

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Modernity is the primary problem of the debate between the modernist and the post-modernist,and the debate between J.Harbermas and Lyotard is the most famous to us. Harbermas claims that modernity is"an unfinished project",he tries to unify the society and sing the harmony through the community active reason, his attitude to modernity is constructive; but Lyotard criticizes the meta-discourse, his attitude to modernity is post-constructive. They are on the different side towards this problem. The basic problem to resolve in this paper is to find out whether there is something in common through their differences and whose theory is better. This article analysis the central content of the two scholar’s theory, compares both theory and political orientations with each other, and also seeks for rationality as well as the limitation, in order to form a new theory.The reason about writing this article decides the paper structure: The first part elaborates different meanings of modernity, and the inherent contradictions which make the two scholars he differente theories; the second part promulgate how Harbermas and Lyotard develop and inheritance the theory of predecessors’; the third part and the fourth part analysis the intrinsic theory and the writing methods,and then make the summary to both ultimate orientation’s difference; the last part analyze both the reasonably and the limitation, attempts to find a new path to surmounts Harbermas and Lyotard. There is a question about in what way people can maintain the modernity and the post-modernity tensity, and how to balance modernity and post-modernity ? The author draws the conclusion: to say right or wrong about academic theory and the political stand of the two scholars is not the appropriate way of solving the problem, we should inherit both essence of theories and find the reason of the limitation, insist on Marxi standpoint, unify the economical、political and the cultural analysis, let the theory construction still in the entire socio-economic

【关键词】 哈贝马斯;利奥塔;共识;差异;商谈;悖谬;
【Key words】 Harbermas;Lyotard;Consensus;Difference;Communicative;Paradox;



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