

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com The reception of Jack London in China he experienced constant changes from rebel ,individualist superman, American Corky to racist who showed contempt and hostility towards Chinese labors. This article is a study of Jack London in China from the approach of reception, involving aesthetics and hermeneutics studies, focusing on how Jack London’s reception in China he changed in different social, historical and cultural contexts, arguing that the complicated tranormation results from misreadings of Chinese critics and readers, is a result of the interrelatedness and the interaction of the discourses and practice involved, and is determined by readers’horizon of expectation and the historicity in interpretation. This is the first part of this paper.For above reasons, Jack London’s reception in China for more than 80 years he showed 2 outstanding hot spots: A sociali writer; A writer who extolled the human and the nature. Many social class contradictions about the American in the end of 19th century were showed in Jack London’s stories, and he also showed the miserable situation and revolutions about people lived in lower strata in other capitali countries. Jack London was aimed at many problems of capitali by the advance sociali theory. This was agree with the development of China in the beginning of 20th century, so we accepted his works positively and did a lot of studies in this area. On the contrary, it affected our understanding about Jack London. As an imaginative writer, Jack London, he observed life from aesthetic angles. Under the cover of blatancy was concealed a strong sense of limitless romance and unfathomable life. He was so popular all over the world mostly because his works about the human and the nature. In these works, struggle and unanimous between the human and the astringent nature was unified perfectly. Of course, these works are popular in China anytime, but it’s really a pity that the study about these works is insufficient. This is the chief topic in the second part of this paper.In my study of Jack London’s works about the human and the nature, I found a very important image but often ignored by us, that was the superman of Jack London’s style, it was very different from Nietzsche’s superman., because this superman was a product of heredity; a carrier of instinct; a god of wilderness. Why could Jack London make this kind of superman? Firstly, the evolutioni, the naturalistic affected him deeply; so his superman was a product of heredity; secondly, his experiences made his split in heart, so his superman was strong and fragile; thirdly, the materiali’s affirm by himself and morality ideali, the conflict of individuali and sociali made his superman was a carrier of instinct, a god of wilderness, and couldn’t break the limitations of himself. All of this made the superman of Jack London’s style. The analyze of superman of Jack London’s style and why did he produce this kind of

【关键词】 杰克﹒伦敦;接受;误读;超人;返祖特点;
【Key words】 .Jack London;reception in China;misreading;superman;ati;



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