

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com This thesis gives an overview of German functionalist translation theory as well as the relationship between this theory and practical writing translation. The author systematically interprets the four phases of German functionalist translation theory, and then expounds the advantages and disadvantages of each component. This thesis provides a concise research on the theoretical achievements concludes the existing problems and proves some translation strategies of practical writing, such as literal translation, modeling translation, borrowing translation and so on.According to the past research, although Nida’s functional equivalence translation theory is powerful in explaining translation and widely adopted in China’s translation research field, it still has some limitations for the characteristics of practical writing translation. Based on functionalist translation theory, translation is a purposeful action. Meanwhile, the translation of practical writing is also an activity with a specific purpose. In translation, the translator should combine the communicative purpose with certain translation theory on the basis of the requirements to create an authentic translation.According to functionalist translation theory, in the process of practical writing translation, the translator should fully consider translation purpose, text type, language specification and other factors, and then adopt appropriate translation strategies. On the basis of the review of functionalist translation theory and the analysis of linguistic features of practical writing, this thesis aims to demonstrate some types of effective translation methods through several commonly used practical writings, such as advertisement translation, public sign translation, official documentation translation and tourist information translation. It argues that the special significance of functionalist translation theory in practical translation and hopes to make a contribution to the translation studies.

【关键词】 应用文翻译;功能主义理论;目的论;翻译对策;
【Key words】 translation of practical writing;functional translation theory;skopos theory;translation strategy;



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摘 要:作为文学翻译的一种形式,戏剧翻译因其双重性给翻译活动造成了诸多困难。本文以莫里哀喜剧《吝啬鬼》的两个译本为例,介绍在德国功。
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