
档案和图书是党和国家的宝贵财富,是全社会的公众资源。随着信息化和数字化的高速发展,尽管档案图书的利用率在某种程度上受到影响,但档案图书所特有的历史价值不可替代,特别是对于具有五千年历史的中国,保管好各种历史资料和档案图书始终是备受关注的课题。陕西位于我国中部,历史悠久,文化灿烂,科技实力雄厚,高校科研院所众多,西安又是我国乃至世界的文化名城,不仅馆藏档案图书非常丰富,而且这些珍贵的档案图书为陕西经济和科学文化事业做出了突出贡献。然而由于档案图书种类繁多、管理水平参差不齐和管理技术相对缺乏等因素,导致陕西馆藏的档案图书屡遭害虫危害,使档案图书轻则蛀蚀成洞破坏其完整性,重则使档案图书成为昆虫排泄物和纸张碎片的混合体,给国民经济和社会带来不可挽回的损失。为了全面掌握陕西档案图书害虫的种类和危害情况,探究无公害种群调控措施,本项研究选择陕西省不同地区、不同管理水平和类型的档案馆图书馆为对象,采取定点调查与随机抽样、室内观测与试验研究相结合的策略,对陕西省档案图书害虫种类进行了系统的调查浅析浅析和防治试验以及综合治理研究,取得如下结果:1.通过调查摸清了陕西档案图书害虫有6目17科33属44种(含文献记载的6种),鞘翅目种类最多,占总种数的60%以上,为档案图书害虫的研究与防治提供了基础数据。从发生危害情况来看,陕西档案图书害虫特点是种类较多,危害不重。2.根据档案图书害虫危害程度和发生频率,将陕西省档案图书害虫划分为重要害虫、一般害虫和偶见害虫3种类型,其中烟草甲Lasiodevma serricorne Fabricius、药材甲Stegobium paniceum (Linnaeus)、小圆皮蠹A. verbasci (Linnaeus)、花斑皮蠹Trogoderma varsicolor Creatzer、拟裸蛛甲Gibbium aequinoctiale Boieldieu等为陕西省档案图书害虫的主要种类。陕西档案图书害虫的发生、扩散与陕西特殊的地理环境条件、管理人员害虫防治知识缺乏有密切关系,另外管理制度不够完善,防治措施落实不到位,以及缺乏必要的害虫预测人员和设备也是陕西档案图书害虫频发的重要理由。3.陕西档案图书害虫的区系组成是广布种16种,占陕西档案图书害虫总种数的36.36%;古北界6种,占总种数的13. 64%;东洋界5种,占总种数的11.36%;跨2界分布10种,占总种数的22.73%(古北东洋界共有种6种,占总种数的13. 64%;古北新北界共有种4种,占总种数的9. 09%);跨3界分布5种,占总种数的11.36%;跨4界、5界分布各1种。广布种为陕西档案图书害虫的优势种群,其次为古北界分布种、古北东洋界共有种。4.通过试验研究,确定了冷冻杀虫的适宜温度和熏蒸用药的剂量。一般情况下冷冻杀虫的温度为-20℃,可以杀死烟草甲害虫的各个虫态;通常档案库房熏蒸用药剂量磷化铝为12~15 g/m~3 ,磷化锌为15 g/m~3。5.根据昆虫种群生态学理论,提出了档案图书害虫综合治理的对策。档案图书害虫生活于档案馆图书馆这个室内封闭或半封闭系统环境中,档案图书害虫的治理,较容易人为制约。根据“预防为主,综合治理”的方针,利用害虫与寄主(图书、档案)之间的关系,以生态调控措施为基础,物理措施为主导,运用必要的生物措施,辅以合理的化学应急措施,同时,因时因地因虫制宜协调运用各种措施,兼顾环境和人身安全,实现对害虫种群的科学管理。根据陕西档案图书保管条件,结合我省实际情况,强调加强日常管理,防止虫源入库;调控馆库内温湿度,创造不利于害虫生长繁殖的环境条件,抑制害虫发生;主张小批量档案图书虫害采用冷冻杀虫处理,大批量采用磷化铝或磷化锌熏蒸杀灭害虫。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Archive books are not precious wealth of CPC and our country, but the public resource of the whole society. With the rapid development of information technology and digital, although the utilization of archive books has been affected in some degree, the unique historical value of archive books is irreplaceable, and in particular for the 5000-year history of China to keep all history information, archive books he always been the concerned issues. Shaanxi is located in the middle of China. It not has a long history and effulgent culture, but has the powerful science and technology capacity. There are many universities, colleges and institutes here. Xi’an is one of the famous cultural cities even over the world and it has plenty of archive books and library materials. Thus these precious archive books he made outstanding contributions in economic and science cultural cause of Shaanxi. However, due to the factors of wide variety of archive books, uneven level of management and the relative lack of management skills, moth-eaten archives and books can often been discovered. Archive books may become rotten holes by the damage of pests and undermine their integrity; even worse become the mixture of paper debris and insect droppings and cause irreparable damage to the national economy and society. In order to entirely find out species and biological characteristics of archive books pests in Shaanxi province, explore risk reduced control measurements on populations, this study has selected Archives in different areas, with different management level, and with different types as targets in Shaanxi Province. Investigation on species of archive books pests in Shaanxi Province and biological ecology research, prevention and cure testing research were carried out through the methods of not only integrating sentinel surveys and random sampling but also combination of indoor observation and testing. And prevention and cure countermeasures are brought forward against the law of occurrence of pests of archive books and the standard requirements of archive books management in Shaanxi Province. The study results are as follows:1.Through the investigation, the pest species and circumstances of damage in Shaanxi Province were found out. It provides the foundation for the study and control of archive books pests. There are 55 species (including 6 documented species) of specimen’s pests of archive books in Shaanxi province belonging to 19 families, 6 orders. Among them, Coleopteran composition has the largest number accounting for more than 60% of the total species number。Viewing from the circumstances of damage occurrence,hing more species and not serious inset pest are the characteristics of archive books pests in Shaanxi.2.According to the damage degree and occurrence frequency, these specimen’s pests of archive books are divided into three types: important pest, general pest, uncommon pest. The main species of archive books pests in Shaanxi are drug-store beetle (Stegobium paniceum Linnaeus),tobacco beetle(Lasioderma serricorne Fabricius), all Cabinet beetle (Anthrenus verbasci Linnaeus),Trogoderma varibile Ballion,spider beetle (Ptinus tectus Boiedieu), casemaking cloth moths (Tinea pellionella Linnaeus), etc. Occurring and diffusion of archive books pests are closely related to unique geographical environment in Shaanxi province and the lack of pest control knowledge. In addition, the pests control system is not consummate; the pests control measures he not been fully carried out; lacking of necessary pests forecasters and control equipments are also important reasons.3.The fauna compositions of pests of archive books in Shaanxi are as follow: widespread composition has 16 species accounting for 36.36% of the total species number in Shaanxi. Palaearctic composition has 6 species accounting for 13.64% of the total species number in Shaanxi, and Oriental composition has 5 species accounting for 11.36% of the total species number in Shaanxi. Palaearctic- Oriental composition has 6 mutual species accounting for 13.64% of the total species number in Shaanxi. Palaearctic-Nearctic composition has 4 mutual species accounting for 9.09% of the total species number in Shaanxi. The cross three sectors composition has 5 species accounting for 11.36% of the total species number in Shaanxi. The archive books pests in Shaanxi are dominated by widespread species. Palaearctic and Palaearctic-Oriental mutual species are in the next place. The fauna compositions of pests of achive books in Shaanxi The analysis of characteristics of fauna compositions of pests of achive books in Shaanxi and causes laid the foundation for the enactment of pests control measures in Shaanxi.4.Through a pilot study, the appropriate frozen pesticidal temperature and drug dosage of suffocating were determined. Under normal circumstances, the frozen pesticidal temperature of -20°C can kill all stages of the Tobacco Beetle; The usual dosage of aluminum phosphide fumigation is 12~15 g/m3 of archives’room,the Zinc phosphide is 15 g/m3。.5.Strategies, steps and measures on population management of archive books pest were brought forward according to insect population ecology theory. Pests of Archive books live in Archives and Library which he the indoor environment of a closed or semi-closed system. The control of pests of archive books can be more easily manipulated. According to the guide line of " giving priority to prevention, comprehensive control", using the relationship between pest and host (books, archives) and ecosystem-based control measures, giving priority to physical measures, using of necessary biological measures supplemented with reasonable chemical emergency measures, meanwhile, using various coordination measures in suitable time, suitable site , suitable pest; and giving attention to environmental and personal safety, the scientific management of all pests population can be carried out. According to preservation condition and Shaanxi provincial condition, intensifying daily pest management and preventing insect storage should be emphasized; and environment not conducive to pest occurrence can be created by adjusting temperature and humidity of archives’room; and it is claimed to deal with all batch of archive books by frozen pesticidal treatment and large batch of archive books by using Phostoxin or Zinc phosphide fumigation.

【关键词】 档案图书;害虫种类;综合治理;
【Key words】 Archive books;Species of pests;Comprehensive control;



:以传统方式的弊端、一体化管理的优势、方式三个对档案、图书、信息一体化管理 新的信息管理方式了探讨。词:档案;图书;信息;一体化管。
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浏览量:23962 点赞量:7189


[摘要]简要介绍了图书档案情报一体化管理的研究情况,以中国知网“中国学术文献网络出版总库”为检索工具,对 1985 年以来图书档案情报一。
浏览量:22814 点赞量:6725


浏览量:108391 点赞量:24144