
利奈唑胺(Linezolid,Zyvox,U-100766,PNU-100766,利奈唑酮,吗啉噁酮)为新型噁唑烷酮类抗菌药,由美国Pharmacia&Upjohn公司研究开发,2000年4月18日被美国FDA批准上市。近年来,抗生素的广泛使用甚至滥用,使细菌的耐药性日益严重,耐甲氧西林金葡球菌(MRSA),耐甲氧西林表皮葡萄球菌(MRSE),耐青霉素肺炎链球菌(PRSP),多重耐药性结核杆菌,尤其是耐万古霉素肠球菌(VRE)的出现,给临床治疗造成了困难。为了解决耐药菌感染不足,世界上许多制药公司和药物化学家正努力研制、设计筛选具有新化学结构,新作用机制或新作用靶点的新型抗菌药。利奈唑胺是历经30多年的研究而开发出的新一类抗菌药物。该类药物结构新颖,作用机制独特,主要抑制细菌蛋白合成的早期阶段,它选择作用于50S核糖体亚单位上与30S亚基的结合点,以阻止70S起始复合物的形成,从而抑制细菌蛋白质的合成。这种全新的作用机制使得噁唑烷酮(oxazolidinone)类抗菌药与其他抗菌药物无交叉耐药性而备受国内外医药界关注,在治疗耐多种药物的革兰氏阳性菌和结核杆菌感染方面显示出极好的前景,有望成为继磺胺类,喹诺酮类之后又一大类新型合成抗菌药。所以近年来,国内外众多研究者对其类似物研究较多,旨在研发出具有自己知识产权的活性类似物。利奈唑胺(Linezolid,(S)-N-((3-(3-氟-4-(4-吗啉基))-2-氧代-5-噁唑烷基))乙酰胺)其结构中含有药效必须的噁唑烷酮环,这就决定了合成的关键是关环反应,其所需的试剂较苛刻且昂贵;噁唑烷酮环5位碳原子的立体构型必须为S型,R型无效。本研究全面考察了利奈唑胺报道的合成路线,选择出了一条可行的全合成路线,并在该路线的基础上成功合成出了9个类似物供抑菌实验。利奈唑胺的合成,首先以吗啉和3,4-二氟硝基苯为原料,经取代,,酰化制得中间体N-苄氧羰基-3-氟-4-吗啉基苯胺,此后沿用专利WO 02085849的路线进行重复,参考其他文献,初步确定了一条最佳路线,并在其基础上进行改善。本研究关键中间体和最终目标产物的结构经~1H-NMR确认。

【Abstract】wWw.shuoshilunwen.com Linezolid (Zyvox,U-100766,PNU-100766) is a new oxazolidinone antimicrobial agent.Linezolid is discovered by Pharmacia & Upjohn Co.Ltd of America and sanctioned by FDA on April 18th 2000.In recent years, the extensive use of antibiotics and even abuse, the growing resistance of bacteria to make new infectious diseases continue to emerge. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidennidis (MRSE). penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae (PRSP), multidrug resistant-tubercule bacillus, particularly the appear of vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE),make it difficult for clinical treatment.To solve the problem of resistant infections, many of the world’s pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical chemists are striving to develop,design and screen a new antibacterial agents which has a new chemical structure, new mechani or new target. Linezolid is a new class of antibiotics through 30 years of research and development.This class of drugs has novel structure and unique mechani, it inhibit the synthesis of bacterial protein mainly in the early stages, role in the selection with the 50S ribosomal subunit of the 30S subunit point to prevent the formation of 70S initiation complex, thus inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis. This new mechani makes the oxazolidinone and other antibacterial agents he no cross resistance that it has attracted attention from the medical profession at home and abroad. It displayed an excellent prospect in the treatment of multi-drug-resistant Gram-positive bacteria and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. It is expected to become another major new synthetic antibacterial agents after sulfonamides and quinolone. So in recent years, more foreign and domestic researchers he study on its analogues,in order to develop its activity analogues which he their own intellectual property.Linezolid((S)-N-((3-(3-fluoro-4-(4-morpholinyl)phenyl)-5-oxo-2-oxazolinealkyl)methyl)acetamide)has the oxazolidinone ring in its structure that is pharmacophore. This determines the key is cyclization reaction in the synthesis, and the necessary reagents is very expensive. The 5-S configuration of the oxazolidone is necessary for antibacterial activity, R configuration is ineffective. This researh he completely studied linezolid’s synthetic route which he reported, and choose a possible total synthesis routes. On the basis of this improved route, we succesully synthesize 9 analogues for antibacterial screening.As for the synthesis of linezolid, we use morpholine and 3,4-difluoronitrobenz- ene as the starting material,via replacement,reduction,and acylation to gain the intermediate N-benzyloxycarbonyl-3-fluoro-4-anisidine.Then we he repeated the patent WO 02085849, and prefer other references to design a best route and improved it.Chemical structure of Linezolid and its intermediates has been confirmed by ~1H-NMR.

【关键词】 利奈唑胺;新型抗菌药;噁唑烷酮类;合成;工艺改善;
【Key words】 Linezolid;new type of antibacterial;agent oxazolidinone;synthesis;improved process;



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