
与我国保险市场近二十年的发展相比,我国的保险监管相对滞后,虽然在1998年11月18日成立了专门的保险监督机关——中国保险监督管理委员会,保监会在成立之后就着手对中国保险市场所出现的不足进行解决,同时颁布了许多的管理条例,但就整个的监管内容来看,依然是偏重于机构批设、条款、费率制定等一般性管理,而对于保险监管的核心内容——保险企业的偿付能力,仅制定出最低偿付能力额度,并未真正建立起以偿付能力为核心的保险监管体系。本文的思路正是从浅析浅析目前我国的保险市场入手,联系英美等先进国家的保险监管模式,进而构建出适合我国的保险企业偿付能力监管的以偿付能力额度为主,财务监管指标体系为辅的监管模式。基于上述思路,本文的主要内容分为四部分:第一部分我国保险市场及其监管概述一、 分别从西方经济学角度和保险业的特殊性来论述保险监管的必要性。(一)从西方经济学的角度看,由于有市场失灵的情况存在,这些情况又将导致巨大的经济效率损失和不公正性,实施政府监管可以最大限度地消除这种低效率的不公正。作为保险市场,同样有市场失灵情况如保险市场的垄断、保险欺诈、保险信息的不对称等不足,保险市场需要借助于政府的监管介入以保证保险交易的公平合理。(二)保险监管的必要性还决定于保险业的特殊性。保险业是一个经营风险的行业,它具有广泛的社会性,其产品的定价涉及复杂的技术性和专业性,其产品的经营存在付费和消费之间的时间差(人寿保险的经营尤其如此),一旦保险业的经营出现不足,其涉及的影响面遍及各行各业、千家万户,因此,为维护社会稳定,保障广大被保险人的利益,政府有必要对保险业实施监管。二、 我国保险市场的概述在这一部分里总结出我国保险市场近二十年发展中所取得的成绩和浅析浅析保险市场尚存在的不足。从成绩来看,目前的保险市场已形成产、寿险分营,内、外资保险公司并存的多硕士论文网化竞争格局。保险险种迅速增加,保费收入增长强劲,在保险赔付中,从恢复保险业务当年的几百万硕士论文网赔付到1999年末的510亿硕士论文网,显示了保险在国民经济中的保障作用。存在的不足有:保险市场发育的滞后性和不平衡性,不同地区保险市场发展不平衡,规模和发展速度很不相同(从市场份额、市场运行的规范性和法制环境来比较)。三、 我国保险监管的回顾和评价以1998年11月18日为分水岭,之前为中国人民银行保险司监管,之后为中国保险监督管理委员会监管。(一)在中国人民银行担负对保险的监管职能时,其下设的保险司具体负责监管工作1、在立法方面,制定出1985年颁的《保险企业管理暂行条例》、1992年《上海外资保险机构暂行管理办法》、1995年的《保险法》、1996年的《保险管理暂行规定》、1997年的《保险写作技巧人管理规定(试行)》和1998年的《保险经纪人管理规定》其中1995年所颁布的《保险法》是我国第一部《保险法》,具有保险立法里程碑的划时代意义。2、在实施监管活动方面,1997年针对航空意外伤害险销售的混乱状况查抄了检测航空保单,明令禁止攀比写作技巧手续费的不正当竞争行为。1997年,人行还处理了一批违规设立的各类保险机构,并撤消违规设立的保险公司及分支机构90多个,废止和规范了一批违规制定的保险条款,加强了对保险公司及其分支机构高级管理人员任职资格的管理,完善了保险监管报表制度,健全了保险档案管理。1997年12月1日,人行针对永安财产保险公司存在的严重违法违规的不足对其进行接管。(二)中国保险监督管理委员会成立后的保险监管工作1、对违规的赛奇维克公司进行三个月的停业整顿,这是保监委处罚的第一家保险相似度检测机构。2、1999年6月10日,下发紧急通知,要求寿险公司从10日起停售所有预定复利率高于2.5%的保单,此举说明了保监会在防范化解风险上的高度敏感性。3、1999年下发《保险公司投资基金管理办法》,保险资金运用渠道有了新突破。4、2000年1月13日颁发《保险公司管理规定》从人行到保监会对保险的监管来看,仍偏重于机构批设、条款和费率管理等一般性监管,重点是解决市场行为不足,真正的以偿付能力为核心的监管体系尚末建立。第二部分关于偿付能力的概述一、偿付能力的含义(一)偿付能力是指保险公司对所承担的风险依法履行赔偿或给付数额的能力,尤其是指在发生超正常年景的赔偿或给付时的经济补偿能力。(二)偿付能力的经济内容 1、从一般的财务会计角度:偿付能力额度=资本金+公积金+未分配利润+平衡准备金2、在自然终止的基础检测设下:偿付能力额度=认可资产—负债(三)偿付能力的资金来源:1、开业资本金2、追加资本3、资产增值4、经营利润未分配部分累积5、平衡准备金(总准备金)二、影响偿付能力的风险(一)负债风险:如赔款波动风险、费率风险、准备金提取的充分性风险、再保险安排失当风险、巨灾风险、费用因素。(二)资产风险:包括资产变现价值的风险和资金收差率的风险。(三)其他风险:逆选择风险,被保险人的欺诈行为,业务质量以及社会风险。第三部分偿付能

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Compared with our insurance market’s progress in the latest twenty years , the insurance regulation is relatively lagged . On the November 18th of 1998, the special insurance regulation institute was established .It is called the Insurance Regulation Committee of China (IRCC). IRCC began to solve many problems of Chinese insurance market and confer many lawful rules. But as for the whole contents of Chinese insurance regulation, the insurance regulation institute is still emphasizing on the insurance companies management and the clause or price making management. The core of insurance regulation that is solvency of insurance companies was only supervised at the method of Minimum Solvency Margin. The real regulation system that takes the solvency as the regulation heart is not established.My dissertation just gets into this point. At first, I analyze the Chinese insurance market. Then, I introduced the insurance supervision modes of U.S.A. and U.K. I try to create one mode of insurance solvency regulation. This mode should combine the method of Minimum Solvency Margin and the insurance information regulation indicators. Basing the thinking way, I divided my dissertation into four parts as following:part one: The Chinese market and its regulation 1. The necessity of insurance regulation I prove this necessity from the western economics angle and from the specialty of insurance markets.(1). In the western economics, there exist in market defaults. These defaults of markets will cause economic efficiency losses and unfairness. The government enters the market to supervise by some administrative ways. The government supervise can cast aside this inefficiency and unfairness. On the insurance market, there also exist market defaults such as monopolize、fraudulence、information-asymmetry. It also needs the government to supervise and ensure the fairness.(2). The insurance regulation is also decided by the specialty of insurance line. As we all know, the insurance is a special line that centralizes risks on themselves. It has many features such as wide sociality、complicated price making. The product of insurance line has the important character of time difference that is the time that consumers pay the premium and the time that consumers get the insurance compensation service is separated for long time especially in the life insurance product. Thus, many consumers take serious eyes on the future financial status of insurance companies. They worry about the solvency of insurance companies. If an insurance company go bankrupt, the whole society will be influenced. Because insurance line has the wide sociality character, it covers around every family and every line. It hardly to imagine how the social problem serious is if insurance companies go bad. So, every government has the responsibility to supervise the special line ---insurance line to ensure the stability of society and the behalf of insurance consumers.2. Chinese Insurance Market In this part, I summarize the latest twenty years’ progress that has been made in the Chinese market. From the point-view of achievement, the Chinese market is more open than before. It has already formed the competitive and foreign insurance companies. Insurance premium increases fast. Insurance line exhibits its important role in the national economy. At the same time, on our insurance market many problems exist such as the imbalance development among different areas, the backwardness in the cultivation of insurance market. The insurance market lacks of standard and jural management.3.The insurance regulation review and valuation.The day of Nov. 18th of 1998 is the milestone in the history of Chinese insurance regulation. Before the point, the insurance regulation institute is the People’s Bank of China (PBC). After that point, it is IRCC that regulates the insurance line of Chinese market. The two institutes do did many effective work on the Chinese insurance market. But the important defaults of their work is

【关键词】 偿付能力额度;保险企业;政府监管;中国保险监督管理委员会;保险市场;保险监管模式;《保险法》;财产保险公司;保险业;偿付能力监管;



浏览量:131127 点赞量:28430


摘 要:一直以来,我国对保险公司的监督管理都将偿付能力的监管作为核心内容。实施保险偿付能力监管能够帮助我国培育完善的保险公司市场退。
浏览量:108823 点赞量:24358


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