
现代企业财务管理目标理论可分为以下几种观点:企业利润最大化,股东财富最大化,企业价值最大化,企业流量最优化。任何一种观点都没有能经受住其他观点的批驳而独树一帜,所以,关于企业财务管理目标的争论呈现出诸侯割据、各霸一方的局面。出现上述局面的理由在于:各家观点的论述停留在财务层面上的,却忽略了一个基本的概念“企业”。只有弄清楚什么是企业才能对企业的财务管理目标有一个清楚的认识。脱离企业理论的财务管理目标理论就像是无源之水、无本之木经不住风吹草动。基于上述情况,本文结构安排如下:第一章对现代企业理论的各种观点进行简单的介绍。第二章对现代财务管理目标理论的综述第三章运用现代企业理论对现代企业财务管理目标理论存在的不足进行浅析浅析,得出:1、只有在古典资本主义企业才能把股东财富最大化作为企业的 财务目标。2、现代企业财务管理目标没有突出财务角度而是直接套用了企 业目标。3、股东、人力资本投入者之间利益是对立的。4、相同外部环境下,企业的经营风险是经营者能力风险的客观 反映。第四章文中提出一种机制,意在使有能力的经营者成为能够具有抵抗风险能力的企业家,使企业经营者与财产所有者合二为一,最终解决写作技巧不足。最后,提出了本人对企业财务管理目标的观点。本文力图汲取企业理论的最新成果,去论述企业的财务管理目标,希望把财务管理目标理论的研究引向深入。

【Abstract】 According to the modern firm financial theory, there are some viewpoints about the goal of the firm. They are the maxim of profit, the maxim of shareholder’s interest, the maxim of the firm’s value and the maxim of the cash flow. None of them can be challenged by the others and became isolated. So the argument about the goal of rmancial management became so heated. The reason is that every viewpoint only put it’s point on the financial layer and ignore the concept of irm Only understand the concept of firm can we get a thorough understand of the goal of financial management. And the theory is so weak like the brook without resource, the tree without root.Based on it, this paper arrange as that:The first chapter introduces some viewpoints of the modern firm theory simply.The second chapter discusses the theory about modern financial management goal.The third chapter analyzes the problem existing in financial management goal according to the modern firm theory. And it also points out like that:nly in the capitali firm can the maxim of shareholder’s interest beregarded as the financial management goal.he modem firm’s rmancial management didn’t emphasis on the financeand quote the firm goal arbitrarily.he interest of the shareholder and the labor resource owner is opposite.nder the same external circumstance, the firm’s management risk isobjectively reflected by the manager’s capacity risk.The forth chapter gives a system aim to make the manager became the entrepreneur who can bear the risk. It also can make the manager and the owner combined as one. And the agent problem is resolved.At last, I discuss some viewpoints about the financial management goal.The aim of this paper is to discuss the goal of financial management after deriving the new viewpoint about firm theory. So the theory of financial management goal can be developed deeply.

【关键词】 企业财务管理;目标研究;财务管理目标;目标理论;现代企业理论;人力资本投入;资本主义企业;现代财务管理;财产所有者;财富最大化;



【摘 要】综合考虑若干主要因素,现代企业财务管理目标应确立为:在履行一定社会责任的基础上,尽可能提高企业权益资本增值率,实现所有者。
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浏览量:13695 点赞量:4758


[摘 要]财务管理工作贯穿于烟草商业企业经营管理的全过程,涉及到相当多的环节,是一项复杂与繁琐的系统工程。财务管理目标是财务管理工作。
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摘 要:税收成本与纳税债务是研究企业财务管理目标的两个重要因素。本文拟着重从税收角度分析企业财务管理的一般目标。从企业财务管理的一。
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