
目的:目前超声检查胎儿肺静脉的主要策略是二维超声(two- dimensional uotrasound,2-D)和彩色多普勒超声(color doppler flow imaging ,CDFI),但由于胎儿肺静脉管壁薄,管腔细小,血流速度低,使得超声检查胎儿肺静脉较为困难。增强型血流(Enhance-flow,E-Flow)是一项全新的血流显示技术,它采用复合脉冲发射技术,改善了血流的空间分辨率和时间分辨率,可以帮助我们更好地区分血流与组织的界面,更敏感地捕捉低速血流。目前E-Flow显像技术在临床上主要应用于显示表浅器官的肿瘤、肾实质血流和感染进程等微细血流的灌注情况,取得了良好的显示效果;本研究旨在将E-Flow显像技术应用于胎儿肺静脉超声检查,并与2-D及CDFI进行比较浅析浅析,探讨胎儿肺静脉的超声检查策略及E-flow在检查胎儿肺静脉方面的优势及可行性,并探讨正常胎儿肺静脉的内径、血流速度及其随孕周变化的规律。策略:随机抽取408例到我院进行产前检查的胎儿,其中孕妇或胎儿伴有任何可能影响胎儿发育的异常情况者均被排除,最终选出332例正常胎儿做为研究对象。被选胎儿胎龄12-40周,平均(26±7.4)周,孕妇年龄21-39岁,平均(27.2±3.1)岁。使用日本ALOKA公司生产的α10彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,SSD9130凸振探头,探头频率3.0-6.0MHz,使用胎儿心脏检查条件,并将图像调至最佳状态。检查时,孕妇采取平卧位或侧卧位,首先启用产科应用程序,按顺序检查胎儿各部分结构,然后启用胎儿超声心动图模式,全面评价胎儿心脏的结构和功能。用到的切面有:胎儿腹部横切面、四腔心切面、三血管气管切面、左右室流出道切面、主动脉弓及动脉导管弓切面、上、下腔静脉长轴切面及一些非标准切面。胎儿肺静脉的检查策略:于胎儿胸部横切,显示四腔心切面,向胎儿头侧偏转探头,启动E-Flow可显示双侧肺静脉引流进入左心房,在肺门处测量肺静脉内径及收缩期、舒张期流速。当四腔心切面显示肺静脉不满意时也可以做胎儿胸部纵切进行检查:于胎儿背部偏左侧做矢状切,显示降主动脉长轴,然后偏转探头,显示左肺、左心房及部分降主动脉,启动E-Flow可显示左侧肺静脉引流进入左心房。于胎儿背部偏右侧做矢状切,显示上、下腔静脉长轴,偏转探头可显示右肺及部分上、下腔静脉长轴,启动E-Flow可显示右侧肺静脉。另外,在上述切面,启动CDFI观察肺静脉显示情况。分别记录E-Flow、CDFI及2-D三种策略对每例胎儿肺静脉的显示情况,如4支肺静脉的显示支数、血流连续性等。将上述显示肺静脉的图像及测量数据存入仪器硬盘内。采用SPSS13.0统计学软件,三种检查策略对胎儿肺静脉显示率的比较采用McNemar’sχ2检验,以P<0.0167为差异具有统计学意义。胎儿肺静脉的内径及流速以均数±标准差表示;双侧肺静脉内径及流速的比较采用配对样本t检验,以P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。肺静脉参数与孕周的关系采用双变量直线回归与相关浅析浅析,以P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。结果:1肺静脉的显示率及三种策略的比较CDFI及E-flow对肺静脉的显示优于2-D(P<0.001),2-D显示胎儿肺静脉结构不清晰,且不能显示血流状态;CDFI与E-flow相比较,前者显示胎儿肺静脉血流欠连续,不易追踪肺静脉引流部位,后者血流连续,易于追踪引流部位。三种检查策略对12-22周的胎儿肺静脉的显示率由高到低依次为E-flow、CDFI、2-D,对23-40周的胎儿,E-flow和CDFI的显示率均高于2-D(P<0.001),而E-flow和CDFI对肺静脉的显示率没有明显差异(P=0.041>0.0167)。2胎儿肺静脉的内径及流速在332例胎儿中,以E-flow为引导, 4支肺静脉完全显示的胎儿有250例,将这250例胎儿的肺静脉的内径及流速进行统计,显示胎儿双侧肺静脉的内径及流速随孕周增长而增加,且内径与孕周、血流速度与孕周间存在直线相关关系,内径与孕周的相关系数为:rRPV=0.6726,rLPV=0.6947,P<0.001;收缩期流速与孕周的相关系数为:rRPV=0.5912,rLPV=0.5899,P<0.001;舒张期流速与孕周的相关系数为:rRPV=0.5933,rLPV=0.5428,P<0.001。对双侧肺静脉内径及流速进行配对样本t检验,表明右侧肺静脉内径较左侧宽(P<0.05),收缩期及舒张期流速较左侧快(P<0.05)。3胎儿肺静脉血流频谱正常胎儿肺静脉频谱包括S波、D波、A波, S波、D波均为正向波,多数胎儿S波的峰值流速大于D波,少数胎儿S波流速等于或小于D波,A波在多数胎儿表现为正向波,少数缺失或呈反向波。结论:1在胎儿超声心动图检查中,E-flow较二维超声及CDFI对中孕早期的胎儿肺静脉的显示率高,血流连续,不外溢,易于追踪肺静脉的引流部位。2随着孕周增长,正常胎儿的肺静脉内径逐渐增宽,收缩期及舒张期流速逐渐增快,且右肺静脉较左肺静脉内径稍宽,流速稍快。3正常胎儿肺静脉血流频谱包括S波、D波及A波,S波为心室收缩波,D波为心室舒张波,A波为心房收缩波。S波、D波均为正向波,A波常为正向波,偶表现为缺失或呈反向波。4产前超声检查时,以E-flow为引导,以肺为透声窗,可以更早期、更快速地检查胎儿肺静脉,筛查完全性肺静脉异位引流。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Objective: At present, the main examining methods of fetal pulmonary veins are two-dimensional ultrasound (2-D) and color doppler flow imaging(CDFI). But it is difficult to examine fetal pulmonary veins by ultrasound because of its thin wall, all chamber and low velocities. Enhance flow(E-flow) is a novel displaying technology of blood flow which improves spatial and temporal resolution by applying composite pulse emission technique. In addition, E-flow is capable of distinguishing the blood flow and surrounding tissue and offers high sensitivity to detect low blood flow. Now the application of E-flow receives good results in displaying the capillary perfusion of shallow organ tumour, kidney essence and infection course. The objective of this study is applying E-flow imaging technology in ultrasound examination of pulmonary veins, comparing E-flow with 2-D and CDFI and analysing them. These will be explored such as the ultrasound examining methods of fetal pulmonary veins, the superiority and feasibility of E-flow, the normal fetal pulmonary venous internal diameter and flow velocity and their variation rule with gestational weeks.Methods: 408 fetuses were randomly recruited from these who came to our hospital for pregnancy examination. After excluding the fetuses with those conditions which may influence fetal developing, 332 normal fetuses were selected as studying object at last. These selected fetuses were between 12 and 40 weeks, with a mean of 26 weeks. The pregnant women were between 21 and 39 years old. Their meaning ages were 27years old. Theα-10 Color Ultrasonoscope with SSD9130 convex array probe (3.0-6.0 MHz) (ALOKA, Japan) was used. Fetal echocardiographic examination condition was used and the picture was adjusted to the best condition. The pregnant women lied horizontally or slopingly. Firstly, the fetal structure was examined in order using the obstetrical application procedure. Then, the structure and function of the fetal heart were evaluated comprehensively by fetal echocardiographic mode. These views were used such as the fetal abdomen horizontal view, four chamber view, three blood vessel trachea view, left and right outflow tract view, aortic arch and ductus arteriosus arch view, superior and inferior vena ca long axis view and other unstandard views.The examining methods of fetal pulmonary veins were as the following. The four chamber view was displayed by cutting the fetal chest horizontally. The probe was moved to fetal head and the bilateral pulmonary veins drainage into the left atrium was visualized with E-flow. The pulmonary venous internal diameter, peak systolic and diastolic flow velocity were measured at the hilum of the lung. When the fatel pulmonary veins were not displayed satiiedly at four chamber view, we could inspect them by cutting its chest lengthwisely. Descending aorta long axis view would be displayed by lengthwise view at the left fetal back. Then the probe was moved to display the left lung, the left atrium, part of the descending aorta and the left pulmonary veins drainage into the left atrium with E-flow. The long axis views of superior and inferior vena ca was displayed by lengthwise view at the right fetal back. Then the probe was moved to display the right lung, part of the long axises of superior and inferior vena ca and the right pulmonary veins were visualized with E-flow. The images and the datas above were stored in the hard disk of the appliance. In addition, the visualization of fetal pulmonary veins was observed with CDFI at above-mentioned views. These datas about visualization of fetal pulmonary veins such as the number and flow continuity of visualized pulmonary veins was recorded respectively by E-Flow,CDFI and 2-D.SPSS13.0 statistical software wes used. Visualization ratios of the pulmonary veins by three methods were compared using McNemar’sχ2 test. P-value less than 0.0167 was considered statistically significant. The data of pulmonary venous internal diameter and flow velocity were expressed as mean±SD. The internal diameter and flow velocity of left and right pulmonary venous were compared using a paired t-test. P-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The relationships between the pulmonary venous parameters and the gestational weeks were analyzed by double variable regression. P-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results:1 The visualization ratios of the pulmonary veins and compare of the three methodsCDFI and E-flow were better than 2-D in visualization of pulmonary veins. The structure of fetal pulmonary veins wasn,t distinct and the flow condition couldn,t be visualized with 2-D. By CDFI, the fetal pulmonary venous flow was short of continuity and it is difficult to trace the location that pulmonary veins drainage to. By E-flow, the flow was continuous and tracing its drainage location was easy. The order of the three methods about pulmonary venous visualization ratios was E-flow,CDFI and 2-D from high to low for 12 to 22- week fetuses. The visualization ratios of E-flow and CDFI were higher than 2-D for 23 to 40-week fetuses(P<0.0167). But there was no difference between E-flow and CDFI(P=0.041>0.0167).2 The internal diameter and flow velocity of fetal pulmonary veinsAmong the 332 cases, there were 250 fetuses whose four pulmonary veins were visualized completely with E-flow. After calculating the 250 fetal pulmonary venous internal diameter and flow velocities, it indicated that the right and left pulmonary venous internal diameter and flow velocities increased with the gestational age. And there were linear relationship between internal diameter and weeks, flow velocities and weeks. The correlation ratios between internal diameter and gestational weeks were 0.6726 of right pulmonary veins, 0.6947 of left and their P value was less than 0.001. The correlation ratios between the systolic flow velocity and gestational weeks were 0.5912 of right pulmonary veins,0.5899 of left and their P value was less than 0.001. The correlation ratios between the diastolic flow velocity and gestational weeks were 0.5933 of right pulmonary veins,0.5428 of left and their P value was less than 0.001 too. The internal diameter and both the systolic and diastolic flow velocity of the fetal right pulmonary vein was significantly larger than the left (P<0.05).3 The fetal pulmonary venous flow spectrumThe normal fetal pulmonary venous flow spectrum included S we, D we and A we. S and D we were forward. The peak velocities of S we was faster than D we in most fetuses. The peak velocities of S we was slower than D we in few fetuses or they were equal. A we was forward in most fetuses and A we was absent or opposite in few fetuses.Conclusion:1 The visualization ratios of fetal pulmonary veins was higher with E-flow than with CDFI in early stage of the second trimester by echocardiography. The flow was continuous, no spillage and easy to trace the location of pulmonary venous drainage to with E-flow.2 Normal fetal pulmonary venous internal diameter and both the systolic and diastolic flow velocities increased with the gestational age. The internal diameter and the flow velocity of the fetal right pulmonary vein was larger than the left3 The normal fetal pulmonary venous flow spectrum included S we (we of ventricular systole), D we (we of ventricular diastole) and A we (we of atrial systole). Both S we and D we were forward. A we was forward usually and absent or opposite occasionally.4 The fetal pulmonary veins can be inspected earlier and faster with E-flow by pregnant ultrasonic examination with lung as sound window and total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage(TAPVD) can be screened.

【关键词】 E-flow;胎儿;肺静脉;超声心动图;
【Key words】 E-flow;fetus;pulmonary veins;echocardiography;
