an excellent chance of history, others say the torrential tide is a trap to the developing countries. While more people think it as a combination of chance and challenge. We agree with the latter view. However, challenge and chance are not equivalent. Chance is the main stream, while challenge is the branch stream; we can take advantage of chance, and cope with challenge.It is an inevitable trend that our economy shall merge into the globalization process and the international market. China must fully be aware of the situation. This point is very important for putting forward the domestic reform, reinforcing the overall economical quality and competitive strength, enhancing the position of China in the international division and getting more interests. We can not disregard the negative influence on China’s economy of economical globalization: our system security is facing challenge, the controllable economy is undermined, the domestic market environment is deteriorated, etc. In a word, amid the torrential tide of economical globalization, China can surely make full use of its potentialities and enter the list of the developed countries in economy, as long as Chinese people and government learn from the succesul experience and abortive teachings of other countries, and fully exploit our forable conditions and oid unforable conditions, approach interests and ert losses according to our practical situations.The article is composed of four units: Unit 1 elucidates that economical globalization is the general tendency of the current international economical development. Unit 2 analyzes the positive effects on the different countries of economical globalization. Unit 3 analyzes the negative effects on the developing countries of economical globalization. Unit 4 probes the strategic options China should take in six parts whilefacing economical globalization.

【关键词】 经济全球化;战略选择;马克思和恩格斯;经济整体素质;与国际市场接轨;融入经济全球化;不同类型国家;机遇与挑战并存;发展中;人类经济活动;



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