嗜铁钩端螺旋菌Leptospirillum ferriphilum UBK03抗镍操纵子表达调控机理探究

本实验室从嗜铁钩端螺旋菌UBK03中克隆到一个与镍抗性相关的操纵子ncrABCY,该操纵子含4个结构基因ncrA,ncrB,ncrC及ncrY。NcrA为该抗性系统的核心组件,与辅助蛋白NcrC组装成跨膜通道,NcrY对抗镍系统起负作用,NcrB作为阻遏蛋白能够调节ncrA基因的表达。本论文研究是以此操纵子为对象,开展了其表达调控机理的研究。将ncrABCY转入大肠杆菌JM109得到克隆子NR21。通过比较未经Ni2+诱导及经过诱导的NR21菌株在含Ni2+ LB培养基中的生长情况,发现未经诱导的NR21菌株生长比经过诱导的NR21菌株要滞后2小时,说明ncrABCY受Ni2+诱导表达。RT-PCR实验对基因转录浅析浅析,发现Ni2+能够增强ncrA,ncrB,ncrC的转录水平,荧光定量PCR结果显示在含Ni2+ LB培养基中生长的NR21菌株ncrA的转录量要比在普通LB培养基中高10倍。利用S1 mapping实验确定了ncrA基因的转录起始位点。对ncrA启动子pncrA序列浅析浅析,在转录起始位点上发现了一段富含GC的反向重复序列p1p17,并且通过凝胶阻滞实验和DNase I足迹实验,确定NcrB蛋白能够与pncrA上的反向重复序列p1p17特异结合。细菌单杂交实验进一步在菌株体内检测了NcrB与pncrA的相互结合作用。并且还发现,在细菌单杂交正筛选培养基中加入1mM Ni2+,NcrB与pncrB的结合作用能够被解除。由此可知,NcrB是一个受镍调控的金属调节蛋白。此外通过构建一系列pncrA截短片段,发现只有完全包含p1p17的截短片段才能够与NcrB结合。这也说明NcrB能通过反向重复序列直接结合在pncrA上。在不结合Ni2+时,NcrB通过与p1p17结合,阻止RNA聚合酶与启动子的结合,抑制了ncrA的表达。在ncrABCY操纵子上的另外两个启动子pncrB和pncrY中都包含了与p1p17相似但不完整的反向重复序列,体内实验表明它们都不能与NcrB结合。通过对这些序列比较,确定p1p17反向重复序列之间的5个碱基长度对结合作用是必须的。通过将该位置的5个碱基替换成任意残基构建随机文库,运用细菌单杂交系统筛选其中能与NcrB相互作用的片段,得出这5个碱基中第4位的碱基为保守碱基。由此可以确定NcrB在pncrA序列中特异识别的序列。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com A nickel resistance determinant ncrABCY was identified in Leptospirillum ferriphilum UBK03. There were four genes in this operon, ncrA, ncrB, ncrC and ncrY. NcrA, which was the base of the nickel resistance system, can constitute the nickel efflux pump together with the accessory protein NcrC. NcrY had a negative effect on nickel resistance. Moreover, NcrB can regulate the expression of ncrA as a transcriptional regulator. In this study, we aimed at the operon to elucidate its mechani of expression and regulation.By comparing the growth of E.coli NR21 either induced or not induced by NiCl2 in medium containing the NiCl2, we found that the growth of the uninduced group delayed about 2 h compared with the induced one. This result indicated that the nickel resistance determinant held an inducible property. RT-PCR confirmed the transcription of ncrA, ncrB, ncrC upregulated by Ni2+. Besides, qRT-PCR revealed that the presence of Ni2+ in culture medium resulted in a 10-fold increase in ncrA transcription.To further investigate the regulation, we determined the transcription start site of ncrA by the high resolution S1 nuclease mapping. A high GC content and inverted repeat sequence (p1p17) was identified at the downstream of the transcription start point. The results of Electrophoretic mobility shift (EMSAs) and DNase I footprinting assays showed that purified NcrB could specifically bind to the inverted repeat sequence in vitro.The interaction between the NcrB and pncrA was also confirmed by the bacterial one-hybrid system. Interestingly in vivo, this interaction was disrupted by added 1 mM Ni2+ to the screening medium plate. It demonstrated that NcrB was a nickel-responsive transcriptional regulator. Furthermore, pncrA was deleted to identify the region that was critical for NcrB bingding. We found that only the fragments contained intact p1p17 could bind with NcrB, revealing that NcrB bound directly to the inverted repeat sequence in the p1p17 region. Apo-NcrB might compete with RNA polymerase to bind to p1p17, which might repress transcription of ncrA.There were other two promoters (pncrB and pncrY) in the operon, with similar sequence to p1p17. However, they didn’t interact with NcrB in vivo. By comparing with this similar region, we found the five nucleotides between the two half-sites of p1p17 were critical for interaction. So we designed random library to alterative these five nucleotides. After screening, the conservative basic pair was the forth one, which might decide the interaction between the promoter and the NcrB.

【关键词】 嗜铁钩端螺旋菌UBK03;NcrB;基因表达调控;转录调节蛋白;
【Key words】 Leptospirillum ferriphilum UBK03;NcrB;Regulation of gene expression;Transcriptional regulator;



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