
公民社会(Civil Society),又译为市民社会。最早出现于西方,在西方不同历史发展背景下,公民社会有着不同的涵义。严格意义上的公民社会是近代以来形成的。希腊早期自然哲学家和苏格拉底将世人关注和讨论的主题由神转向了人,探讨城邦的起源、城邦的治理以及公民和城邦的关系成为西方古典政治哲学的主题。古希腊哲人亚里士多德在《政治学》一书中使用“Politike Kornonia”来指代由同质公民所构成的追求某种善或共同利益的社会或政治共同体。这种古典意义上的公民社会即公民政治共同体,公民与城邦是合二为一的,它可以说是对公民社会涵义进行的最早的描述。中世纪时期,神学统治着欧洲,哲学成为神学的婢女。政治哲学的发展受到神学的严重制约。在中世纪的神学外衣之下暗藏着公民社会理论的潜流。因信得救为个人信仰提供了自由空间,推动了独立公民人格的形成。这时期的社会逐渐成为一个包括政府组织的范围更大的东西。基督教外在于国家的观念使得社会和国家开始出现分离的迹象,这种分离为近代古典自由主义的公民社会外在于或先于国家的观念提供了思想渊源。到了近代,随着商品经济的不断发展,人们之间的血缘纽带逐渐被商品交换和商品经济所取代,古代那种同质共同体也逐渐开始异质化,民族国家开始形成,国家已不再是追求共同善的人类政治或共同体。商品经济的发展加速了社会和国家分离的进程。严格意义上的公民开始出现,由具有独立自由人格、享有法律所赋予的权利和义务的公民构成的公民社会已经完成了与国家的分离,开始外在于和先于国家。公民个人利益和公共福利的实现和维护已成为国家的首要任务。英国资产阶级革命的爆发和成功,为资本主义工商业的发展扫除了障碍。近代的人们生活中心发生了转移,近代民族国家取代教会、世俗王权取代神权和教权,市民阶层已经出现并兴起,中世纪的神学的政治与社会秩序的图式受到强烈的攻击,这些都为英国政治哲学中的公民社会理论的兴起奠定了良好的时代背景。近代英国政治哲学中的公民社会理论大体上分成三个时期:第一阶段是为商品经济刚刚建立,重商主义兴盛的阶段,以霍布斯为代表。主要从自然状态和社会契约论的角度论证了社会的起源和国家和政府的建立,运用自然法的理论探讨

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Civil society, first appeared in the west, has different meanings in different times. The earliest concept of "Civil society" appeared in "political socience". Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, used "Politke Kornonia" to refer to a social or political community composed with homogeneous citizens, which pursued a common good or interests.From ancient Greece to modern times, civil society has different meanings in different period and he different focus. Natural philosophers in Greece and Socrate make the main theme shifted from the God to the people. The origin of state become the theme of western classical political philosophy. Medieval times, theology ruled the Europe, the development of political philosophy is constrained by theology. In modern times, with the development of commodity economy, commodity exchange has gradually replaced the blood ties between people .Homogeneous communities he gradually began heterogeneous, counties are no longer pursuing the common good of mankind. Personal interests and the public welfare become the first priority of a country.Modern nation State replace churches, secular royalty replace theocratic right and the public sectors he emerged and rise of medieval theological political and social order, attacked by new concepts, political philosophy, the theory of civil society rise laid a good age. Modern British political philosophy, The theory of civil society in Modern British political philosophy generally divided into three periods : the first stage is the establishment of commodity economy, mercantili rised, it is represented by Hobbs. By the natural state and the social contract theory of the origins and social perspective, Hobbs explored the establishment of State and government, emphasized the absolute authority of the state. The second stage is the rient of classical liberali, it is represented by Locke. State responsible for the protection of people’s lives, property and freedom, the state and government was established by people, if the government violated the citizen right, could not properly perform their duties, people can return to the natural state, choose to establish a new government. The third stage is represented by Hume. Human selfishness and limited generosity, in

【关键词】 近代;政治哲学;英国;公民社会;
【Key words】 modern;political philosophy;English;Civil society;



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