
城市物流是为了满足城市及以城市为中心的周围经济区域内人们生活及经济活动的需要而进行的城市内及城市与外界之间的物流活动,同时也是为了降低这一物流活动所带来的城市交通堵塞、环境污染等负面影响而进行的物流优化活动。随着物流价值的凸现,为加快物流业的发展和解决物流给城市带来的消极影响,许多城市纷纷对自己的城市物流系统进行规划,从而在全国形成了一股从东到西、从南到北的城市物流规划热潮。在这样大规模的规划过程中,需要科学的理论做指导。由于我国物流研究起步较晚,至今关于城市物流规划的策略尚未成熟,城市物流规划中还存在诸多不足。因此,对城市物流规划进行研究具有重要的现实意义。本文尝试对城市物流对区域经济的影响及其规划方面进行研究,在浅析浅析城市物流对区域经济影响的基础上,构建了城市物流规划的体系,最后详细探讨了目前我国城市物流规划中存在的一些突出不足。具体来讲,本文主要由七部分内容构成: 第一部分,阐述了论文选题的背景、研究目的和意义以及论文的结构。第二部分,在回顾物流概念的演进及发展的基础上界定了城市物流的涵义和功能,并与其它物流形态进行了比较与浅析浅析; 总结浅析浅析了国内外城市物流的发展和研究近况。第三部分,着重论述了城市物流与区域经济之间的关系,尤其是城市物流对区域经济的影响。城市物流是区域物流的重心,其与区域经济相互影响; 城市物流的发展水平可能超前、匹配、滞后于区域经济的发展水平,在这三种不同的状态下,城市物流对区域经济有正反两方面的影响,且影响的方式和程度不同; 城市物流的发展应适应于区域经济的发展水平。第四部分,从整体上研究了城市物流规划的体系,包括城市物流规划的理论基础、规划的目的和指导原则、规划中需要考虑的因素、规划的内容和规划的流程; 并指出了我国目前在进行城市物流规划中所存在的不足。针对目前我国城市物流规划中所存在的基础设施、城市物流模式、政府在物流园区规划发展中的角色定位等不足,论文在第五、第六、第七部分分别做了详细论述。第五部分,浅析浅析了我国城市物流基础设施的近况,指出了物流基础设施规划的指导思想,重点研究了城市物流结点规划、线路规划、物流配套设施规划和基础设施运营机制。第六部分,从不同的角度提出了城市物流的发展模式、功能模式、运作模式、经营模式、管理模式等5种城市物流模式。每种模式下,又包含多种具体的模式; 浅析浅析了影响城市物流模式选择的区位条件、资源禀赋、经济水平等几种因素; 最后简要给出了城市物流模式的选择程序和策略。第七部分,首先浅析浅析了我国物流园区的发展近况,通过借鉴国外物流园区发展的成功经验,指出政府在物流园区规划、建设、运营过程中分别应扮演规划者、扶持者、怎么写作者等不同角色。在物流园区的不同发展阶段,政府应明确自身的角色定位。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Urban logistics is a logistics activity that implement in the city and between the city and other regions to satiy the need of people’s lives and economy. In addition, urban logistics is a optimized activity to reduce the negative effects of traffic jam and environment pollution that logistics activities bring. With the value of logistics appeared, many cities begin making their own urban logistics planning to promote the development of logistics and to solve the negative effects. Now urban logistics planning is popular all over the whole country. It is necessary that urban logistics planning should be guided by scientific theory. Unfortunately, because it is not long before we studied logistics, we he no a mature measure of urban logistics planning now. We will encounter many problems in the planning. Hence, it is great practical significance to study urban logistics planning. This paper tries to study the influence of urban logistics on regional economy and urban logistics planning. Based on analyzing the influence of urban logistics on regional economy, the paper constructs a system of urban logistics planning. Finally, the paper specially studies the problems that we encountered in planning and provides some solutions to the problems. The paper consists of seven parts: Part one: This part introduces the background of selecting this theme, the purpose and significance of the study, and the paper’s framework. Part two: Based on the development history of logistics concept, the part describes the definition of urban logistics and compares with other logistics glossary. Then, the author summarizes and analyses the practice and apply of urban logistics in the world. Part three: This part discusses the relation between urban logistics and regional economy, especially the influence of urban logistics on regional economy. The conclusions can be drawn: Urban logistics is the important part of regional logistics. Urban logistics and regional economy affect each other. The development level of urban logistics and that of regional economy he three relations: advanced, matched and lagged behind. Under the three stations, the influence of urban logistics on regional economy appears difference. The development of urban logistics should adapt to the development level of regional economy. Part four: This part studies urban logistics system and points some problems, it comprises the theory bases of planning, the aim and guide principle, planning content and planning process. Part five: This part discusses the planning of urban logistics infrastructure. Part six: Analyzing urban logistics models and the factors affected the models’ choice. Part seven: Discussing the roles of government playing in the development of distribution park.

【关键词】 城市物流;区域经济;城市物流规划;城市物流模式;物流园区;
【Key words】 urban logistics;regional economy;urban logistics planning;urban logistics model;distribution park;



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