
2008年,由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机使我们再次认识到一个国家和地区的经济不可能永远持续繁荣下去,纵观世界各国的经济发展史,各个国家的经济增长总是呈现出扩张和收缩交替的波动性特点。国内学者在对中国经济周期计量策略的研究上很少考虑经济周期中存在的持续期依赖特点,国外学者已经证实,持续期依赖特点是经济周期中比较重要的经验特点之一。简单地说,持续期依赖是指某事件在一种状态的终止概率依赖于在该状态的已持续时间,对经济运行而言就是指经济周期扩张或收缩区制的退出概率依赖于在该区制的持续时间,我们知道,就一个国家或地区而言,一个经济周期波动从来不会也决不会永远持续下去,因而一个显而易见的不足就是,随着持续时间的增加,整个周期或某个阶段的终止概率是否会发生变化?具体细分为:正的持续期依赖意味着,经济周期从该区制退出的概率会随着其持续时间的增加而增加;负的持续期依赖指某一经济周期区制会倾向于长久地持续下去。本文扩展Hamilton提出的Markov区制转换模型,将经济周期波动的持续期依赖特点纳入到模型中来,由此形成具有持续期依赖特点的马尔科夫区制转换向量自回归模型(Duration dependent Markov-switching VAR model,简记做DDMS-VAR模型),利用1980年1月至2010年5月的四大宏观一致指标月度数据,采用贝叶斯Gibbs抽样算法估计模型参数,通过对比浅析浅析对我国经济周期波动中是否存在持续期依赖不足进行实证研究,实证结果表明:革新开放以来,我国经济周期呈现出明显的“适度增长”和“高速增长”两个区制,其中经济适度增长区制有10个,平均持续期为14.88个月,在该区制经济周期表现出不明显的正持续期依赖特点;经济高速增长区制有11个,平均持续期为20.08个月,在该区制经济周期有较明显的正持续期依赖特点,经济在高速增长区制持续60个月后,转为低速增长的概率达到了0.75。该经验特点的发现对我国政府出台相关宏观经济调控政策,保持经济持续、稳定、高速发展具有重要的现实意义,主要体现在政府对反周期波动操作的调控政策中,政府可以在出台政策的时间上做出更为准确的判断,由于存在政策效应的时滞,如何更好的确定政策出台的时间显得尤为重要,考虑到不同区制经济具有不同的持续期依赖特点,政府在出台政策的力度上应有所区别,在经济处于低速增长区制时,政策力度应强些,经济处于高速增长区制时,政策力度相对弱些,以此均衡经济发展态势,保持社会和谐发展。文章的创新之处主要有二:(1)本文扩展国际上比较流行的Markov区制转换向量自回归模型,借以研究中国经济周期波动中的持续期依赖特点,并运用贝叶斯Gibbs抽样算法估计模型参数,一定程度上拟补了我国宏观月度数据相对较少的不足,且可充分利用样本信息和模型参数先验信息,以此保证估计量有更小的方差,得到更精确的预测结果。(2)本文不单单对中国经济的持续期依赖给予实证研究,还通过对模型的比较浅析浅析,进而发现当不考虑持续期依赖特点和考虑持续期依赖特点时,模型参数和区制性质的所发生的变化,以便更为准确的发现持续期依赖对中国经济周期波动的影响。

【Abstract】 In 2008, the global financial crisis triggered by US subprime mortgage let us realize again that the economy of a country or region will never keep booming forever. Look at the history of economic development of countries in the world, each country’s economic growth has always presented alternating volatility characteristics of expansion and contraction.Scholars in China take little account of the duration dependence characteristics in the economic cycle, whereas, foreign scholars he confirmed that the duration dependence characteristics is one of the important experience features in business cycle. In short, duration dependence is defined as follows; the termination probability staying one state of an event depends its elapsed time. As for economic activity, the termination probability of an expansion regime or contraction regime depends the age of the current state. As we all known, an economic cycle fluctuation never and will never last forever. So an obvious question is that whether the termination probability of a regime or the whole economic cycle will change as the time goes by. Specifically speaking, positive duration dependence means that the longer the economy remained in one state, the more likely it was to change to the other; negative duration dependence represents that an economic cycle state will tend to last forever.In this paper, we extend Markov-switching model by Hamilton and put the duration dependence characteristic of the economic cycle fluctuations into the model, thus forming Duration dependence Markov-switching VAR model (from now on DDMS-VAR). By using the macro-monthly data of the four coincident indicators from January 1980 to May 2010 and Bayesian Gibbs sampling algorithm to estimate the model parameters, we confirm whether China business cycle existing duration dependence through comparative analysis. Since the reform and opening up, the empirical evidence shows that, the results support the hypothesis of two regimes in Chinese economy:i.e. "low growth regime" and "high growth regime". There are 10 low growth regime intervals and the erage duration was 14.88 months. The economic cycle fluctuation shows unobvious positive duration dependence characteristic. Otherwise, there are 11 high growth regime intervals and the erage duration was 20.08 months. Evidence is presented suggesting that high growth regime exists significant positive duration dependence and the transition probability close to 0.75 when the economy remained in high growth regime for 60 months.It is significant to find this experience feature for our government in issuing some macro-economic control policies and maintaining economy development with sustained, stable and high-speed. It is mainly reflected in the counter-cycle policies and the authority could make more accurate judgments in issuing policies time. It is very important to decide the time of policy implementation considering the time delay effect of policy. Given that it has different duration dependence characteristic in different regimes, the government issued the policies in force should be distinguished. We need take stronger policy force in low-speed growth regime and weaker policy force respectively in high-speed growth regime. So we can balance economic development and maintain social progress harmoniously.This paper has two main innovations:(1) we extend the popular Markov-switching VAR model to research the duration dependence characteristics in china business cycle fluctuation and estimate the model parameters with Bayesian Gibbs sampling algorithm. To some extend, this method can help improve the shortage of lacking macro-monthly data in China. What’s more, we can make full use of sample information and prior information of model parameters to assure less variance of estimators and get more precise predictions. (2) We not only give an Empirical Investigation to the duration dependence characteristics in China economic cycle but also find the changes of parameters and regime characteristics by comparative analysis when considering or not considering the duration dependence characteristics, thus we can find out accurately the influence of the duration dependence characteristics to the business cycle fluctuation in China.

【关键词】 经济周期;持续期依赖;Markov向量自回归;Gibbs抽样;
【Key words】 Business cycle;Duration dependence;Markov-Switching Model;Gibbs sampler;



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