
【】目的 探讨泌尿外科实习生职业暴露的危险因素及防护对策。策略 对2009年7月—2010年3月轮转到泌尿外科实习生108人有关职业暴露知识的问卷调查。 结果 大专学历实习生较中专学历护生职业暴露意识强;护理组发生职业暴露的事件较医疗组高;职业暴露种类为:锐器伤42.6%,体液污染34.4%,紫外线、电离辐射23%。 泌尿外科实习生为高危险性感染人群,职业暴露发生率高,实习生职业暴露教育,加强职业安全管理,提高实习生职业暴露防护意识及防护策略,是减少职业暴露的措施。

【字】泌尿外科 实习生 职业暴露 防护

The research about the interns’ occupational exposure in urinarysurgery sectionand protection

YUNLing ZHAO Wenfang LIU Min

(Second People's Hospital of Guangyuan)

【Abstract】Objective To investigate the risks of urinarysurgery interns’ occupational exposure and the protective measures to the risks. Methods A questionnair on the knowledge of the relevant occupational exposure among108 students who had rotately experienced the neurosurgical practice nursing at Guangyuan City Second People's Hospital Urinarysurgery from 2009 to March. 2010. Results Compared with those from vocational schools, interns from colleges and universities he stronger senses of occupational exposure-related risks; Care Unit he the high incidence of occupational exposure occurance; Found occupational exposure categories are as follows: 42.6% of sharp injuries, 34.4% contaminated body fluids, UV and ionizing radiation, 23%. Conclusion Urinarysurgery interns are among the people easily facing risks of occupational exposure infections. Possible solutions to the occupational exposure withurinarysurgery interns are following: Emphasis on intern education, strengthening of occupational safety management and improve the trainee occupational exposure protection awareness and prevention methods.

【Keywords】urinarysurgery interns occupational exposure Protection





浏览量:132260 点赞量:28522


【关键词】医院实习生;实习档案;管理文章编号:1003-1383(2013)03-0447-03:Bdoi:10 3969 j issn 1003-1383 2010061 医学生以及与医学。
浏览量:131337 点赞量:28683


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