
本文用五个章节对一汽-大众汽车备件物流进行了描述,以现代物流理论为基础创建物流模式。论述采用有限的第三方物流管理的意义,通过实践的验证是可行的。内容包括如何通过SAP R/3信息系统对物流层面操作的制约;绩效考核对物流效率进行评价的意义;通过对历史数据的统计,市场需求预测来规划物流。在物流设计时充分考虑等级怎么写作标准的要求,尽可能将物流业务指标、怎么写作标准进行量化,为实施程序化管理奠定基础。其目的在于提高物流体系内部机制的有效性。未来的物流是以市场为导向的怎么写作响应式物流,怎么写作创造需求。通过怎么写作式物流为企业创造的利润。以西蒙为代表的顾客研究学派的结果表明现代物流活动对于创造需求具有相当大的作用。显然营销战略组合中的4P(product,price, place, promotion)必须与物流再结合,其中place需要与物流进行有机的结合,以适当的成本,恰当的怎么写作,准确的时间提供用户期望的怎么写作。汽车备件物流作为售后怎么写作的重要组成部分,各汽车厂家纷纷建立了专用的备件供应体系。由于受到我国物流水平低的制约,管理模式与物流技术的应用也有很大的差别。模式不同导致其结果在成本、效率、怎么写作方面存在差异。为改善近况,行业内都在探讨既符合本企业实际状况又适应未来发展的需要的汽车备件物流模式。一汽-大众备件物流水平与世界先进汽车厂家的物流水平还有相当差距,在物流一体化的发展上还有许多基础工作需要完善。从管理上要运用供应链理论进行调整、整合。从怎么写作营销的角度要将配送中心网络布局设计合理、提高物流管理的标准化程度。经过十年的发展,一汽-大众备件物流已经具有相当规模的基础,在汽车市场竞争日益激烈,竞争的焦点由营销向售后怎么写作。备件物流必须提高效率,加强快速反应的能力;在满足一定怎么写作水平的前提下,降低备件运做成本,提高获利能力是一汽-大众备件物流未来改善和发展的方向。物流体系的竟争是全方位的竟争,研究物流必须保证构成物流的各环节协调发展。保证整体效益最佳。我们在构建一汽-大众备件物流模式时,从物流的四大组成部分:即可物流管理系统、物流信息系统、物流技术、绩效考核入手,同时根据企业的实际情况有所创新和突破。可以说一汽-大众备件物流在管理模式、信息系统、物流技术、绩效考核方面具有独特特点。物流作为一门学科经过几十年的发展,积累了丰富的实践经验,并在实践的基础上构建了相当完善的理论。这些理论对实践具有巨大的指导意义,根据一汽-大众备件物流的实际情况,采用具有特色的物流管理模式,即制约核心业务,部分业务外包。信息系统是物流的神经,一汽-大众在备件系统采用SAP R3系统保证了供应商、中转库、经销商三个层面的信息适时传递,是提高物流效率的关键。实现物流标准化、提高物流技术是物流向规模花、专业化发展的必定阶段。一汽-大众采用的货架仓储系统、拣件识别系统、标准化系统是物流技术的核心。备件物流绩效考核是对物流体系效率的检验,通过对绩效考核的浅析浅析不断完善现有模式。提高整个体系的怎么写作水平。通过怎么写作扩大市场份额,为企业实现最大的利润。20世纪50年代以后,国外对物流的研究在理论与实践方面都得到了快速发展。理论界和企业界都认识到伴随着经济的高速发展和大量生产,大量销售时代的到来,物流将成为企业进一步发展的制约因素。汽车备件物流作为售后怎么写作的重要组成部分,各汽车厂家纷纷建立了专用的备件供应体系。因而,备件物流在未来不仅是企业利润的增长点,而且是汽车厂家提高品牌知名度,用户满意度,客户忠诚度的有力保障。由于受到我国物流水平低的制约,管理模式与物流技术的应用也有很大的差别。模式不同导致其结果在成本、效率、怎么写作方面存在差异。为改善近况,汽车行业都在探讨既符合本企业实际状况又适应未来发展需要的汽车备件物流模式。构建一汽-大众物流模式是运用现代物流理念,将传统的物流硕士论文网素纳入现代物流体系中。同时将汽车备件物流的怎么写作标准做为构建物流体系的重要条件。解决高成本、低怎么写作的物流不足。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com The automobile spare parts logistics of Faw-volkswagen is described in five chapter of thesis. Creating a special model of logistics based on the theory of modern logistics. DiscussingThe significance of taking limit third logistics. The result of practice approve its ailable. The content include how to control operation in three class logistics; the appraise of performance and its effect. Plan the scale of logistics according marketing forcast that be analyzed through datas. Creating the foundation in order to execute the program management. the aim is improve the effectiveThinkingover the demand of service standard when design the parameter of logtistics. Creating the foundation in order to execute the program management. the aim is improve the effectiveThe logistics of the future is service and response that be guided by marketing. service bring needs and earn more profit through service of logistics. The result of customer study school which Mr.Siemen is the representivemake clear that modern logistics can promote rather demand. Obviously, The four ‘p’must combine with logistics. with just cost, just service to supply service customers desired. Spare parts logistics is one of service after sales. Each Automobile establish own supply system of spare parts the be subject to the lower logistics of our country. model of management and the apply of logistics technology is different each other. It result from the different in cost, effective, service. In order to improve present situation, people in automobile field try to probe an model that not only fit to own enterprise, but also meet the demand of developing in spare parts logistics.There are rather distance between the level of logistics of FAW-Volkswagen and it of advanced country. Many basis need to be improve, It is necessary to adjust and integrate by applying supply chain theory. The distribution of spare parts depots should be reasonable an enhance the standard of management according service requirementThe logistics of spare parts he done well since tens years. The competition of auto marketing get stronger, the competition of logistics focus on service, and it must be improved its effective to enforce the response ability. It is a direction to reducing operation cost and getting benefit capability. the competition of logistic system will be full field. Each composition should be kept to coordinate well in order tomaximize profits.The spare parts of logistics consist of four system: management, information, logistic tools, performance. We made some breakthrough and creation according concrete condition. The logistic of FAW-Volkswagen he own special modelAfter undergoing numbers of years. we he many experience and establish rather theory from practice. that he guide function for operation. Controlling the key business, other business forward third logistic. Information is the nerve of logistics. What the information traner well in three class logistic by the SAP R/3 system, supplier, depot and dealer is the key to enhance the effective. Enlargescale and specialize is the trendy by standardizing and using high logistics technology. the logistic technology include the rack-reserve, parts-picking, standard series. We can how is the logistics effective performance check. Enhance service level byanalyzing and improve model. Realizing maximum profit.Since 50th year of 20th century, the theory and practice research of logistics get a rapid develop in advanced country. people of theory and entrepreneur circles he realize that logistics will become a key limit factor of developing as the ages is coming of bulk production and sales.The logistic of spare parts is one component of service after sales. Enterprise has own separate logistics system. More and more profit point come from spare parts logistic in future also support the car brand effect, satiactory degree, the loyalty degree. In subject to the level of logistics, The model of logistics and technology are diversity. It result fromexisti

【关键词】 物流;备件;绩效考核;



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