
软件系统开发策略经历了从汇编语言、面向过程、面向对象到面向构件四个主要阶段。然而,随着软件系统的复杂性在不断地增加,传统的软件系统开发策略显示出很大的局限性。特别是分布式或异构的软件系统,很难实现软件系统的快速开发、集成和复用。SOA (Service Oriented Architecture,面向怎么写作架构)系统开发策略,为以上不足提供了解决方案。SOA已成为目前软件系统的主流开发策略,可以增强软件系统的复用性、灵活性及可扩展性,并且缩短开发周期。目前采用SOA策略进行系统开发是标准化的“需求”+“怎么写作”两层结构,针对具体的应用时,在适应各种不同的语义表达上,该策略具有一定的局限性。本课题首先对软件系统开发策略的发展过程及文件系统的背景、研究近况进行了讨论,然后提出了一种SOA三层怎么写作架构下文件系统的快速开发的策略,包括两种三层架构:一种是逻辑层面“需求+语义+怎么写作”的SOA三层架构。在传统的“需求+怎么写作”两层架构的基础上增加“语义”层,语义层通过针对具体的应用,定义相关的应用层协议语言,通过应用层协议对特定应用系统的业务需求与系统需求的映射关系进行形式化语义描述,跨越了业务需求浅析浅析到系统实现间的鸿沟,实现了从业务到系统的衔接。另一种是实现层面“流程+引擎+构件”的SOA三层架构。实现层的三层架构与逻辑层的三层架构是一一对应的,通过逻辑层面定义的应用系统应用层协议即语义来组建系统实现流程,通过需求来设计流程引擎,通过怎么写作的功能描述在实现层开发相应的构件来作为怎么写作的系统实现。本文首先对该怎么写作架构每一层的主要功能及用到的相关技术进行了介绍。随后,以文件系统的开发为例论述了该怎么写作架构模型下软件系统的开发策略和过程,初步实现了BPEL (Business Process Execution Language,业务流程执行语言)流程化的SOA文件系统原型。最后论文总结SOA三层架构怎么写作模型下软件系统开发策略,提出了此方案的优点以及还需完善的地方,并对下一步工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com The software development methods he gong through from assembly language,process oriented,object oriented to component oriented four major stages.However, with the complexity of software systems is constantly increasing,traditional software development methods show significant limitations. Especially in distributed or heterogeneous software systems,it is difficult to achieve rapid development,integration and reuse. The Service Oriented Architecture system development method provides a solution to these problems. SOA has become the mainstream software development method,it not only can enhance the reusability,flexibity and scalability of software systems,but also can shorten the development cycle. Currently,the SOA system development is the standardiazation of "Requirement"+"Service"two-tier structurc.The method has some limitations in adaptiong to a variety of semantic expression for specific applications.In the paper,we first study the development process of software system development methods,and the research background and status of filesystem.Then,present a rapid development method of SOA three-tier service architecture file system.It including two three-tier architecture: One is the logical level "Requirement+Semantics+Service"SOA three-layer architecture.Increase the "Semantics"layer based on the traditional "Requirement+Semantics" two-tier system. Through the "Semantics" layer,define the relevant application layer protocol language for specific applications.Do formal semantics describe of the mapping relationship between the business requirement and system requirement through the application layer protocol,which across the gap between the business requirement analysis and system implementation and realize the connection from business to system.Another is the implementation level "Process+Engine+Component" SOA three-layer architecture.The implementation three-layer architecture is corresponding to the logical.Establish the system process according to the application layer protocol language,design the process engine according to the requirement and develop the corresponding component as the service implementation according to the functional description of the service layer.The paper first introduce each layer main functions and related technologies used in development process. In the following,take the development of filesystem as an example,the paper discusses the software systems development methods and processes under the service architecture model,and initially realizes the BPEL process SOA filesystem prototype.In conclusion,the paper summarizes the software system development method of SOA three-layer architecture service model to analyze the advantages and the disadvantages, then put forward the next stage of work.

【关键词】 SOA;文件系统;UML;Web怎么写作;BPEL;
【Key words】 SOA;Filesystem;UML;Web service;BPEL;



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