
目的:研究BCG对哮喘大鼠气道炎症及气道高反应性的预防作用,探讨BCG对Th1/Th2平衡的调节及其对血管重塑的影响。策略:清洁级SD大鼠40只(雄性,4周龄,体重50-100克之间),随机分成正常对照组、哮喘模型组、多BCG组、BCG干预组,每组10只。哮喘模型组于实验第1、8天对大鼠腹腔注射OVA100mg和氢氧化铝100mg(混于9g/L生理盐水2ml中)进行致敏,第15天起将幼鼠置于非完全密闭的自制熏箱中雾化吸入2﹪OVA 5ml,每次30min,隔日1次,共激发20次。多BCG组在OVA致敏前7、3、1天,每只幼鼠分别皮射BCG 0.025mg,余步骤同哮喘组。BCG干预组则于激发前7d(第8天)给予皮射BCG0.025mg,第15天开始每日激发前30min给予皮射BCG,剂量同上。余步骤同哮喘组。正常对照组以生理盐水代替OVA,步骤同哮喘组。最后一次激发24小时后,1%钠麻醉动物。进行肺功能检查;收集细胞灌洗液,计数细胞总数及嗜酸性粒细胞;部分肺组织行病理切片,HE染色;免疫组织化学法检测各组大鼠肺组织中VEGF及内皮抑素的表达变化,并应用图像浅析浅析软件测量VEGF及内皮抑素的相对表达强度;采用计算机图象浅析浅析技术测定气道壁厚度和血管密度;用ELISA法定量检测血清中IL-4、IFN-γ、VEGF及其内皮抑素的水平。结果:1肺功能检测结果:四组在给于生理盐水及6.25μg/kg乙酰胆碱时无差别(F=2.204 P>0.1,F=1.453 P>0.1)。哮喘模型组在给于12.5μg/kg、25μg/kg、50μg/kg乙酰胆碱时呼气峰值均低于其他三组(F=10.660 P<0.01,F=25.531 P<0.01,F=44.125 P<0.01);多BCG组和BCG干预组呼气峰值较正常对照组低,两者无明显统计学意义(P>0.1)。2肺泡灌洗液中细胞总数及嗜酸性粒细胞计数:哮喘模型组分别为(17.15±3.02)×106、(2.19±0.30)×106,多BCG组分别为(8.78±2.00)×106、(1.19±0.31)×106,BCG干预组分别为(11.87±2.31)×106、(1.49±0.30)×106,正常对照组分别为(5.40±1.52)×106、(0.51±0.18)×106。哮喘组高于其他三组(P<0.01),多BCG组低于BCG干预组,两者有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组均高于正常对照组,有统计学意义(F=47.930 P<0.01,F=62.569 P<0.01)。3病理结果:哮喘模型组大鼠肺组织可见明显的炎性细胞浸润、杯状细胞增生、黏液分泌增加、平滑肌细胞增生、管壁厚度增加、血管增生。应用BCG干预后能明显减轻上述转变。4图像浅析浅析结果:哮喘模型组管壁厚度、血管密度(98.17±9.38,203.88±14.15)高于其他三组(P<0.01),多BCG组(72.10±8.70,138.13±9.35)低于BCG干预组(80.34±9.23,177.03±7.52),有统计学意义(P<0.01),两组均高于正常对照组(61.70±8.77,97.78±7.27),有统计学意义(F=23.31 P<0.01,F=172.87 P<0.01)。5肺组织行免疫组织化学检测结果:VEGF、内皮抑素的平均光密度值在哮喘模型组(0.41±0.02,0.47±0.03)高于其他三组(P<0.01),多BCG组(0.24±0.02,0.31±0.02)低于BCG干预组(0.33±0.02,0.38±0.03),有统计学意义(P<0.01),两组均高于正常对照组(0.17±0.02,0.22±0.02),有统计学意义(F=168.435 P<0.01,F=152.663 P<0.01)。6血清行ELISA法检测结果:哮喘模型血清中IL-4、VEGF、内皮抑素及VEGF/内皮抑素的表达水平分别为33.98±2.35、59.54±6.86、3.54±0.53、17.01±2.48,正常对照组分别为11.43±2.72、10.60±3.93、1.04±0.37、5.81±2.41,多BCG组分别为16.46±1.92、21.33±2.88、1.84±0.36、9.26±1.72,BCG干预组分别为20.89±2.29、37.79±6.33、2.56±0.55、13.62±2.50。哮喘模型组的表达水平高于其他三组(P<0.01),多BCG组低于BCG干预组(P<0.01),两组均高于正常对照组,有统计学意义(F=136.418 P<0.01,F=131.25 P<0.01,F=42.19 P<0.01,F=36.42 P<0.01)。哮喘模型组血清中IFN-γ(10.92±1.93)的表达水平明显低与其他三组,有显著性差异(P<0.01),多BCG组(22.66±2.05)高于BCG干预组(18.46±1.48),有统计学差异(P<0.01)。两组均低于正常对照组(30.36±3.65),有统计学差异(F=90.064 P<0.01)。7相关性浅析浅析结果:哮喘模型组大鼠血管密度与管壁厚度呈显著正相关(r=0.670 P<0.05),与血清中IL-4、VEGF及VEGF/内皮抑素的表达水平呈显著正相关(r=0.602 P<0.05,r=0.709 P<0.05,r=0.638 P<0.05),与IFN-γ呈显著负相关(r =-0.593 P<0.05)。结论:1 BCG可明显降低哮喘大鼠IL-4的表达水平,提高IFN-γ的表达水平。提示BCG可以调节Th1/Th2失衡。2 BCG可明显降低哮喘大鼠肺泡灌洗液中细胞总数及嗜酸性粒细胞,提示BCG可能通过上调IFN-γ的表达水平,降低IL-4的表达水平来减轻气道炎症。且多BCG组较BCG干预组下降明显。3 BCG可明显降低哮喘大鼠气道阻力,提示BCG可能通过上调IFN-γ的表达水平,降低IL-4的表达水平来减轻气道高反应性。两组无明显差别。4 BCG可明显降低哮喘大鼠VEGF和VEGF/内皮抑素的表达水平,并且哮喘模型组大鼠血管密度与管壁厚度、IL-4、VEGF、VEGF/内皮抑的表达水平呈正相关,与IFN-γ的表达水平呈负相关。提示BCG可能通过上调IFN-γ的表达水平,下调IL-4的表达水平来降低VEGF/内皮抑素的表达水平,发挥抑制血管生成的作用。且多BCG组在调节Th1/Th2平衡及VEGF/内皮抑素平衡方面优于BCG干预组。

【Abstract】 Objective: To evaluate the effect of BCG on the prevention of inflammatory and hyperresponsiveness of airway in asthmatic rats, and to investigate the influence of BCG on Th1/Th2 balance and vascular remodeling.Method: Forty cleaning SD rats (male, four weeks, weights from 50 to 100 grams) were randomly divided into four groups: control group, asthma group, multiple BCG vaccination group and BCG intervention group. The asthma group rats were sensitized on the first day and the 8th day with ovalbumin (100mg) and AL(OH)3(100mg) by intraperitoneal injection (mixed in NS 2ml). And then those rats were inhaled aerosolized 2﹪OVA 5ml in a not close tightly box from fifteen day. Rats were inhaled 30 minutes each time in every other day, 20 times together.The multiple BCG vaccination group rats in 7, 3, 1days before OVA sensitization were injected subcutaneously BCG 0.025mg. Other steps were same as asthma group.The BCG intervention group rats in 7 days before OVA stimulation were injected subcutaneously BCG 0.025mg. And then were injected the same dose 30 minutes before OVA stimulation on the 15th day. Other steps were same as asthma group.The control group rats were treated as asthma group with NS instead of OVA.After 24 hours of last stimulation, rats were anesthesiaed by 1% pentobarbitalin and measured pulmonary function. The number of total cells and eosinophils in the BALF were counted. Lung tissue was sliced and stained with HE. The expression of VEGF and Endostatin in airway tissues were observed by immunohistochemistry combined with the micro-image analysis, and mean optical density of VEGF and Endostatin were measured by image analysis software. The parameters such as thickness of airway wall and vascular density were measured by image analysis system. The level of IL-4, IFN-γ, VEGF and Endostatin in serum was measured by ELISA.Results:1 Result of pulmonary function: When rats were injected normal saline and Ach (6.25μg/kg), the erage expiratory peak was not significantly different among the four groups (F=2.204 P>0.1, F=1.453 P>0.1). When asthmatic rats were injected Ach (12.5μg/kg, 25μg/kg, 50μg/kg), the erage expiratory peak were lower than that of other three groups (F=10.660 P<0.01, F=25.531 P<0.01, F=44.125 P<0.01). The change of the expiratory peak in the multiple BCG vaccination group had no difference compared with the BCG intervention group (P>0.1). The two group were lower than the control group (P<0.01).2 BALF total cell and eosinophils: The number of total cells and eosinophils in the BALF in each group were as follows: Asthma group was (17.15±3.02)×106, (2.19±0.30)×106. Multiple BCG vaccination group was (8.78±2.00)×106, (1.19±0.31)×106. BCG intervention group was (11.87±2.31)×106, (1.49±0.30)×106. Control group was (5.40±1.52 )×106, (0.51±0.18)×106 . Asthma group was the highest among the four groups (P<0.01). Multiple BCG vaccination group was lower than the BCG intervention group (P<0.05), the both groups were higher than the control group (F=47.930 P<0.01, F=62.569 P<0.01).3 Pathological findings: The obvious inflammatory cells infiltration and goblet cells proliferation and hyperplasia of vascular, mucus and ooth muscle and airway wall thickness can be found in the lung tissue of asthmatic rats. After the treatment with BCG, the change of the above mentioned pathology character were observed.4 Result of image analysis: Observing the airway wall thickness and vascular density in these four groups showed that the asthma group (98.17±9.38, 203.88±14.15) was the highest among the four groups (P<0.01). Multiple BCG vaccination group (72.10±8.70, 138.13±9.35) was significantly lower than the BCG intervention group (80.34±9.23, 177.03±7.52) (P<0.05), the both groups were significantly higher than the control group (61.70±8.77, 97.78±7.27) (F= 168.435 P<0.01, F=152.663 P<0.01).5 Result of immunohistochemistry: The erage light density values of VEGF and Endostatin in the asthma group (0.41±0.02, 0.47±0.03) were the highest among the four groups (P<0.01). Multiple BCG vaccination group (0.24±0.02, 0.31±0.02) was significantly decreased compared with the BCG intervention group (0.33±0.02, 0.38±0.03) (P<0.01). The two group were significantly higher than the control group (0.17±0.02, 0.22±0.02) (F=168.435 P<0.01, F=152.663 P<0.01).6 Result of ELISA: The expression level of IL-4, IFN-γ, VEGF, Endostatin and VEGF/Endostatin in serum in each group were as follows: Asthma group was 33.98±2.35, 59.54±6.86, 3.54±0.53, 17.01±2.48. Control group was 11.43±2.72, 10.60±3.93, 1.04±0.37, 5.81±2.41. Multiple BCG vaccination group was 16.46±1.92, 21.33±2.88, 1.84±0.36, 9.26±1.72. BCG intervention group was 20.89±2.29, 37.79±6.33, 2.56±0.55, 13.62±2.50. Asthma group was the highest among the four groups (P<0.01). Multiple BCG vaccination group was lower than the BCG intervention group (P<0.01), the two group were significantly higher than the control group (F=136.418 P<0.01, F=131.25 P<0.01, F= 42.19 P<0.01, F=36.42 P<0.01).The level of IFN-γin the asthma group (10.92±1.93) was the lowest among the four groups. Multiple BCG vaccination group (22.66±2.05) was significantly higher than the BCG intervention group (18.46±1.48). The two group were significantly higher than the control group (30.36±3.65) (F= 90.064 P<0.01).7 Result of correlation analysis: There was a significant positive correlation between airway thickness, the level of IL-4, VEGF and VEGF/Endostatin and the vascular density in the asthma group (r=0.670 P<0.05, r=0.602 P<0.05, r=0.709 P<0.05, r=0.638 P<0.05). It was a significant negative correlation between the vascular density and IFN -γ(r=-0.593 P<0.05). Conclusion:1 BCG may significantly decrease the expression of IL-4 and increase the level of IFN-γ, it demonstrated that BCG may adjust the balance of Th1/Th2.2 BCG may significantly decrease the number of total cells and eosinophils in the BALF, it suggested that BCG may reduce airway inflammation by decreasing the level of IL-4 and increasing the level of IFN-γ. And the multiple BCG vaccination group were significantly decreased compared with the BCG intervention group.3 BCG may significantly reduce airway resistance, it indicated that BCG may reduce hyperresponsiveness of airway by decreasing the level of IL-4 and increasing the level of IFN-γ. There was no difference between the multiple BCG vaccination group and the BCG intervention group.4 BCG may significantly decrease the expression of VEGF and the ratio of VEGF/Endostatin in serum, and vascular density were positively correlated with the expression of IL-4, VEGF and the ratio of VEGF/Endostatin in asthmatic rats, and vascular density were negative correlated with IFN-γ. The results showed that BCG may decrease the ratio of VEGF/Endostatin through decreasing the level of IL-4 and increasing the level of IFN-γ, and then BCG may inhibit the vascular remodeling. And the multiple BCG vaccination group was better than the BCG intervention group.

【关键词】 哮喘;血管重塑;BCG;Th1/Th2;IL-4;IFN-γ;VEGF;内皮抑素;
【Key words】 asthma;vascular remodeling;Calmette-Guerin Vaccine;Th1/Th2;IL-4;IFN-γ;vascular endothelial growth factor;Endostatin;
