
随着经济全球化进程的加快,外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)扮演着越来越重要的角色。作为外商直接投资引入的大国,外商直接投资通过技术溢出效应影响着我国工业经济的发展,但同时所带来的环境效应也影响着我国的环境。对正处在经济转型期的中国,协调经济增长和环境保护是我国走可持续发展道路的必定选择。面对我国区域性的发展特点,不同地区外商直接投资的影响则不同,因此识别外商直接投资对各地区工业经济增长和环境的影响方向并测度其影响大小,对于合理引导外商直接投资有一定的借鉴意义。本文在已有文献的相关研究基础之上,首先利用非参数DEA测度理论和三阶段DEA模型测得传统工业全要素生产率(Total Factor Productivity, TFP)、环境约束下的环境绩效(Environment Performance, EP)和剔除外商直接投资因素影响的工业全要素生产率和环境绩效,并通过之间的对比,得出外商直接投资对工业全要素生产率和环境的影响方向和大小。通过对比我国区域工业全要素生产率和环境绩效发现我国从“九五”到“十五”期间存在严重的污染不足,且有持续恶化的趋势。环境不足严重约束我国经济的发展和人民生活质量的提高,因此推动我国工业由粗放型发展模式向集约型发展模式转变,达到经济和环境协调发展是我国可持续发展的必经之路。“十一五”期间,随着国家环境保护力度的加大和工业经济发展模式转变的推进,我国在环境保护方面取得了一定的效果,但环境污染依然是我国工业化进程中所面临的不足。通过引入外商直接投资影响前后的各区域全要素生产率和环境绩效对比浅析浅析,发现在“八五”期间,外商直接投资的引入推动了各地区工业经济的发展,对工业的全要素生产率增长起到积极的作用,但是在“九五”期间,因外商直接投资质量和结构有了变化,除东部沿海综合经济区外,其他七大综合经济区外商直接投资都出现了抑制工业全要素生产率提高的状况。从“十五”到“十一五”期间,随着我国引入外商直接投资的不断加大,外商直接投资对我国各个综合经济区的工业全要素生产率水平的提高都有积极的推动作用。从全国范围看,从“十五”到“十一五”期间,外商直接投资对工业经济发展的积极影响越来越大,推动作用明显的提高。在外商直接投资对各区域环境的影响中发现“八五”期间外商直接投资表现出大范围的负环境效应,而到了“九五”期间,外商直接投资对各地区环境的影响全部表现出了积极的正效应,对当地环境的改善有一定的作用,但是相比“八五”期间的破坏程度影响稍小。到“十五”期间,虽然外商直接投资对大部分地区都表现出积极的正环境效应,但是已经出现了环境消极的态势,而到了“十一五”期间,外商直接投资对环境的破坏全面爆发,除有利于大西北综合经济区环境的改善,其他七大综合经济区都表现出了不同程度的环境负效应。负环境效应的加大,不利于我国工业经济的可持续发展。在对外商投资对各区域工业全要素生产率水平和环境影响的综合浅析浅析后,发现在“八五”期间外商直接投资对工业经济绩效的影响起到较大的正效应,然而对环境的负相应也相当的明显。到“九五”期间,外商直接投资对环境的影响表现出积极的正效应,但是对各区域的工业经济绩效,大部分地区外商直接投资都抑制了工业全要素生产率水平的提高。到了“十五”期间,随着我国对外商直接投资的调整,总体上外商直接投资对工业经济绩效和环境的影响都出现了好转。而到了“十一五”期间,却又出现了不平衡的现象,除大西北综合经济区外,其它各综合经济区外商直接投资对工业全要素生产率都有较大程度的提高,但对当地造成的环境负效应却比较大。外商直接投资对工业全要素生产率水平的影响和对环境的影响,表现出明显的区域非平衡现象,这要求我国利用外商直接投资的水平需要更大的提高,利用外商直接投资的政策需要进一步的完善。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com With economic globalization and economic development, FDI plays an increasingly important role. As the largest country absorbing FDI, FDI through technology spillovers affects China’s economic development. However, the environmental effects of FDI also attribute to our environmental problems. With the expansion of investment, and environmental pollution increase, the impact of FDI has been paid attention. In the period of economic tranormation in China, to coordinate economic growth and environmental protection has been our inevitable choice to adjust to the sustainable development. Because of China’s different regional development, the impact of FDI in different regions is different from each other. So identifying the direction of FDI on economic growth and the environment influence and measuring the size of influence he a certain reasonable guide for reference.This article uses the non-parametric DEA model and the three-stage DEA model to measure the performance of the traditional industrial economy, the economic performance under environment constraint, and the TFP and EP excluding the effect of FDI. By the contrast, we can obtain the direction and the degree of FDI.By comparing the index of TFP and EP, we can conclude that there existed serious environmental pollution from the“9th Five-Year”to“10th Five-Year”. Environmental issues seriously constrained the development of our economy and the quality of people’s life. During“11th Five-Year”period, to some extent, we achieve certain result because of the stepping up environmental protection and changing the development patterns of industry. However, pollution is still the difficult problem we should face in the process of industrial development.By comparing the index of TFP and EP after excluding the impact of FDI, we conclude that during“8th Five-Year”period, the introduction of FDI facilitated the development of regional industrial economy. However, in the next Five-Year, except the eastern coastal integrated economic area, FDI hindered the other seven economic area’s industrial economy because the quality and structure of FDI has changed. From“10th Five-Year”to“11th Five-Year”, FDI has the positive impact on industrial economy in different areas. And what’s more, FDI played the more and more significant role on industrial economy.Though the analysis on environment effect of FDI, we conclude that during the“8th Five-Year”, FDI showed a wide range of negative environmental effects in different region. However, in the next“Five-Year”, FDI showed the positive environment effect in different area, which improved the local environment. During“10th Five-Year”, FDI showed the positive effect on environment in most areas, but there had been environmental negative trend. In the“11th Five-Year”, FDI only improved the quality of environment in northwestern area. However, in the other areas, FDI showed the negative environment effect in different degree. The negative environmental effect of FDI is not conducive to the sustainable development of China’s industrial economy.After analyzing the comprehensive impact of FDI on TFP and EP, we found that FDI played a large positive role on industrial economy, but also played a negative role on environment in the“8th Five-Year”period. During the next“Five-Year”, the impact of FDI had changed, which showed the positive effect on environment but the negative effect on industrial economy in most areas. In next“10th Five-Year”period, as China’s adjustment of FDI, FDI showed the positive effect on both industrial economy and environment. However, during the“11th Five-Year”period, FDI showed the unbalanced effect on TFP and environment. FDI improved the quality of industrial economy significantly in most areas excluding northwestern area. On the contrary, FDI played a serious negative role on environment. As to the effect on industrial economy and environment, FDI showed the significant regional non-equilibrium phenomena, which requires improving the level of applying to FDI and more rational and effective policies to regulate FDI.

【关键词】 外商直接投资;全要素生产率;环境绩效;三阶段DEA;
【Key words】 FDI;TFP;environment performance;three-stage DEA;



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