
研究背景据世界卫生组织报道,全球约20亿人曾感染过乙型肝炎病毒(以下简称HBV),其中3.5亿人为慢性HBV感染者,每年约有100万人死于HBV感染所致的肝衰竭、肝硬化和原发性肝细胞癌。大量研究表明,我国是HBV感染的高流行区,一般人群HBsAg阳性率为9.09%。2006年1月28日,卫生部公布、实施的《2006—2010年全国乙型病毒性肝炎防治规划》中指出,在我国法定报告的传染病中,多年来乙型肝炎的发病数和发病率一直高居前列。乙型肝炎给病人、家庭、社会造成沉重的经济负担,给社会经济发展带来不容忽视的影响,是许多家庭因病致贫、因病返贫的重要理由,同时也引发一系列社会不足,是我国现阶段最为突出的公共卫生不足之一。据广东省医学预防学会有关人员介绍,全国有一亿三千万乙型肝炎病毒携带者,广东省乙型肝炎病原人口(病原携带者)达一千万以上,乙型肝炎发病率为全国之最,防治工作刻不容缓。目前我国乙型肝炎防治工作状况和投入力度,与实际工作需要,与社会和公众日益增长的健康需求仍有很大差距。乙型肝炎目前还缺乏可靠的特效治疗策略,治疗原则以足够的休息、营养为主,辅以适当药物,避开饮酒、过劳和损害肝脏药物。但是,现有的疗法仍不能清除HBV。乙型肝炎病毒感染者,部分病人出现不同程度的躯体不适症状,由于病毒不能被彻底清除,加之乙型肝炎所具有的传染性和社会对乙型肝炎的歧视等,易导致感染者出现较多的心理不足,从而影响其人格及社会支持状况,给患者、家庭和社会带来了巨大的精神压力和沉重的经济负担,生活质量较低。研究表明,慢性乙型肝炎患者比正常人更容易患焦虑、抑郁的心理障碍,不同性别、年龄、文化程度以及经济状况等理由是使慢性乙型肝炎患者出现焦虑、抑郁心理障碍的较为重要的影响因素。乙型肝炎也是严重威胁大学生健康的重要疾病之一,大学生HBV感染状况令人担忧,区域感染存在较大差异,北方及中部地区感染率较低,南方地区感染率较高。从大学生因病休学的病因顺位统计看,乙型肝炎长期处于第一顺位,是严重影响大学生身体健康的疾病。健康教育作为提高HBV感染者存活质量的重要手段,已经成为医学界关注的重点。卫生部公布、实施的《2006—2010年全国乙型病毒性肝炎防治规划》中,乙型肝炎防治对策与主要措施提出,加强宣传教育,增强全民乙型肝炎防治意识。要把乙型肝炎防治知识的宣传和普及作为科普知识宣传的重要内容,纳入当地健康教育规划。坚持全民健康教育与重点人群教育相结合,有计划、有针对性地通过多种形式开展经常性的宣传工作。向群众宣传乙型肝炎的危害和防治策略,让群众了解乙型肝炎传播的途径与正确的预防策略,增强自我防护意识。各部门、社会团体和大众宣传媒体要充分发挥各自的优势,积极宣传乙型肝炎防治知识和防治工作,形成全社会防治乙型肝炎的氛围。由此可见,高等学校内强化大学生的健康教育工作势在必行,通过健康教育,提高学生预防HBV感染的知识和意识,改善HBV感染者生活质量,从而提高大学生的健康水平。HBV感染者数量之多及日益突出的健康不足,建立主动、系统的健康教育体系成为首要的工作。研究目的1.本研究通过对HBV感染者一般资料的调查,明确HBV感染重点人群,为明确健康教育重点对象提供依据。2.本研究可有效提高大学生对乙型肝炎相关知识的认知水平及心理健康水平,提高生活质量。同时可借助大量的学生传播健康教育知识,提高人群的健康水平。3.通过实验组和对照组的干预实验,明确系统的健康教育模式的健康教育效果,为今后选择恰当的健康教育模式提供依据。研究对象与策略本研究选取某高职院校08级新生,入学体检结果显示HBV感染(以HBsAg阳性为纳入标准)学生262名,期中男87人,女175人,年龄19-23岁。采用便利抽样法抽取HBV未感染学生243人,共计505人。运用自编调查问卷对所有研究对象基本情况进行调查,包括性别、年龄、居住环境与家庭经济状况等。根据调查结果,应用SPSS13.0统计软件,将所有HBV感染者和所有HBV未感染者分别进行随机分组,对照组共256人,其中HBV感染者129人,HBV未感染者127人;实验组共249人,其中HBV感染者133人,HBV未感染者116人。两组之间总人数、HBV感染者人数、HBV未感染者人数经统计检验,P值均大于0.05,无显著性差异。运用自编乙型肝炎相关知识认知状况调查表调查两组学生健康教育前后乙型肝炎相关知识认知水平,运用焦虑自评量表(Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, SAS)、抑郁自评量表(Self-rating Depression Scale, SDS),测量两组学生健康教育前后焦虑、抑郁程度,统计第一、二学期考试科目考试平均成绩。实验组采取系统健康教育方式:专题讲座、健康教育手册、建立HBV感染者健康档案、健康教育随访;对照组采用传统健康教育模式:健康教育手册、健康教育宣传栏。所有数据资料,经仔细检查、核对,应用SPSS13.0软件建立数据库进行数据的录入,确保数据准确无误录入,同时使用SPSS13.0进行统计学浅析浅析。统计策略采用描述性浅析浅析、两独立样本t检验、配对t检验、单因素方差浅析浅析、LSD组间多重比较等。检验水准α=0.05。研究结果1.HBV感染者一般资料HBV感染者一般资料显示,在调查的262名HBV感染者中,均为汉族和大专文化程度。其中女性175例,占66.8%,男性87例,占33.2%;年龄小于18岁14例,占5.3%,18-25岁248例,占94.7%;180例家庭居住地在农村,占68.7%,82例家庭居住地在城镇,占31.3%;家庭年收入小于5000硕士论文网97例,占37.0%,5000-10000硕士论文网90例,占34.4%,10000-30000硕士论文网56例,占21.4%,大于30000硕士论文网19例,占7.3%。2.健康教育前后两组学生对乙型肝炎相关知识的认知情况健康教育后两组学生对乙型肝炎相关知识的认知水平明显提高。所有学生均想了解乙型肝炎相关知识者,健康教育前后对乙型肝炎具有恐惧感者,对照组由82.0%降至81.3%,实验组由83.1%降至67.9%。如果患了乙型肝炎有沉重心理负担者,健康教育前后两组均无明显改善。对乙型肝炎传播途径的错误认知,对照组由27.0%降至23.0%,实验组由23.3%降至1.2%。正确认知乙型肝炎疫苗的预防作用者,对照组由85.5%升至91.0%,实验组由92.4%升至98.0%。注射乙型肝炎疫苗者,对照组由69.9%降至59.8%,实验组由52.6%升至72.3%。不愿意和乙型肝炎患者一起玩者,对照组由16.0%降至11.3%,,实验组由9.6%降至2.4%。3.健康教育前后学生焦虑状况健康教育前两组间学生焦虑状况经两独立样本t检验,结果如表1-3所示,健康教育前P值大于0.05,无统计学意义;健康教育后,P值小于0.05,说明实验组的焦虑程度低于对照组,健康教育后焦虑程度降低。实验前后实验组和对照组学生焦虑状况经配对t检验,结果显示,健康教育后,对照组HBV未感染者、HBV感染者焦虑情况经统计学检验均未见显著性差异,P值均大于0.05。实验组HBV未感染者、HBV感染者焦虑情况经统计学检验有显著性差异,P值均小于0.05,健康教育后焦虑程度降低。对照组HBV未感染者、HBV感染者,实验组HBV未感染者、HBV感染者四部分之间实验前后焦虑程度的转变,经单因素方差浅析浅析显示有显著性差异(F=18.575,=0.000),经LSD法进行组间多重比较显示,对照组HBV感染者和实验组HBV感染者之间焦虑程度的转变有显著性差异,P=0.000。对照组HBV未感染者和实验组HBV未感染者之间焦虑程度的转变有显著性差异,P=0.000。实验组焦虑程度的转变大于对照组,说明实验组健康教育方式可有效改善学生焦虑程度。4.健康教育前后学生抑郁状况健康教育前两组间学生抑郁状况经两独立样本t检验,结果如表1-5所示,健康教育前P值大于0.05,无统计学意义;健康教育后,P=0.000,P值小于0.05,说明实验后实验组的抑郁程度低于对照组,健康教育后抑郁程度降低。实验前后两组学生抑郁状况经配对t检验显示,健康教育后,两组学生HBV未感染者、HBV感染者抑郁程度均降低,经统计学检验均有显著性差异,P值均小于0.05,说明健康教育可有效改善学生的抑郁状况。对照组HBV未感染者、HBV感染者,实验组HBV未感染者、HBV感染者四部分之间实验前后抑郁程度的转变,经单因素方差浅析浅析显示有显著性差异(F=38.872,P=0.000),经LSD法进行组间多重比较显示,对照组HBV感染者和实验组HBV感染者之间抑郁程度的转变有显著性差异,P=0.000。对照组HBV未感染者和实验组HBV未感染者之间抑郁程度的转变有显著性差异,P=0.000.说明实验组健康教育方式对改善学生抑郁状况效果优于对照组。5.健康教育前后学生学习成绩情况两组学生学习成绩经两独立样本t检验,结果如表1-7所示,健康教育前后P值均大于0.05,无统计学意义,说明健康教育对学习成绩的影响较小。健康教育前后两组学生学习成绩经配对t检验,对照组HBV未感染者、实验组HBV未感染者、实验组HBV感染者学习成绩经统计学检验均未见显著性差异,P值均大于0.05。健康教育后对照组HBV感染者学习成绩经统计学检验有显著性差异,P值小于0.05。对照组HBV未感染者、HBV感染者,实验组HBV未感染者、HBV感染者四部分之间实验前后学习成绩的转变程度,经单因素方差浅析浅析显示有显著性差异(F=4.376,P=0.005),实验组学习成绩的转变大于对照组。经LSD法进行组间多重比较,对照组HBV感染者和实验组HBV感染者之间成绩转变有显著性差异,P=0.000。实验组HBV未感染者和实验组HBV感染者之间成绩转变有显著性差异,P=0.017。说明实验组健康教育方式可有效改善学习成绩,对HBV感染者效果更好。研究结论1.广东省高职院校学生HBV感染率很高,达11.7%。HBV感染易导致感染者出现较多的心理不足,如焦虑、抑郁、人际关系紧张等。2.健康教育可提高所有学生对乙型肝炎相关知识的认知水平,减轻对乙型肝炎的恐慌,推动人际交往,增强主动防御能力。3.系统化健康教育可有效改善学生的心理健康状况及学习成绩,尤其是对HBV感染者心理状况改善程度更加明显。4.系统化健康教育模式适宜在高校推广使用。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com BackgroundAs the World Health Organization reported, about 2 billion people he been infected with Hepatitis B virus (hereinafter referred to as HBV) worldwide, of which 350 million people he been infected with chronic HBV infection. About 1 million people died of liver failure, liver sclerosis and primary hepatocellular carcinoma induced by HBV all over the world each year. Many studies indicate that China is a high endemic area of HBV infection, with a 9.09%HBsAg rate among the population. January,28,2006, the Ministry of Health announced the implementation of the "Programs for National Hepatitis B Prevention and Control 2006-2010", which indicated that in the statutory report of infectious diseases, the incidence and morbidity of Hepatitis B has been rated high. Hepatitis B has been a great economic burden to patients, families and society, and brought great influence on the economic development in the society. It has been regarded as an important factor to make many families lapse into poverty, triggering a series of social problems, which is one of the most prominent public health problems in our country nowadays. According to the personnel from the Guangdong Preventive Medicine Association, there are 130 million carriers of hepatitis B virus and 10 million are in Guangdong Province, with the highest morbidity in the country. So the task for preventing and controlling the disease is urgent. There is a big gap between the input for the prevention for Hepatitis B and practical work and the growing public health needs. There is also a lack of reliable specific treatments for hepatitis B. Theraputic principles require adequate rest, nutrition, supplemented by appropriate medication, and oidance of alcohol, fatigue and hepatotoxic drugs. However, the existing therapy can not eliminate HBV.Some infectors with HBV he somatic symptoms in different degree. Because the virus cannot be completely eliminated, Hepatitis B is infectious and there is social discrimination against the disease. Infectors are apt to psychological problems, which affect their personality and social support to them, bringing great mental stress and hey economic burden to families and society and lower quality life to patients. Studies he shown that patients with chronic Hepatitis B are more easily suffered from anxiety and depressive mental disorder than healthy people. Gender, age, education and economic status are important factors for the anxiety and depressive mental disorder for those patients. Hepatitis B is also one of the serious threats to the health of college students. HBV infection in college students is worrying. There is a big regional difference in the infection. Northern and central areas are of lower infection rate than the south. From the statistics of the reasons for student’s dropping out of college, Hepatitis B ranks first in the health field. Thus, Hepatitis has been a serious disease for college student’s health.As an important means to improve the quality of life for HBV infector, health education has become the focus in the medical field. In the "Programs for National Hepatitis B Prevention and Control 2006-2010" implemented by the Ministry of Health, the Hepatitis B prevention strategies and main measures proposed that we should strengthen the publicity of health education and enhance people’s awareness of hepatitis B prevention. The prevention and control of Hepatitis B should be publicized and popularized as an important part of popular science in local health education programs. Adhering to national health education combined with key group’s education, we should carry out various forms of publicity frequently and purposefully, and publicize the dangers of Hepatitis B and preventive methods, so that people will learn the tranission path of Hepatitis B and correct preventive methods, which can enhance their self-protective awareness. Different government departments, social organizations and mass media should give full play to their advantages, actively promote the prevention and treatment of Hepatitis B, creating a good atmosphere for the control of Hepatitis B in the society. Thus, strengthening the health education for college students is imperative. Through health education, student’s knowledge and awareness of the prevention of HBV infection will be enhanced, the quality of life of HBV infectors will be improved and thereby the health of students will be improved. The great number of HBV infectors and the more and more obvious health problems make the establishment of an active, systematic health education system a principal task.Purpose1. Through the survey of demographic basic information of HBV infectors, this research identify the key group of HBV infectors, providing evidence to identify the targets for health education.2. This research can effectively improve the college student’s knowledge of Hepatitis B, mental health and quality of life. At the same time, the knowledge from health education can be publicized by a large amount of students so as to improve the public health.3. Through the interventional experiments in the experimental group and the control group, the effectiveness of a systemic model for health education can be proved, providing evidence for choosing an appropriate health education model. Subjects and MethodsThis research selected freshmen of 2008 in a higher vocational college. Physical examination results showed that there were 262 HBV infectors, of which male accounted for 87 while female 175, aged 19-23.243 students not infected with HBV were selected by the convenience sampling method, accounting to a total of 505 students. A survey was carried out by a self-edited questionnaire to investigate the basic information of the participants, including gender, age, living conditions and family economic status. According to the survey results, by the application of SPSS 13.0 statistical software, HBV infected and uninfected students were seperated randomly into a control group of 256 students, of which 129 were HBV infected and 127 uninfected, and an experimental group of 249 students, of which 133 were HBV infected and 116 uninfected.The two groups’knowledge of Hepatitis B was surveyed before and after the health education by a self-edited questionnaire. Two groups’levels of anxiety and depression before and after the health education were measured by the Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS). The erage academic scores of all subjects in the first and the second semester were calculated.A systemic health education model was adopted in the experimental group, i.e. seminars, health education manual, establishing a health record of HBV infectors and a follow-up health education; while a traditional health education model was adopted in the control group, i.e. health education manual and health education bulletin board.After checking all data carefully, a database was built by the application of SPSS 13.0 to ensure the accuracy of the data input. Meanwhile, the data was statistically analyzed by SPSS13.0. Descriptive analysis, paired test, factor analysis of variance and LSD multiple comparisons between groups were adopted in the statistical methods. Test level a=0.05. Results1. HBV infection demographicsAs the HBV infection demographic information indicated, the 262 HBV infectors in the survey were Han and has a post-secondary degree, of which 175 were female, accounting for 66.8%, and 87 were male, accounting for 33.2%.14 of them aged less than 18, accounting for 5.3%while 248 of them aged 18-25, reaching a proportion of 94.7%.180 of them were from the rural areas, taking up 68.7%, while 82 of them were from the urban areas, taking up 31.3%. Annual household income was less than 5000 in 97 students’ families, accounting for 37%,5000-10000 in 90 families, accounting for 34.4% and 10000-30000 in 56 families, accounting for 7.3%.2. Related knowledge of Hepatitis B in two groups before and after health educationAn obvious improvement could been seen in both groups’ related knowledge of Hepatitis B. All students wanted to know more about Hepatitis B. There is a drop in the number of students who were afraid of Hepatitis B, from 82.0%to 81.3%in the control group and from 83.1% to 67.9% in the experimental group. Neither group showed obvious improvement in the HBV infected students who were deeply depressed by the disease. The number of students who had a wrong perception of the tranission path of Hepatitis B decreased from 27.0% to 23.0% in the control group and from 23.3% to 1.2% in the experimental group. The students who had a correct perception of the preventive effectiveness of a Hepatitis B Vaccine increase from 85.5% to 91.0% in the control group and from 92.4% to 98.0% in the expetimental group. The students who had received Hepatitis B Vaccine decreased from 69.9% to 59.8% in the control group, while increased from 52.6% to 72.3% in the experimental group. There was a decrease in the number of students from both groups who were unwilling to play with Hepatitis B infectors, from 16.0% to 11.3% in the control group and from 9.6% to 2.4% in the experimental group.3. Student’s anxiety level before and after health educationA Paired t test was carried out to measure the anxiety level of the students in the experimental group and the control group before and after health education. The result showed that after health education,there was no obvious difference in the anxiety level of HBV uninfected and infected students from the control group, P value was more than 0.05.Significant difference was shown in the anxiety level of HBV uninfected and infected students from the experimental group, P value was less than 0.05. The anxiety was relieved after the health education. The changes of anxiety level of the HBV uninfected and infected students in the control group and experimental group before and after the health education respectively showed significant difference by factor analysis of variance (F=18.575,P=0.000). The LSD multiple comparisons between groups showed that the changes in the anxiety level of the HBV infectors in the control group and in the experimental group show significant difference, P=0.000. And the changes in the anxiety level of the HBV uninfected students in the control group and in the experimental group show significant difference, P=0.000. The changes in the anxiety level was more obvious in the experimental group than in the control group, which indicated the health education model for the experimental group could effectively improve student’s anxiety.4. Student’s depression level before and after health educationA Paired t test was carried out to measure the depression level of the students in the experimental group and the control group before and after health education, which showed a decrease in the depression level of HBV infected and uninfected students in both groups. The result has significant statistical difference, P values were less than 0.05. This indicated the health education could effectively relieve student’s depression. The changes of depression level of the HBV uninfected and infected students in the control group and the experimental group before and after the health education respectively showed significant difference by factor analysis of variance (F=38.872,P=0.000). The LSD multiple comparisons between groups showed that the changes in the depression level of the HBV infectors in the control group and in the experimental group show significant difference, P=0.000. And the changes in the depression level of the HBV uninfected students in the control group and in the experimental group show significant difference, P=0.000. The health education model for the experimental group was proved to be more effective than that for the control group.5. Student’s academic performance before and after health educationA Paired t test was carried out to measure the academic performance of the students in the experimental group and the control group before and after the health education. The result showed that after health education, there was no obvious difference in the academic performance of HBV uninfected students from the control group, the infected and uninfected students from the experimental group respectively, P value was more than 0.05. The academic performance of HBV infected students in the control group showed significant statistical difference, P value was less than 0.05. The changes in academic performance of the HBV uninfected and infected students in the control group and experimental group before and after the health education respectively showed significant difference by factor analysis of variance (F=4.376,P=0.005).The changes in academic performance was more obvious in the experimental group than in the control group. The LSD multiple comparisons between groups showed that the changes in the academic performance of the HBV infected and uninfected students from the experimental group show significant difference, P=0.000. And the changes in the academic performance of the HBV uninfected students in the control group and in the experimental group also show significant difference, P=0.017.The health education model for the experimental group could improve academic performance effectively and was even more effective for the HBV infectors.Conclusion1. HBV infection rate is as high as 11.7%in the higher vocational college in Guangdong Provice. HBV infectors are apt to he more psychological problems, such as anxiety, depression, tense interpersonal relationship ect., which he affected the personality and social support for them.2. Health education can improve all student’s related knowledge of Hepatitis B, reduce the fear of Hepatitis B, improve interpersonal relationship and strenthen active defensive capability.3. Systemic health education can effectively improve student’s mental health and academic performance, especially for those HBV infector’s psychological state.4. The effectiveness of systemic health education is obviously better than traditional health education.

【关键词】 乙型肝炎;健康教育;焦虑;抑郁;
【Key words】 Hepatitis B;Health education;Anxiety;Depression;



HBV(Hepatitis B virus,乙型肝炎病毒)感染是严重的公共卫生不足,对人民的健康和社会经济发展造成了严重危害,同时也引发了一系列的社会不。
浏览量:20454 点赞量:6239


HBV(Hepatitis B virus,乙型肝炎病毒)感染是严重的公共卫生不足,对人民的健康和社会经济发展造成了严重危害,同时也引发了一系列的社会不。
浏览量:84168 点赞量:19189


浏览量:93645 点赞量:20349