

题 目 文 献 资 料 译 文 及 原 文

系 部管 理 系

专 业财务管理 年级 06级

学生姓名 刘 彩 虹

学 号060431028

指导教师 许 蓉



,和执行适用于的业务的最佳做法(论文范文策略的话)。这些做法来自不同的行业。,在金融怎么写作行业,风险价值(风险值)和压力测试的策略,这些都是首选的风险管理工具。这些核心策略中有一些策略是众所周知的,不良的模型设计和选择可能论文范文的,并且可能导致重大的,突然的和潜在的本可预防的损失。对于非金融性公司而言,其资产是无形的,对于其价值的测量这些资产的风险的测量是一个问题。金融怎么写作企业除了面对不良模型设计和选择的相同的危险,难道这些企业一个最佳的策略来风险管理吗? NERA(NationalEmergency Relief Administration,美国紧急救济署)的工作致力于对使用f-irm(综合经济风险模型公司)的非金融类企业更好地衡量和管理企业流的风险。,高级管理人员面对的挑战是保持最佳做法,这些做法决定了企业进展; NERA的风险专家们在保持客户并告知其新的进展情况发挥了至关的作用。的专家们协助着行业风险管理的原则和评估的最佳做法。例如Group of Thirty,国际掉期及衍生工具协会,委员会首席风险官,及库务管理协会等。 NERA的是公认的在测量和管理财务风险的组织领导者,市场风险,信用风险,流动性风险和操作风险。

Risk Measurement and Management

(TimeNew Roman三号)

(Time New Roman小四号)Many companies are trying to enhance their measurementand management of risk. Senior managers are seeking to implement best practicesat their company face a two-fold problem.

First, they must understand and implement current bestpractices (if they exist) that apply to their business. These practices canvary widely from industry to industry. For example, in the financial servicesindustry, various value-at-risk (VaR) and stress-testing approaches he longbeen the preferred risk management tools. Though some of these core methods arewell known, poor model design and choices can—and he—resulted in major,unexpected, and potentially preventable losses. For non-financial companieswhose assets are primarily intangible, measuring the value and the associated risksof these assets has long been a problem. In addition to the same dangers ofpoor model design and choice faced by financial services firms, these companiesdo not even he a best practices approach to risk management? NERA works withnon-financial companies using our f-irm (financially integrated riskmodel) to better measure and manage cash-flow-at-risk.

Second, senior managers are challenged to keep abreast ofbest practices as they evolve; NERA’s risk experts play a vital role in keepingclients informed of new developments. Our experts he assisted variousindustry bodies, such as the Group of Thirty, the International Swaps andDerivatives Association, the Committee of Chief Risk Officers, and the TreasuryManagement Association in developing risk management principles and evaluatingbest practices. NERA is recognized as a leader in the measurement andmanagement of the full range of financial risk faced by organizations,including market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk.


1. 毕业论文(设计)封面;

2. 中文、词;3. 英文、词; 4. 目录;

5. 正文(绪论、论文、);

6. 文献;7. 附录;

8. 致谢;



Part 1闻到春天的气息桑迪:嘿,内森,最近怎样?内森:不错,还不错。你呢?桑迪:好极了!内森:哈哈,听似乎话中有话。事让你如此欢欣。
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British behior often seemed supercilious to Americans, resulting in what appeared to be condescending and patronizi。
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Part 1不足克里斯蒂:哦,嘿,布莱恩!见到你真高兴!布莱恩:我!我没记错的话,上周以来就没见过你了。最近怎样?克里斯蒂:挺好的,我。
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He is the daily conduit of that organization’s recommendations, advice, and options to the President 1.坚决清除管。
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