
目的腺苷(adenosine,AD)和5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)是目前已知的睡眠-觉醒周期调节的神经体液因子,下丘脑视前正中核(median preoptic nucleus,MnPN)是下丘脑视前区重要的睡眠调节脑区。本研究采用脑立体定位、核团插管、微透析、微量注射、多导睡眠描计等策略研究MnPN区AD和5-HT对大鼠睡眠-觉醒周期的影响。策略1.模型建立雄性成年SD大鼠,清洁级,体重280-320 g。钠(40 mg/kg)经腹腔注射麻醉后,安装脑电和肌电电极用于多导睡眠描计,将微透析或微量注射用引导管插入大鼠MnPN区(AP:+0.24 mm、L/R:0.0 mm、H:7.8 mm)供核团内给药使用。插管与记录电极均以牙科水泥固定于颅骨上,并将引导脑电和肌电的电极通过导线连接到微型插座上。大鼠术后置于隔音室中恢复一周,记录前一天连接EEG/EMG导线,以予适应记录状态。2.动物分组动物随机分为四组:人工脑脊液(artificial cerebrospinal fluid,AC)组,AD组,硝基苯硫嘌呤核苷[S-(4-nitrobenzyl)-6-thioinosine,NBTI]组,5-HTP(5-hydroxytryptophan)组。3.微透析灌注给药术后1周,将微透析探针置入引导管内,放置探针1天后开始灌注给药。给药前2 h预灌注人工脑脊液,给药时间为21:00~23:00。AC组预灌注AC,AD组预灌注300μmol/L的AD,NBTI组预灌注20μmol/L的NBTI,灌流速度为2μl/min。4.药物微量注射通过引导管向MnPN内注射5-HTP(5-HTP组)或AC(对照组),1 min内注射完毕,留针1 min以防药液溢出。实验正式开始前伪注射(仅模拟注射操作)两天。给药时间为08:50-09:00。5.多导睡眠描计及数据浅析浅析每次描记均从07∶00开始,连续记录24 h。以10 s为一分段时间,将睡眠—觉醒周期分为3期:(1)觉醒期(W):以低幅快波脑电和明显的肌电活动为特点;(2)非快速眼动睡眠期(NREM):以睡眠梭形波和高幅δ波为特点,肌电活动明显减少;(3)快速眼动睡眠期(REM):以低幅快波为特点,除偶尔有肌肉抽动外,无明显肌电活动。总睡眠时间(TST)为NREM和REM之和。6.组织学鉴定实验结束后,通过引导管向MnPN区插入单极不锈钢电极。通过电极向微透析或微量注射位点通以2.5 mA直流电10 s,行阳极毁损,判断探针轨迹底部是否位于MnPN区,仅对定位准确的大鼠实验数据进行统计。7.统计学浅析浅析采用SPSS 12.0软件进行统计浅析浅析,数据以(x|ˉ)±S表示,两样本比较采用t检验,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果1. MnPN区微透析灌注AD和NBTI能明显增加大鼠NREM睡眠时间,减少觉醒时间。2.灌注AD后睡眠时间在第二、三小时增加,灌注NBTI之后睡眠时间在第三、四小时增加。3. MnPN区微量注射5-HTP能明显增加觉醒时间,减少NREM睡眠时间。结论1.腺苷是一种生理性睡眠调节因子,MnPN区腺苷具有推动睡眠的作用,其作用可能是通过其A2A受体介导的。2. MnPN区给予NBTI可以通过升高细胞外腺苷浓度发挥促睡眠效应。3. 5-HT参与睡眠-觉醒周期的调节,MnPN区5-HT具有促觉醒的作用,其作用可能通过其5-HT1B受体介导。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com ObjectiveAdenosine and 5-hydroxytryptamine are important neuro-hormonal factors which modulate sleep-wakefulness cycle. Median preoptic nucleus (MnPN) is an important area involving sleep regulation. The present study investigated the effects of adenosine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in MnPN on sleep-wakefulness cycle of rats by using brain stereotaxic, nucleus spile, microdialysis, microinjection, polysomnography.Methods1. Animal model Adult male SD rats (280-320 g and clean stage) were used in the experiments. Under pentobarbital anesthesia (40 mg/kg, i.p.), EEG and EMG electrodes were implanted for polysomnographic recordings, and a guide cannula was inserted into MnPN(AP:+0.24 mm、L/R:0.0 mm、H:7.8 mm)for drug application or microdialysis in rats. The EEG electrodes and the guide cannula were fixed to the skull with dental cement. After 7 days for recovery in a soundproof recording room, each animal was connected to an EEG/EMG recording cable and habituated for 1 day before polygraphic recording.2. Grouping The rats in the experiments were divided into four groups:? artificial cerebrospinal fluid group, AD group, S-(4-nitrobenzyl)-6-thioinosine (NBTI) group, and 5-HTP group.3. Microdialysis One week after surgery, a microdialysis probe was inserted through the guide cannula into the target structure and the tissue was allowed to stabilize for 24 h. Artificial cerebrospinal fluid (AC) was perfused before drug application, which was set at 21:00-23:00. AC, AD (300μmol/L), and NBTI(20μmol/L)were used in AC group, AD group and NBTI group. The flow rate was 2μl/min.4. Microinjection 5-HTP or AC was microinjected into the MnPN through the guide cannula about 1 min. The needle was kept in the guide cannula about 1 min to prevent the physic liquor flow out. False inject two days before the experiment start. Drug application was performed at 08:50-09:00.5. Polysomnography Polysomnography (PSG, including EEG and EMG) was started at 07:00 and sustained 24 hours. According to the PSG results, the sleep-wakefulness was divided into three stages: (1) Wakefulness (W) period was characterized by high frequency and low amplitude wes of EEG and relatively high tone EMG. (2) Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) period was characterized by low frequency, spindles, high amplitude andδslow wes of EEG, and significantly decreased EMG tone. (3) Rapid eye movement (REM) was characterized by high frequency and low amplitude wes of EEG, and lack of EMG tone except occasional muscle twitches. Total sleep time (TST) was composed of NREM and REM.6. Histological identification After sleep recording, a unipolar stainless steel electrode was inserted into MnPN through the guide cannula. Lesions were made by currents (2.5 mA for 10 s) to the microdialysis or microinjection site through an electrode. Only animals whose sites of lesion were located in the MnPN were used.7. Statistical analyses SPSS 12.0 software was used for statistical analyses. The data were presented as (x|ˉ)±S. Differences between the mean. The values were analyzed with Student’s t-test, and those at P < 0.05 were considered significant.Results1. Infusion of AD and NBTI significantly enhanced NREM sleep time and reduced wakefulness.2. Sleep time was increased in the second and third hour after infusion of AD, as well as in the third and fourth hour after infusion of NBTI.3. Microinjection of 5-HTP significantly increased wakefulness and reduced NREM sleep time. Conclusion1. AD is physiological sleep regulation factor. AD enhances sleep in MnPN, which may be mediated by A2A receptor.2. Infusion of NBTI in MnPN enhances sleep time by increasing extracellular AD level.3. 5-HT participates in sleep–wakefulness cycle regulation. 5-HT in MnPN enhances wakefulness, and its effect may be mediated by 5-HT1B receptor.

【关键词】 下丘脑视前正中核;腺苷;5-羟色胺;睡眠;觉醒;大鼠;
【Key words】 median preoptic nucleus;adenosine;5-hydroxytryptamine;sleep;wakefulness;rat;
