
粘细菌(1nyxobacteria)是一类被科学家们忽视,直到20世纪才开始对其各方面展开研究的细菌。尽管粘细菌的研究起步比较晚,但是也取得了比较多的成绩。最早被研究的是粘细菌的分离纯化不足,由于粘细菌自身奇特的生活史和生长特性,使得其不易纯化而且纯化周期比较长,耗费大量的人力和物力。到目前为止,粘细菌的菌株在全世界的保藏数量仍然不是很多,这也大大限制了粘细菌的分类鉴定标准及其进化地位的界定。自从发现粘细菌的次级代谢产物中有抗生素类物质存在,科学家们的研究重点就转移到了次级代谢产物中生物活性物质的发现及分离上来,使得从粘细菌的次级代谢产物中获得新的抗菌、抗肿瘤化合物成为研究热点。本实验为了扩大粘细菌菌种库和建立粘细菌次级代谢产物库,给粘细菌的基础研究提供物质基础和后期的生物活性物质筛选建立一个良好的平台的目的,采集了来自陕西、河北、广东、河南、内蒙古、湖北、辽宁、湖南、宁夏、江苏、贵州、重庆、黑龙江、吉林、四川、山东、海南、福建、新疆、云南、青海、浙江、安徽等地的555份类型丰富的土样,并对传统的诱导,分离纯化粘细菌的策略进行了改善和创新,大大缩短了粘细菌的纯化周期。从采集的土样获得了颜色丰富,形态多样的237株粘细菌,根据《伯杰氏细菌鉴定手册》第八版中粘细菌的分类标准,初步鉴定其中粘球菌属31株,原囊菌属41株,孢囊杆菌属33株,蜂窝囊均属14株,标桩菌属10株,多囊菌属46株,小囊菌属19株,软骨霉状菌属16株,还有27株未知菌属,并对纯化出的237株粘细菌的菌落形态进行了描述和照相记录,丰富了粘细菌的基础研究的资料。粘细菌在液体培养基中的生长情况没有固体培养基上的良好,并且由于菌株特异性,同一株菌在不同培养基的次级代谢产物可能不同,因此本实验选取了4种不同的液体培养基对其进行发酵,获得了的次级代谢产物,并对发酵液状态均做了描述,为后续的液体发酵培养奠定了基础。用本实验室摸索的以白色念珠菌为模型筛选具有抗真菌活性的粘细菌。将237株粘细菌的次级代谢产物进行初筛后,得到9株次级代谢产物能抑制白色念珠菌生长的粘细菌,3次复筛后得到ZG15,R16-1,ZJ2三株次级代谢产物具抑制白色念珠菌生长的粘细菌,对这3株菌进行广谱抗菌实验后,发现其中一株编号为ZJ2的粘细菌具有广谱抗菌作用。用NaCl-CTAB法提取其总DNA, PCR扩增后进行胶回收,然后连接T载体后转化到感受态细胞中,选取阳性克隆提取质粒后,进行16SrDNA序列测定,从分子水平鉴定其种属。用其全序列在GenBank中比对后表明ZJ2为粘球菌属(Myxcoccus),与橙色粘球菌(Myxococcus fulvus) EU262991.1,相似性为100%。选取粘细菌目的其他属的11株粘细菌,构建系统发育进化树,确定其系统发育地位。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Myxobacteria is a kind of bacterias which neglected by scientists for a long time, until the 20th century a study of its various properties has just began. Although the studies of myxobacterias were started relatively late, a lot of results had also made. First to be studied is the problem of separation and purification of myxobacterias, due to its peculiar life cycle and growth characteristics, making it difficult to purify, and also the time for purifying is so long, a lot of manpower and material resources were consumed. So far, the preservation of the strains of myxobacterias is still not enough all over the world, which greatly limit the classification and identification of myxobacterias and their standard definition of the evolutionary status. Since the discovery of antibiotics substances from the secondary metabolites of myxobacterias, the research focus of scientists was shift to the secondary metabolites, in order to discover and separate the bioactive substances, making a research hotspot to get the antibacterial, anti-tumor compounds from new secondary metabolites of myxobacterias.In this study, in order to expand the quantity of the strains of myxobacterias, so as to provide the material basis for basic research, and to establish the library of secondary metabolites of myxobacterias, and also for the purposes of screening of biologically active substances for the latter part,555 soil samples of rich type were collected from Shaanxi, Hebei, Guangdong, Henan, Inner Mongolia, Hubei, Liaoning, Hunan, Ningxia, Jiangsu, Guizhou, Chongqing, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Sichuan, Shandong, Hainan, Fujian, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Qinghai, Zhejiang, Anhui. We also improved and innovated the methods of traditional induction, isolation and purification of myxobacterias, this greatly reducing the purification of myxobacterias’ cycles.From the soil samples, we obtained 237 myxobacterias of varied colors and shapes, according to the classification of myxobacterias in the "Berger’s manual of bacterial identification" of eighth edition, the myxobacterias we isolated were identified in which 8 genus, among them, Myxococcus 31 strains, Archangiaceae 41 strains, Cystobacter 33 strains, Melittangium 14 strains, Stigmatella 10 strains, Polyangium 46 strains, Nannocystis 19 strains, Chondromyces 16, there are 27 known genera,237 myxobacterias were described and photographic records of their purified colones, the study enriching the basic research of myxobacterias.Myxobacteria that grew in liquid medium is not better than that in solid medium, and for the strain-specific, the secondary metabolites may be different in different mediums for one strain. So in our study, we used 4 different liquid mediums for its fermentation, and we get more secondary metabolites than before, and fermentation conditions were described, and for the subsequent fermentation of liquid foundation.We build the method that use the Candida albicans as a model to screening the myxobacterias with antifungal activities.9 strains of 237 purified myxobacterias that inhibited the growth of Candida albicans were obtained after first screening. After 3 time’s second screening, ZG15, R16-1 and ZJ2 were found, broad-spectrum antibiotic experiment was done for these 3 strains, and the result showed that the number of ZJ2 myxobacteria has the broad-spectrum antimicrobial activities. Then we extracted its total DNA with NaCl-CTAB, plastic recycling after the PCR amplification, and connect the T vector and tranormed into competent cells, selected positive clones plaid extraction, conducted the 16SrDNA sequencing, and identified the species in molecular levels. With its sequence in GenBank, show that the myxobacteria ZJ2 is Myxcoccus, and the similarity to Myxococcus fulvus EU262991.1 is 100%. Select the the other genera’s 11 myxobacteria strains, build the phylogenetic tree, determine its phylogenetic position.

【关键词】 粘细菌;分离纯化;抗真菌次级代谢产物;
【Key words】 Myxobacteria;Separation and purification;Antifungal secondary metabolite;



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