
思想政治教育在整个教育工作中占有非常重要的地位。它作为学校教育工作的重要组成部分,必须引起全体教育工作者的重视,它关系到我们培养什么样的人的不足,更关系到国家的兴衰,这并不是仅靠一门政治课所能解决的。本文结合社会近况,对当前学校思想政治教育工作的近况、面临的挑战、部分教育工作者的偏见及思想政治教育工作的重要性进行了浅析浅析,进而提出在学科教学中必须重视思想政治教育,并论证了在学科教学中实施思想政治教育工作的必要性、可行性,对部分教师和学存活在的错误认识进行了反驳。同时紧密结合中学英语教材,通过大量的实例对在英语教学中实施思想政治教育工作的原则及内容进行了浅析浅析,探讨了在英语教学中实施思想政治教育工作的具体策略,具有较强的可操作性。本文共分四个部分:第一部分 引言。以总书记在1999年全国教育工作会议上的讲话引出加强与改善青少年思想政治教育工作的重要性,是时怎么发表展的要求。然后,阐述笔者提出“在中学英语教学中加强思想政治教育的深思”这个论题的基础,以及这个论题的重要意义。第二部分 正文。正文包含四个部分:一、学校思想政治教育工作面临新的挑战。当前青少年成长的国际、国内环境的变化,使青少年思想政治教育工作更趋复杂,出现了许多新情况、新特点、新不足。二、中学英语教学中实施思想政治教育的近况调查及理由硼。通过调查,浅析浅析总结了当前思想政治教育工作在英语教学中未得到重视,甚至被忽视的几个方面,并了思想政治教育工作在学科教学中被忽视的原因。三、在英语教学中进行思想政治教育是非常必要的,也是可行的。笔者从我国古代和西方一些发达的资本主义国家非常重视思想政治教育与知识教育的渗透以及我国高级中学英语教学大纲的规定、现行的中学英语教材的思想性等方面论证了在英语教学中渗透思想政治教育是必要的、可行的。四、在中学英语教学中加强思想政治教育的原则及策略。本部分论述了在英语教学中进行思想政治教育工作的原则及如何实施思想政治教育在英语教学中的龌。(一)原则 在疑教学中实施思想政治教育必须坚持三个原则,即坚持正确的方向、循序渐进、蹦英语教学规律。(二)策略l、教师要做到言传身教、率先垂范;2、充分挖掘蹦中的思想呶蹦育因素,娜“文”“道”工者的舱e:3、在中学英语教学中实施思想政治教育的具体做法。第三部分 结束语。对未来学科教学中的思想政治教育工作做以展望。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Ideological and political education plays an important role in the whole educational system. Great attention must be paid to it, as it is an important part of the school educational work. It affects what kind of people we will educate. It even affects the rise and fall of a country. Therefore, only the subject of politics can not solve this problem. The paper analyzes the importance of ideological and political education, the challenge that we will face in modern society. It is important to carry out ideological education in Senior English teaching. It is necessary and feasible to actualize ideological education in English teaching. Then closely combining English textbooks in Senior Middle School, I analyze the principles and the methods of carrying out ideological education. This paper includes three parts. Part One Introduction According to President Jiang Zemin’s address at National Educational Conference in 1999, I think it is the demand of social development to strengthen teenager’s ideological and political education Part Two Text It includes four parts.I. Teenagers ideological and political education is facing new challenge. At present, the environment at home and abroad in which teenagers grow is changing. It makes teenager’s ideological and political education work more and more complicated. Many new problems come into being.II. In English teaching, little importance was attached to the students ideological and political education. Then analyse the reasons why it is neglected.III. It is feasible and necessary to carry through ideological and political education in English teaching. In ancient Chinese history, they had the tradition to unite ideological education and knowledge education. In some developed countries in the West, they also penetrate ideological education in teaching.IV.Teachers should obey some principles when implying ideological and political education in English teaching.Different methods to imply ideological and political education in English teaching. A) Teachers should teach by personal example as well as verbal instruction.B) Teachers should fully dig out the ideological education factors in the textbooks. Part Three Conclusion Prospect for ideological and politicaleducation in the future. However advanced and however developed thesociety is, ideological and political education is absolutelynecessary.

【关键词】 思想政治教育;中学英语教学;
【Key words】 ideological and political education;English teaching;



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摘 要:由于我国高职院校起步较晚,在学生的思想政治教育工作方面相对还比较薄弱,特别随着高职院校规模的不断扩大,导致高职学生出现了各。
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摘要: 思想政治教育进入网络时代,出现了一些新现象、新不足,对此,应辩证浅析硕士论文、正确对应,把传统的优秀经验与时代的崭新特点充。
浏览量:144912 点赞量:31344