
我国是个水资源分布严重不均而且洪水灾害多发的国家。水文信息是水利部门预报水情和做出决策的重要依据,所以水文信息准确与及时的测报工作就具有了重大的意义。随着科技的飞速发展,传统的水文信息采集技术已不能满足当今水利管理的需要。水文自动测报系统就是为了解决水文信息的自动化采集、处理而建设的工程,其是一个由无线传感器网络技术、RTU技术、计算机网络技术、数据库技术等构成的测报系统。无线传感器网络是水文自动测报系统中的一个重要组成部分,负责如雨量、水位、温度等水文信息的采集、汇聚和上报工作,是整个系统的基础。其正是解决传统的水文信息采集技术存在观测点少、数据采集慢、传输不可靠等缺点的有效办法。本文主要设计了基于ZigBee技术的无线传感器网络模型。该网络采用了TI公司的CC2430射频芯片作为核心器件,设计了ZigBee网络中协调器节点和传感器节点的硬件电路。各个节点硬件电路采用了模块化设计,这样可以减少设计复杂度,增加设备间的通用性和稳定性。软件设计采用了IAR EW集成开发环境和TI公司的Z-Stack协议栈,根据各个节点的功能需求设计了软件流程图,和通信数据帧格式。在软硬件的设计中,充分体现了低复杂度、低功耗、低成本等特点。本文在结构安排上首先提出了课题开发背景和意义,并简要介绍了无线传感器网络的特点和结构;其次,对ZigBee技术的特点、设备组成、网络拓扑结构、路由协议进行了简单描述,对协议栈以及栈内各层结构和功能进行了详细的研究;再次,通过对网络结构以及系统应用环境的浅析浅析,提出了无线传感器网络的功能需求,设计了总体框架模型;然后,介绍了论文的核心部分,网络内各个节点的硬件以及软件的详细设计;最后对本文所做的研究工作进行了总结,并对工作中的不足进行了展望。综上所述,本文所设计的ZigBee无线传感器网络为水文信息能快速而准确的测报提供了一套行之有效的解决方案。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com China is a developing country with the uneven distribution of water resources and natural disasters especially floods often strike it. Therefore, how to forecast and prevent floods is important for the Ministry of Water Resources in China. Ministers often forecast hydrological data and make a decision mainly based on hydrological information, which makes it become significant to forecast hydrological information timely and accurately. With the rapid development of science and technology, the traditional hydrological information collection technology cannot satiy the need of the water management today However, the automatic system of hydrological data acquisition can realize the automatic acquisition and processing of hydrological data. The system is made of wireless sensor network technology, RTU technology, computer network technology, database technology.The wireless sensor network technology is the basis of the whole system, responsible for the collecting, aggregation and forecast of hydrological data such as rainfall, water level, temperature and so on. For the traditional one has some shortcomings such as less observation points, slow data acquisition and unreliable data tranission and so on. Fortunately, the wireless sensor network can solve the problem effectively. Therefore, the reseracher designs a wireless sensor network model based on ZigBee technology.In the network based on ZigBee techonology, CC2430 rf Chip from TI company is adopted as the core component and the hardware circuits are designed, inculding Coordinator Node and Sensor Node. Each node circuit uses the modular design so as to reduce complexity and increase generality between devices and stability. For the software design, the IAR EW integrated development environment and Z-Stack protocol Stack from TI company are adopted. Moreover, according to the function requirements of each node, the corresponding program flow chart and the Data frame format are designed. In all, the above software and hardware designs are helpful for achieving low complexity, low power consumption, low cost.The paper first proposes the development background and significance of the reserach, and briefly introduces the struture and characteristics of wireless sensor network; Secondly, the brief introduction the characteristics of ZigBee technology, its equipment composition, the network topology structure and routing protocols are presented and the detailed description of the protocol stack and its structure and function of each layer are presented; Thirdly, the functional requirements and the overall design model of the wireless sensor network based on ZigBee technology used for the automatic system of hydrological data acquisition is proposed based on the analysis of the network structure and its application environment. Then, the core of the paper is introduced in this part including the software and hardware designs of each node in the network. Finally, the author makes a summary and offers the prospect of the reserach. To sum up, the research provides an effective solution for the automatic system of hydrological data acquisition.

【关键词】 水文自动测报系统;无线传感器网络;ZigBee技术;CC2430射频芯片;IAR EW集成开发环境;
【Key words】 Automatic System of Hydrological Data Acquisition;Wireless Sensor Network;ZigBee tchnology;CC2430 RF chip;IAR EW Integrated Development Evironment;



【摘 要】 本文结合传感器技术介绍了ZigBee协议的无线传感器网络系统的开发与应用,并给出了一个实际系统的软硬件设计方案,最后对该设计。
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