
英语专业毕业论文(thesis)一般被该专业学生所写的篇正规学术性论文,论文写作每个对该专业学生来说十分的,当然,"致谢"(acknowledgements)也不.学术性论文"致谢"是指作者以书面形式对过完成论文的人所表示的谢意,它是论文的有机组成,一般置于题名页( title page),独立成篇、单另成页."致谢"能论文的写作背景及作者学术的严谨态度和道德,在上还能作者的学术.在指导学生论文写作的中,,不少学生难于写好"致谢".
不明.:I am grateful tomy parents, without their support, I cannotfinish my thesis. I am also thankful to all my clasates andteachers, without their encouragement, I cannotgetdown towrit-ing the thesis. And finally Iwant to thank the Foreign LanguagesDepartmentofXXX University forprovidingme a computer to typeand print outmy thesis.以浅析,该"致谢"提到了父母、同学和论文老师,但排名先后不当,而对导师(supervisor)的指导却只字不提.看来,学生还不清楚"致谢"的是谁.
文体混乱.:Itwas really a laborious task to accomplishmy thesis. Manypeople geme support and help in the process ofwriting the pa-per. I'd like first to givemy gratitude tomy dear teacher, Pro.fXXX who generously geme her kind help and instructions dur-ing thewhole process ofmy paper-writing. Then I'd like to givemymany thanks tomy clasateswho helpedme a lotwithmy in-formation collecting and paper-polishing.以文体上浅析,此"致谢"混用了文体和非文体.如laborious, gratitude属文体语言,短语a lot和缩合词I'd属非文体语言.另外用dear teacher来表示"导师"也不当或欠妥.学生掌握"致谢"写作的文体.
内容牵强.:Iwould like to thankmy supervisor, Mrs. XXX who helpedme draw an outline of the thesis and correctmy mistakes in thethesis. Also Iwant to thank allmy teachers. I learned a lot fromthem, notonly the knowledge butalso theworking attitude. More-over, I thankmy clasates aswel.l During the studywe becamegood friends, and spenthappy time. And finally I am grateful tomy parents, without their support, I cannotaccomplishmy study.以内容来看,本"致谢"除句外,其他句子都与撰写论文无关,这学生不知道"致谢"内容实质是.
佐证示例"致谢"、文体、格式规范,实事求是,态度诚恳.比较西方英语学位论文"致谢"的写作这一要求:"Lauding one's professors, and humbling one's own ef-forts are considered inappropriate."AcknowledgementsIwould like to expresy heartfeltgratitude tomy supervisorProfessorXXX forher encouragement, guidance and advice tomethroughout thewriting of this thesis.Iwould also like to extend my sincere thanks to ProfessorXXX forhis insightfuladvice onmy choice of topic and his helpfulsuggestions.In addition, I would like to thank my clasates XXX andXXX for their time spentbrainstorming and discussingwithme.Finally, Iwould like to give special thanks toXXX Universi-ty for allowing me to use its library; the staff is of great assis-tance.英语专业学士学位论文"致谢"的写作内容因人而异,但"致谢"写作要点大致如上所述,万变不离其宗.学生明确了"致谢"、了"致谢"的文体、掌握了"致谢"的写作实质,并运用这些写作要领,写好"致谢"再难了.



摘 要 中国当代著名国画大师范曾说过“在艺术上我决不是一个天才。为了探求精深的艺术技巧,我曾在苦海中沉浮,渐渐从混沌中看到光明。苍。
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