
在我国加入WTO后,漆包线的大量需求使得我国漆包线生产业务蓬勃发展。作为传统行业,其产值、利税和提供的大量就业岗位对经济发展仍有较大支持作用。但是漆包线生产过程中,存在电能消耗高,油漆挥发出的有机溶剂造成空气污染等现象。作为漆包线业务的上游行业,漆包机设备的在节能环保方面的科技创新以及技术革新的投入力度,将直接影响着下游漆包线生产能耗状况和单位产能对环境造成的污染程度。面对能源日趋紧张以及生态环境不断受到污染的局面,国家适时下达政策和鼓励措施,积极引导高能耗高污染行业向节能环保方向转变。在认真总结漆包线现场生产经验和烘炉改造实践摸索后,运行过程中耗能高、污染重的漆包机机械结构近几年得到了极大的优化改善。但与之配备的,作为漆包机电工设备制约核心的电气制约系统的却没有及时跟进,依旧普遍的采用结构简单、维护方便的常规仪表和继电器组合制约方式,此种分立式电气制约方式制约精度低不仅成为漆包机设备节能环保效果的进一步提升的制约因素,而且不能提供满意的漆包线生产工艺硬性指标。同时,由于它未提供信息交互接口,使得企业管理与生产现场信息隔绝,造成上层管理人员不能实时监控设备状态和生产结果,一线操作人员未能及时执行生产指令并反馈生产信息的局面。因此,设计一种制约稳定精确的、对能耗环保有积极贡献的、方便现代化企业管理的、新型的电气制约系统,具有重大的经济价值和应用前景。本文在探讨和对比了漆包机设备制约系统的国内外研究,浅析浅析漆包机电气制约系统的实际应用需求后,提出了一种基于单板机制约的新型漆包机制约设计方案。在现场运行监控方面,将6个监测点温度、40个收线状态、7个电机速度、1个电能计量信息以模块的方式,遵循MODBUS RTU协议和DLT645-1997等标准协议,对模块进行数据集中采集或者运行制约,该方式可保证采集数据的实时性和准确性,同时本设计实现了联动制约,当某监测点出现异常,根据设备运行机理,将会有产生连锁反应,或者制约相关电机速度,或者阀门开启度,使监测点状态更加迅速和有效的得到恢复。在温度制约方面,本设计摒弃了过去传统式PID制约方式,而采用鲁棒性、制约精准性、抗干扰能力更高的模糊PID制约方式,使得监测点温度制约得到极大改善。在企业远程管理方面,本系统将主制约器配置成简单的WEB怎么写作器,采用在网络中被大量应用的浏览器/怎么写作器(B/S)的程序设计模式,将现场数据嵌入到网页中传递给远程用户,在实现数据实时监控的同时节约大量的资源。在系统抗干扰能力方面,本系统从硬件、软件两个方面做了防护工作,确保系统运行时外界干扰和内部干扰影响降低到最小。本设计的系统已经安装在漆包机设备上,从系统现场稳定运行1个月的效果来看,电能消耗较之前同类规格的漆包线的单位时间内节省5%,监测点温度波动将温度波动范围从±10℃缩小为±3℃,基本上到达了设计目标。从现场操作人员反应,系统丰富友好的人机界面,使操作更简单。同时由于系统具有联动制约,解放了操作员工时不时盯着设备仪表和烘炉出口的观察工作,使他们有时间精力专注于工艺。因此总的来说,本系统有足够的能力在现场环境下稳定运行,并且在满足了漆包线工艺制约需求的同时达到了降低能耗效果。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com After China entrying the WTO, in great demand of enameled wire makes our enameled wire production business expansion. As a traditional industry, it is still playing a larger support role for economic development because of its value, the large profits and providing a large number of jobs.But in production process of enameled wire, it consumes a lot of electric energy, organic solvent volatilized from paint cause air pollution. As upstream industries of enameled wire business, technology innovation and technological innovation investment in energy conservation and environmental protection of enamelling machine will directly affect the downstream enamel-insulated wire production situation and degree of environment pollution caused by unit of energy production. Facing the increasingly nervous energy and the unceasingly pollution of ecological environment, National policies and encourage measures issued timely, and actively guide energy-intensive industry to energy conservation and environmental protection high pollution. In summing up experience of enameled wire production and after reforming practice of oven, in recent years, enamelling machine, whose operation process cause high pollution and consume a lot of energy,its structure has been greatly improved. But the equipped with, the electrical control system,as the control core of enamelling machine is not timely follow-up, is still widespread adoption of routine instrument and relay control mode with simple structure, convenient maintenance, such separated electrical control mode with low precision of controlling not only become the restriction factor of enamelling machine further improvement of energy conservation and environmental protection, but also it cannot provide satiactory mandatory index of enameled wire production.Meanwhile, because it does not provide information interaction interface, it makes the enterprise management isolated from production site information, which cause the upper management cannot monitor status of equipment and production results real-time, a operator cannot timely implement production instruction and feedback production information situation. Therefore, design a new kind of control system which controls accurately, he positive contributions to energy consumption and environmental protection, convenient to management of modern enterprise, it will he great economic value and application prospect. This paper discusses and compares the control system of enamelling machine, the domestic and foreign research on electric control system, proposes a new kind of design about electric control system based on a single board computer after analyzing actual application requirements of enamelling machine.In the aspects of the real time monitor and superior, it will collects datas of 6 monitoring temperature,40 spooler state,7 motor speed,1 electricity measurement information, follow the MODBUS RTU protocol and DLT645-1997 standards agreement,it makes operation control and acquisition concentrated, the method can guarantee collection of data real-time and accuracy, meanwhile, this design realizes the linkage control, according to the mechani of equipment operation,when one of points appears unusual,, there will be a chain reaction, or controls related motor speed, or opens valve, make the monitoring state restored more rapidly and effectively.Method of temperature control, this design gives up the traditional PID control,and adopts fuzzy PID control mode which is more robustness, more precisely, higher anti-jamming, makes monitoring temperature control improved greatly. Remote management in enterprise, the main controller in this system is configured to a simple WEB server, using design patterns of browser/server (B/S) program which is in common usage in the network, it will traner web pages which embeds datas of field to remote users,it realizes data real-time monitoring, while sing a lot of resources. On the aspect of anti-interference ability, propose protective ways in two aspect of hardware and software, ensure system run statable and minimizes effect of interference and internal disturbance.The design of the system has been installed in a enamelling machine, it has been operated stablely for one month.Compared with production of the same specification enameled wire, power consumption reduce 5% per unit time than before. Monitoring temperature fluctuations range reduce from±10℃to±3℃, basically reached the design goal. According to the reaction of operators, the system has a good human-machine interface, which makes the operation more easily. Because the system has the function of linkage control, it liberated operation staff occasionally from staring at equipment instrument and export of oven, make them focus on technology with more time and effort.Overall, this system he enough ability of running steadily in the field, and meet the demand of the enameled wire production while reducing energy consumption.

【关键词】 漆包机;Rabbit;模糊PID制约器;WEB怎么写作器;
【Key words】 Enamelling machine;Rabbit 3000;Fuzzy PID controller;WEB Server;



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