
在构建和谐社会时代背景下,面对当今医忠关系紧张的现实,全社会都在寻求一条医患双赢的道路。研究医患之间的关系,对从根本上改善医德医风,化解医患的纠纷,推动医疗卫生革新具有重要的理论和实践意义。我们提出构建和谐医患关系,这是由于医患关系一旦呈现紧张趋势,甚至是往纠纷方向发展,将出现医患的彻底对立。本文首先使用数据展现目前医患关系近况及存在的不足的主要理由。对某大型医院2004到2006年三年间医患矛盾情况做全面的浅析浅析,将315例医患纠纷的发生率分类进行统计浅析浅析。通过浅析浅析,我们发现纠纷发生的次数呈现逐年增加的趋势,涉及的科室愈加全面,涉及的人员愈加广泛,发生的理由十分复杂。对上述纠纷的理由细化分类整理,发现主要是以下六个方面出现了不足:医患沟通不足、制度执行不严、怎么写作质量不佳、诊疗质量不硬、费用引发的纠纷和其它瑕疵因素,本文倡议医方把握四个关键点:严格落实规章制度、提高诊疗护理水平、加强医患交流沟通、大力提高怎么写作质量。通过浅析浅析医患纠纷发生的影响因素,为医方规范医疗行为、协调医患矛盾提供对策。有助于医方更好地针对不足开展医患关系的调整工作,加强院内管理。尤其指出现在医患紧张程度已升级为恶意的医患纠纷的情况下如何应对。恶意医患纠纷是影响医患关系紧张和恶化的重要因素,呈现愈演愈烈的趋势,近期逐渐发展至恶意医患纠纷状态,民问称其为“医闹”,这种现象值得我们做深刻深思。本文在构建和谐社会和“医院管理年”的主题下,就恶意医患纠纷的发生因素分类探究,针对各方理由提出建设性的对策,探索如何防范和化解纠纷。恶意医患纠纷的理由浅析浅析分为三大类,第一类是医方因素,第二类是患方因素,第三类是第三方因素。医方因素包括那些纠纷确实源自医方过错在先、息事宁人的心理因素为“医闹”提供可乘之机。患方因素包括:患方自身利益驱使、患方主观期待与现实存在较大落差。第三方因素包括:正规的解决途径不能完全得到患方的满意、社会环境和舆论导向的影响与现实存有偏差。所以,针对上述三方面的容易引起医患矛盾的理由,医方要有所作为并要有一套严格的应对措施、强化医疗安全意识、强调科室领导重视医疗安全、加快完善医患纠纷处理的一系列制度以保护医患的双方利益,以及相关部门应有所作为。随后简要阐释经济学经典理论一博弈论,说明在医患发生关系的整个期间,患方要求最大化满足,而医方正相反要求以最小化赔偿为目的,各方的做法都将受到对方行为的牵制和影响,正是体现了各方之间两两在一种决策上的联系和牵制,这在本质上就是一种行为博弈。针对医患双方信息不对称的现象说明医患之间的利益博弈主要适用不完全信动态博弈。不同利益主体打交道的过程可以看做不同种类的博弈。因此采用博弈论的研究策略来探讨医患关系,指出医患如何在“平衡-失衡-平衡”的规律作用下相处,具有理论的可行性。我们用这样策略做两类探讨。第一种情形:医生与患者的直面博弈。将医生分为尽责和不尽到职责两种情形、患者分为合作与不与医生合作两种情形。分别对抗博弈,运用博弈模型,计算出各方得失。第二种情形:引入第三方即:医疗机构、保险机构、药厂及药品分销机构之后的两两博弈。将博弈模型在医院和患者之间的博弈、医生与患者的博弈、医生与医院的博弈三种情形加以应用。并且在医患利益博弈的实践中对个别典型现象进行具体不足具体浅析浅析,例如:医患的红包交易之时体现出的双方利益博弈、患者就医时对医生的选择等等。通过分情形探讨,本文得出以下八个分结论:结论一:对患者而言,由于对治疗效果的期望值较大,所以患者配合医生诊疗,是占优势的。同时,医生选择尽责成本一般大于不尽责成本,所以一次医患博弈的纳什均衡(Nash Equilibrium)为:医生,患者(不尽责,配合)。结论二:在重复医患博弈下,患者是可以判断出医生是不是尽责的。当发现医生不尽责时对其期望值变小,则愿意付出的医疗成本R变小,即医生的收入变小。这样,只有医生不尽责时才会扭亏为盈。同时,患者发现医生不再尽责,而对医疗市场的期望值持续降低,而医生收入更小减少。这样,形成了周而复始的恶性循环,产生了逆向选择现象。逆向选择(Adverse Selection),即在写卖双方信息非对称情况下,劣质商品总是会将优质商品逐出市场,从而使市场效率不断降低。在医院里,非精湛的医疗怎么写作即为劣质商品。结论三:割断医院营利与医疗相关怎么写作供给量的正相关关系。即:把药品、医疗器械、住院护理等单硕士论文网从医院职能中分离出来。这样医院如果想获得的市场份额和经济利润,只能在规范自身行为、加强医疗质量上做文章。结论四:应该加强医院内部的监管,有效减少医患的一次博弈现象。加强行风行纪的整顿,造就一批医德良好的医生,打造医院的口品牌,自然而然能赢得不少“回头客”。这样才可能降低逆向选择。而在社区医院,全科医生与患者存在着较为普遍的的重复博弈关系。结论五:检测设医生获得收益为负,而患者所得收益比其不送“红包”所得收益大,则博弈的纳什均衡为患者送“红包”而医生不收。长此以往,医院的制度收到了良好的效果,正本清源,医患都不会再为送收“红包”与否而困扰。善良的医疗风气将会逐渐形成。结论六:大多数医院与医生保持着长期重复博弈的关系。首先,医院要维持医生的声誉:对于医院来说,明确的规章制度和对其严格的执行,是维持制度的首要条件。这不但保证了医院规章制度的透明性和公开性,也可以使奖惩更加公平。所以合理且有章可循的惩罚,应该在医生的合理预期之内,并不会造成负面的影响,反而有利于对医生的督促。其次,医院应该分步完成以维持长久关系:激励手段,也可以按照这种策略进行。如分期的医生的培训或奖励与定期业务考核相结合,货币提成与工作量的相结合。有利于长期地维持合作关系。再次,善意的对待医生,对于出现错误的医生,首先善意地解决不足。这样,有利于解决抵触情绪,保持稳定的关系。最后,医院可以建立医生个人信誉机制,积累和宣传该医生的良好医德和医术。结论七:保险机构与医方的信息不对称现象极大地消除和减轻。保险机构与被保险人一患者,形成了一个利益共同体。发挥保险机构的约束功效以制约医院和医生过分地追求经济利益,同时分担医院和医生的医疗风险。使医生可以减轻顾虑为患者提供医疗保障,减少医方的防卫性措施,如保护性医疗。政府和社会应该更加提供和支持这种保险业务。结论八:切断医生与药品销售的联系,药品费用首先降下来,再在诊疗和检查费用上做文章,以致最终降低医疗费用。才能有效缓解医患关系紧张的矛盾。综上所述,本文利用某大型医院2004—2006年收集的客户意见,将315例医患纠纷,从医患关系、医疗质量、医疗费用等方面进行浅析浅析,集中探讨在当前医患关系紧张的情况下,造成这种紧张关系的理由,引入博弈理论剖析各方行为以及对对方产生的影响和作用,对症下药提出构建和谐医患关系,化解医患纠纷的对策和倡议,将对现行的医患纠纷处理的优化和完善起到帮助,同时在理论和实践上揭示不理性的对策将在博弈中引起的不良后果等等,这在医患不足的处理浅析浅析中是十分必要的一个环节。构建和谐社会离不开和谐的医患关系。诚然,医患关系成因复杂,既有体制、机制上的不足,也有思想观念转变方面的不足,还有管理监督不力等理由。解决这些不足,需要各方面共同努力。但是在构建和谐医患关系中,医疗机构和医务人员是主导方面。化解医患矛盾的关键在医方。最后,提出本文对于如何把握和谐医患关系的对策和倡议。如:医务人员从心理、精神、技术上给予患者以关心、治疗指导和抚慰;医务人员也希望患者从心理上理解和支持他们的工作,建立融洽的人际关系。医疗机构应根据自身的特点,针对医患纠纷发生的各个环节采取相应的措施,提高医务人员的医德修养和技术水平,规范各种医疗行为,主动和病人及家属沟通,真正体现以病人为中心,为他们提供优质高效的医疗怎么写作,才能有效地改善医患关系,减少医患纠纷的发生,推动卫生事业真正健康持续的发展。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Under the background of constructing harmonious society,and facing to the reality of the intense doctor-and-patient relationship,we are all searching for a way of common wins between doctor-and-patient in our contemporary society.To investigate the relation of doctors and patients and change the medical moral and ethic radically,dissolve the medical dispute,promoting medical reform,which he a great theoretical and practical significance.We bring forward the idea of establishing harmonious doctor-and-patient relation,just because once medical relationship turn to intense,or even worse,the relation will collapse utterly.We firstly use the data to show that how the present medical situation is and the major causes of the existent problems.Especially the extent of intense medical relationship now has been upgraded into evil medical dispute.Medical dispute is an important factor causing the relation between doctors and patients becoming intense and worsened,and now its trend is getting worse and worse—evil medical dispute happened everywhere,which should arouse our deep concern seriously.In the theme of constructing harmonious society and "Year of Hospital Management",the causes of evil medical dispute happened could be classified into three categories:first,from medical fellows;second,from the patients;and another is the third party.The causes from the hospital include:fellows conduct inaccurate medical actions "cover the truth and keep the mouth closed" make a chance for evil medical dispute.The factors from patients include:self interest impulse,patient’s subjective expectation and reality far-unmatched.The cause comes from the third party—the patient could not be satiied with the normal way.It has biases between the social environment,public opinion orientation,and reality.In response to causes the analysis these three areas easily lead to conflicting reasons for patient.Medical managers should do something.There is a set of stringent measures.—to arouse the medical safety awareness and to the doctors pay attention to medical safety;we improve medical disputes quickly with a series of systems to protect the interests of doctors and patients;relevant departments also should do something.We analyze 315 medical dispute cases,happened in Nanfang Hospital in the city of Guangzhou during the years from 2004 to2006,with the method of statistical description,and describing the data by proportion.The number of medical dispute cases increased gradually year by year.The departments and hospital personnel involving in to the cases were wider,the causing causes more complicated.We classify the causes of the dispute neatly and find out six problems listing as follow:insufficient communication;carrying out the regulation laxly;poor medical service quality;medical fee problems and other tiny problems.We strongly advise the medical service institution should hold four critical points:carrying out medical regulation strictly;improving the treatment the medical service quality,and nursing level,enhancing the communication with patients.Analyzing the influencing factors of medical disputes,it should provide the countermeasures for the hospitals to conduct medical affairs and coordinate the contradiction between doctors and patients.It also benefits for the hospital to adjust the relation the doctor and patient and to enhance the hospital management. Once the medical dispute happed,the patients maximize the request to meet with themselves,on the contrary,the doctor minimum medical requirements for the purpose of compensation.All practices will be subject to the impact of other acts.It is reflected that the parties he a relation of decision-making role respectively.This,in essence,is an act Game.Asymmetric information between doctors and patients fights against the phenomenon.It shows that the game of interests between the doctor and patient primarily applicable incomplete information dynamic Game.The main different interests can be seen as the process of dealing with different types of game.Therefore,we can use game theory research methods to explore Doctor-Patient Relationship.That the patient how to "balance - imbalance -balance" under the law to live with the theoretical feasibility.We use the method to explore the two situations below.The first situation:Doctors and patients game directly.Doctors are classified of responsible fellows or not to the job.The patients are also classified of two types--cooperation or non-cooperation.The second situation:introducing of third parties--medical institutions, insurance agency,and drug distribution agencies -to make them gamed respectively. We apply the game model to analyze three situations-- game between doctors and patients,game between doctors and hospital,and game between patients and patients-- to calculate which party gains and which one loses.We analyze the typical phenomenon of the game between the doctor and patient,for instant:benefit game between doctors and patients when patients send "red packet" to doctors,patients choose doctors when they hospitalize.According to the categories,we should draw seven conclusions from the study:ConclusionⅠ:for the patient,thus the expectation for the treatment’s great.So, Ue+Uh-R>-Cp is easy to understand.If the patient cooperates with the doctor for his treatment,he should take the advantage.At the same time,the cost of responsibility which doctors choose is larger than those of irresponsibility in general,that is, C1>C2,therefore,R-C1<R+Rs-C2.So the Nash balance of a Game Theory between doctors and patients should be expressed as—doctors,patients(irresponsibility, corporation)ConclusionⅡ:The Games between doctors and patients happen again and again, the patient could judge whether the doctor is responsible or not.If he finds that the doctor is irresponsible,his expectation to the doctor will low down and his will to pay for the medical cost R will be lower,undoubtedly,the doctor’s income will be less than usual.R-C1<0,but R+Rs-C2>0,the responsible doctor will get loss,on the contrary,the irresponsible one win the game unfairly.The patient will find the doctor is no longer taking responsibility and his expectation low down continuously,the income of doctor will lower.It should shape a periodical vice circle and adverse choice.ConclusionⅢ:to segment the positive correlation of the profit of hospital and the quantity of medical relevant service,that is,separate pharmacy,medical instrument and inpatient nursing from the hospital function.The hospital should self regulate strictly and enhance the medical quality.Only in this way,could the hospital gain more market quota and economic profit.ConclusionⅣ:General hospitals should strengthen internal supervision to reduce one time game between patients and doctors effectively.Hospital will strengthen the political popularity to cumulate a large number of medical moral and well-repudiated doctors and to create brand hospitals.Reasonably patients will come back to hospital if they need medical care because of the good reputation of the hospital.In community hospitals,in community hospitals,general practitioner and patients repeatedly game.Only in this way may adverse selection reduce.ConclusionⅤ:Supposed that the doctors’ return is negative,while the benefits of patients-not giving "red packets" -are more than those of giving,the Nash balance of Game should be expressed as patients send "red packet" but not accepted by the doctor.Patients will not trouble whether sending "red packets" to doctors or not, doctors will not trouble whether accepting "red packets" or not.Good medical culture shape gradually.ConclusionⅥ:Most hospitals and doctors maintain a long-term relationship repeated games.First,the hospitals he to maintain the reputation of doctors:As to hospital,carrying out explicit regulations is the prime maintain the hospital’s regulation system.This will not only guarantee that the hospital regulatory transparency and openness,so that incentives can be more equitable.Therefore, reasonable regulations and the penalties should be accepted by doctors reasonably, and will not he a negative impact,but benefit to urge doctors to conduct correctly. Secondly,the hospital should be consummate step by step so as to maintain long-term relationships:incentives,or in accordance with such methods.For example:staging regular training for doctors or evaluation of combined operations, and the workload of the commission monetary integration.It is conducive to maintain long-term cooperative relations.Treating those doctors who make medical mistakes kindly,is conducive to solve the problem and maintain stable relation. Finally,hospital should publicize the good moral and technique of the doctor and urge doctors to establish their personal credibilityConclusionⅦ:The asymmetric information between the insurance agency and hospital would be alleviated or even eliminated.The insurance and insurant—patients form a benefit community.The insurance agency should restrict hospital and doctors to over pursue their economic benefits unreasonably.At the same time,it should share the medical risk of hospital and doctors,which can reduce the doctors’ unnecessary psychological burden and reduce the doctor’s protective measure for medication.The government and our society should provide and support this service. ConclusionⅧ:The drug fee should be drop down firstly,and then next be the fee of treatment and check.Cut off the link of doctors and drugs sale is a vital point and low down the medical fee,which is an effective way to release the intense relation of doctor and patient.In sum,this study utilizes to the feedback opinion of the patients collected in a certain hospital during the years of 2004 to 2006.We do medical statistical analysis of 315 medical disputes from the aspects of doctor-and-patient relation,medical quality,medical fees etc.to explore causes of the intense medical relation at present. Under this severe circumstance,Game Theory should be best exemplified the influence and impact of all the parties.The theory and results could provide the idea and advice of constructing harmonious doctor-and- patient relation,dissolving medical disputes and optimize the course of dealing with the disputes.Constructing a harmonious society could not be lack of harmonious medical relationship.Indeed,doctor and patient relationship causes complicatedly.Existing structures,mechanis,the problem is also thinking of changing aspects of the concept,and there are reasons such as poor management and supervision.To solve the problems,all the parties should make efforts together.But the medical institution and fellows are the key point and should make greater efforts.According to the profound analysis of the interest of both patients and doctors, we can find out the rules to solve the practical problems happening in daily work, furthermore,to dissolve medical disputes,to construct harmonious society.Finally,we put forward for the countermeasure and advice about how to construct harmonious medical relation in comprehensive hospital.For instance,the medical fellows should be cared,therapeutically guided and appeased psychologically,spiritually and technically.The fellows also want to need supporting,understanding and make a relaxed personal relationship. Medical institution should adapt certain corresponding measurements based on its own characteristics in each and every tache:Improving the moral and technology level of the medical fellows,regulating all the medical affairs,communicating with the patients and their family actively,providing perfect medical service and hing the idea of patient-oriented.Only in this way,can the medical relation polish up and promote effectively health service management developing sustainable consistently healthily.

【关键词】 医患关系;医患纠纷;信息不对称;博弈;举证责任倒置;
【Key words】 doctor-and-patient relationship;medical dispute;asymmetric information;game theory;the conversion of onus probandi;general hospital;


防范医患纠纷 构建和谐社会

[提要] 近年来,医患联系总体呈紧张态势。本论文以医患纠纷的概念和原因入手浅析,得出防范医患纠纷构建和谐社会的对策倡议。关键词:医。
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