
20多年来,民营经济一直是中国经济中最活跃的成分,为中国的经济增长提供了强大的动力。民营企业的快速成长已经被认为是中国未来经济的决定性力量,其重要性怎么形容也不过分。与国有企业相比较,民营企业之“新”,新在其产权制度,新在其市场精神。毋庸讳言,我国民营经济在发展过程中还存在一系列不足。这些不足不解决,民营经济将难以持续发展。本文在对我国现阶段民营经济发展的理论依据进行浅析浅析的基础上,概括我国民营经济发展的近况和不足,提出进一步推动我国民营经济发展的倡议。 一、我国现阶段大力发展民营经济的理论根据发展私营经济要有理论的支撑,经过二十多年的政策调整和宪法修订,我国对个体、私营等非公有制经济的定位和态度,可以说是越来越清晰、明确。1.社会主义初级阶段是公有制为主体、多种经济形式共同发展的阶段。2.民营经济与社会主义市场经济的关系。3.资本主义生产关系仍能推动生产力发展4.如何正确理解马恩所说的“消灭私有制”。5.在社会主义市场经济条件下公有、私有经济成分的优势互补关系。6.私营业主的经营管理是创造价值的复杂劳动、熟练劳动。二、我国民营经济发展的理由、近况和意义革新开放推动了民营经济的发展,民营经济的成长又进一步推动着革新的深化。1.我国民营经济迅速崛起的理由革新开放以来,中国民营经济的迅速发展决不是偶然的。这主要源于思想观念、理论认识以及政策的突破。2.我国民营经济的近况由于中国民营经济发展与政策突破密切相关,所以,中国民营经济发展存在很大的结构性不足,主要表现在产业结构、区域结构和组织结构三方面:第一,从产业结构来看,民营经济的发展主要集中在第三产业,第二产业明显进入不足;第二,民营经济的发展可以缓解中国城乡的就业压力;第三,大力发展民营经济,可以增加国家的税收和财政收入,弥补我国资金的不足;其四、大力发展民营经济,是进一步完善社会主义市场经济体制地内在要求。3.我国发展民营经济意义第一,发展民营经济有利于解决有效需求不足不足;第二,民营经济的发展可以缓解中国城乡的就业压力;第三,大力发展民营经济,可以增加国家的税收和财政收入,弥补我国资金的不足;第四,大力发展民营经济,是进一步完善社会主义市场经济体制地内在要求。三、我国民营企业进一步发展面临的主要不足在中国革新开放的20年历程中,民营经济为中国经济发展做出了卓越的贡献。但从总体上说,民营经济的发展过程中存在着外部条件的不充分和内在的缺陷。具体来说,民营经济的发展存在十二大缺陷。1.对民营经济的歧视政策仍十分严重;2.唯规模论英雄;3.民营企业经营管理存在家族化倾向;4.政府对民营经济的自由放任; 5.政府官员对民营经济的全面承包和保护;6.政府对一些民营企业的挂牌保护;7.管理体制和法制建设落后,制约了民营经济的健康发展;8.缺乏对民营经济的专门怎么写作体系;9.“三乱”政策禁而不止;10.民营经济的生产管理方式和技术装备落后;11.民营经济的人才结构不稳,导致发展缺乏后续力;12.民营经济的企业组织和产业组织结构不合理。除了上述12个方面的不足外,我国民营经济在进一步的发展过程面临的最大的困难是融资难。在国家实施扩张性货币政策以刺激投资拉动经济增长的背景下,民营经济却感到“信贷收紧”。第一,现存银行的运作机制不利于民营经济融资;第二,是客户评价标准歧视;第三,缺乏专门为民营经济怎么写作的金融机构。四、进一步推动我国民营经济发展的倡议中国民营经济发展的历史表明,政府是影响民营经济发展主要的、决定的因素。民营经济发展的主要障碍仍然来自于政府的不到位经济管理。因此,要推动民营经济的进一步发展,应该从以下几个方面做出努力:1.政府角色转换第一,为民营经济发展营造好的环境;第二,对民营经济实行产业引导,使之经营重点转到第一,二产业,转变其比重偏低的不合理状况;第三,推进民营经济从单纯注重量的扩张向量质并重转变,提高民营经济产业层次和企业组织化程度;第四,加强政府对民营经济的引导力度。2. 民营企业发展模式选择股份合作制,作为放活中小企业的一种制度形式,已经逐步赢得了理论界和实际工作者的认可,并取得了较大的成绩。进行国有经济战略性结构调整,实施“放小”战略,发展民营经济,股份合作制是一种可选择模式。在推行股份合作制过程中,要把握以下几方面:第一,要选准实施股份合作制的企业类型;第二,要把握好四个关口;第三,要选择好变现方式。3. 民营企业的产权重构经过20年漫长的渐进革新,民营企业呈现出了特色环境下的特别存在状态,产权明晰被标榜为中国民营企业的最大优势。那么,民营企业产权是否真的明晰,这将成为推测其未来发展前景的一个重要不足。与产权不足紧密联系的另外一个不足是民营经济有真正的市场精神吗?4.为民营经济良好的融资环境解决好民营经济融资难不足,关系到中国当前的社会稳定和未来几十年的经济增

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Providing powerful motive force of the economic development, private sectors of the economy he been the most active ones continuously for more than twenty years in China. It is never too exaggerated to emphasize the economy, which he already been regarded as the decisive force economy in China’s future ages.The “newness” of the private sectors lies in its property right system and market spirit, compared with stated-owned enterprises. Inevitably, there are still a series of problems which will hinder the development of private sectors of the economy if they can not be solved properly.This essay summarizes the present situation and problems of private sectors, further more; it recommends rationalization proposal for their further development, on the basis of the theoretical analysis of China’s present private sectors’ development.I. The Theoretical Basis of China’s Present Efforts to develop Private Sectors.Theories are needed to support the development of private sectors of the economy. China’s stand and attitude towards individual, private and other non-public sectors of the economy become more and more definite and distinct as a result of policy regulation and constitution revision.1. Socialist primary stage is such a period that public ownership and non-public ownership exist simultaneously.2. The relationship between private sectors of the economy and socialist market economy.3. Capitalist ownership still can promote the development of productive forces.4. How to understand Marx’s “To wipe private ownership” properly? 5. Public ownership and non-public ownership complement one another and develop side by side.6. Private owners’ management is complex and skillful work which create value.II. Reason, Situation and Significance of the development of China’s Private Sectors of the Economy Reform and Opening up accelerate the development of private sectors of the economy, meanwhile; the development of the private sectors deepens the reform.1. The reason why China’s private sectors of the economy expand by leaps and bounds. Originated from the breakthrough of ideology, theory, cognition and policy, the dramatic development of private sectors of the economy is not an accidental phenomenon as a result of reform and opening up.2. The present situation of private sectors of the economy.Connected with the breakthrough of policies, the development of private sectors of the economy has serious structural problems, manifesting in three aspects: industrial structure, regional structure and organizational stricture.(1) As for industrial structure, the development of private sectors of the economy centralizes on secondary industry. Furthermore, tertiary industry needs more encouragement and investment.(2) The development of private sectors of the economy can relieve the urban and rural employment pressure.(3) The development of private sectors of the economy can increase the national tax revenue and remedy the lack of capitals.(4) The development of private sectors of the economy is the internal requirement of the socialist market economic system improvement.3. The significance of private sectors of the economy development. (1) The development of private sectors of the economy can help to overcome the short of demand effectively.(2) The development of private sectors of the economy can relieve the urban and rural employment pressure.(3) The development of private sectors of the economy can increase the national tax revenue and remedy the lack of capitals.(4) The development of private sectors of the economy is the internal requirement of the further improvement of socialist market economic systemIII. The main problems of private enterprises’ further developmentPrivate sectors of the economy he made distinguished contribution to China’s economic development in the 20 years of reform and opening up. However, lack of external conditions, the development of private economy has internal disadvantages in general. To be specific, there are twelve s

【关键词】 民营经济发展;若干不足研究;完善社会主义市场经济体制;民营企业;发展民营经济;发展中;市场精神;资本主义生产关系;融资难不足;发展的倡议;



摘 要:随着市场经济的进展,房地产经济与国民经济的联系日益加强。一方面房地产经济既要充分考虑资源配置效率的要求,又要考虑国家宏观调。
浏览量:143251 点赞量:30991


摘要:近年来,尤其自2008年金融危机以来,民营经济遭遇到了最大的危机和最严峻的考验,全国今年上半年6 7万家以上中小企业倒闭,超过2000。
浏览量:58946 点赞量:14205


浏览量:132387 点赞量:28696


浏览量:19012 点赞量:5627


【摘要】 本文以湖北省民营企业为研究对象,对湖北省民营经济发展的近况毕业论文范文及存在的不足进行了浅析硕士论文,并提出了相关对策与。
浏览量:96678 点赞量:21942


浏览量:21936 点赞量:6433